Tag Archives: Vanessa Denison-Pender

Vanessa Denison Pender One Agency

One Great Agent – Vanessa Denison-Pender

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Vanessa Denison-Pender from One Agency Denison-Pender Property,  specialising in properties located from Stanwell Park to Woonona in the northern area of the Illawarra, NSW.

Vanessa has been in real estate for 10 years and she established her One Agency office just under 12 months ago, after being very active agents in the local area with leading franchises such as Ray White and McGrath.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love real estate because you get to work with real people in real life situations, people needing homes for their families, downsizing their needs, accommodating the elderly, buying and renting investment properties etc. etc and so it goes on.  I love being part of my local community. 

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The simplicity of the model and knowing that I’ve been doing it so long now that it really was time to do it for myself.  The One Agency model is a perfect vehicle that allows established agents to take the next step and the people are so nice too!

How is the brand working for you?
It’s a great brand that people seem to be recognising as a new ‘boutique’ style of agency.  We keep a simple, hands-on approach.  Being business owners attention to detail and client care is our guiding principle.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Absolutely, if you’re thinking ‘I can do this for myself’ it’s probably time to do it. Back yourself and get on with it.  It’s a bit scary, but worth it.  You get to have a great business and even better lifestyle.  Instead of giving away 50% of your hard earned commission and selling twice as many homes, you can sell less and still earn the same amount!  As my partner says, ‘it’s a no brainer’.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Will my agent give my property the service I’m looking for or just treat me a just another sale? How important is my business to them?