Tag Archives: staff management

One Agency Blog How Loyal Is Your Real Estate Team

How loyal is your real estate team?

When you’re running a team of agents and property managers, it’s important that you have their loyalty. But why is this important?

Summer is a popular time for agents to move to another agency or go out on their own. After a year of hard slog, even the best and most well-balanced agents suffer from end-of-year ennui and decide the grass looks greener somewhere else.

Keep your team motivated and on board

As real estate agents, we spend so much of our time building personal relationships with all types of vendors – past, present and future. We play the long game, hoping that these relationships will bear fruit down the track. If these home sellers like and trust us, and we stay in touch with them with useful information, we’ll be top of mind when it comes time to sell.

Part of the trust we engender is derived from the corporate brand. Many big real estate brands have been around for over a century. They’re familiar, recognised brands with the heft of history to back them up.

However, today the individual brand is becoming stronger than loyalty to a corporate brand. People buy and sell homes through people, not through a brand or business.