Tag Archives: real estate listings

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina: Change Your Mindset – Real Estate Listings

The start of September is usually the bumper season for real estate listings. 

Unfortunately this year has shown a decline of 20-30% of real estate listings, compared to the same time last year, according to CoreLogic.

For some agents this market is now a mental game – whether you take action or not will come down to your approach. Taking more action with calls or any type of prospecting to secure more listings with the wrong psychology is worthless.  

As far as your prospecting calls go, start with the right mindset and get yourself into a ‘state’ of mind – prospecting: hustle + fun = consistency = RESULTS!

Here are a few tips to get yourself and your head in the game for prospecting this spring:

  • Do something fun and happy before you get started. Being in a great state is key if you want to perform at a high level. Play your favourite pump up song, listen to an inspirational podcast or watch a motivational video on YouTube.

  • Connect with the end result and how you will feel after you have made the calls. It always feels good when you take quality action (aka action that produces a result).

  • Have an accountability partner and cheer each other on.