Tag Archives: real estate company rebrand checklist

One Agency - Is it time to tackle a real estate rebrand

Is it time to tackle a real estate rebrand?

As a real estate principal, you’ve no doubt spent a great deal of time growing your business and its reputation within your local neighbourhood. However, with client expectations and real estate best-practices evolving at a rapid rate, has your current brand reached its sell-by date?  

When was the last time you reviewed your brand and marketing messages? Is it time to consider a brand refresh or even a complete overhaul?

Rebranding your real estate agency provides you with an excellent opportunity to clarify your values and purpose, raise your real estate profile and attract new business. It also gives you a chance to audit your marketing collateral and refine the messages used to attract prospective home sellers, buyers and property investors.

Three steps to determine if it’s time for a rebrand

First, revisit your enthusiasm

How proud are you of your current brand? Do you still feel excited about it? Does it convey who you are and your point of difference? If the overall picture you present seems old and tired to you that’s probably the same way you’re being perceived to the outside world, i.e. future prospects.

Surprisingly, as difficult and time consuming as a rebrand can be, it can be equally as motivating. Revisiting your purpose, messaging and design elements can bring a fresh perspective to you and energise your staff, reuniting your team toward a common direction.

Second, review the competition

Take a look around at your nearest (and dearest) real estate competitors. When did they last update their branding? Are there any new kids on the block, with a fresh appeal and a strong drive to succeed? Check out your rankings on real estate portals, have you fallen behind?

Third, can you retain top talent?

High performing real estate agents are an ambitious bunch and need to feel part of an agency that’s cutting edge and progressive. A rebrand gives your business renewed potential to attract top performers and retain and reinvigorate your high profile agents, dissuading them from venturing to your competition or out on their own.