Tag Archives: Real Estate Coach

Lindy Harris Photo

How to move past your fear and become a principal

Five years ago, I was where you are now. Nervous and fearful about making the step up to principal, even though I had 15 years of being a successful agent under my belt.

But, at nearly 50 years old, this was my ‘now or never’ moment – and I didn’t want to live a life full of regret. So I gathered my courage and leapt.

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina – Tactics & Strategies For A Changing Real Estate Market

What new tactics and strategies are you using in this changing real estate market?

We all know that the spring selling season is an opportunity to make a significant amount of cash for the year.

The weather’s getting better (in most places) and people want to be in their new homes before summer and Christmas.

So, it’s super important that you make sure you’re generating leads, going on appointments, taking listings, putting buyers under contract and selling a lot of homes!

It is imperative that you ask high-gain and high-impact questions in order to  garner enough information to clearly identify and understand those needs. The most successful sales professionals are those who ‘sell by design, not by chance.’  If you have a strategy when asking questions, you increase your success rate.

Here are some real cut through questions to ask your prospects:  

  1. When do you see yourself doing something?
  2. If I come across a good buyer should I give you a call?
  3. I know you’re not selling but I would love to see your place, are you around this Friday or would the would weekend suit you better?
  4. Do you have any real estate plans in 2018 either buying or selling?

Know your ‘message’ and ‘outcome’ from the call. Sincerity, politeness and brevity, combined with a solid knowledge of your market, are the makings for a successful sales call. Follow these tips and watch your selling productivity rise this spring and start to identify your pipeline for the new year:

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina – Appointment Setting In A Slow Market

Why is it that some real estate agents are succeeding wildly today, while literally thousands more are finding it slow right now?

What separates those who are still making sales from those who are not? What is the key to succeeding in this market, or any market for that matter?

The answer is simple. Agents who are setting and going on appointments are producing, period. Even if listing stock is down, there are still sales occurring. The truth is, the more agents who believe it’s slow during winter, the better it is for you.

Even if there are less listings, you have less competition. Again, it is a mental market. Ultimately, it’s how you choose to look at it that makes it a ‘good’ or a ‘bad’ market.

So I dare you. No I double dare you! The next 3 months is all about setting an appointment challenge for each 30 day period. Have specific ideas and techniques that will lead to a breakthrough in the amount of appointments you set.

The intention is that you go on one or more hot appointment every single work day. Remember, when making phone calls ask yourself; what is my intention? The intention is super important as that leads to the result and outcome you seek for. 

Real Estate Market

A New You In Real Estate – Claudio Encina

A new year a new YOU. This can be your year if you decide to play the best version of you because only you know you.

Your habits come from your daily activities compounded over time. And your activities are the result of the choices you make in the moment.

These moments are what I call ‘micro moments ‘ where the decision can make you a success or lead to failure. If I asked you what are you searching for everyday, most people’s answer would be ‘Happiness’. So, how do you find happiness each day?

The answer is really simple just play the best version of YOU every day.  And crushing these ‘micro moments’ that come up each day. You see people who play, breathe, live and perform the best version of themselves each day have a high level of ‘happiness’. That creates energy, attitude and begins to affect your results, because of your vibration. Vibration is everything!!

Real Estate Market

A New Year Ahead In Real Estate Sales – Claudio Encina

How to align and create a new set of standards in real estate sales for 2018!

As we head into yet another new year, I think of the adage ‘what got me here in 2017, won’t get me there in 2018’ both personally and professionally.  

It comes down to knowing; what are your standards? The agents who succeeded this year had a set of disciplines, mindset and beliefs which they followed through no matter what was happening in the market place.

Successful people always raise their principles and standards to aim to become someone they have never been before. It’s like they demand more of themselves and it becomes a necessity in their life. 

For example, look at someone who goes to the gym 3 or 4 times a week – they usually have a set of standards and discipline that they do each week to get physically fit.  Look at their physical body after 90 days of disciplined, consistent training.

The same can be said  about your business. What are the disciplines that you are going to implement each week because you know each of these disciplines will have a massive impact on your business?

Know your daily number in 2018, meaning how many conversations you need to have daily that will guarantee your success and business because only you know you, and that number taps into your full ability and potential.

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina: Change Your Mindset – Real Estate Listings

The start of September is usually the bumper season for real estate listings. 

Unfortunately this year has shown a decline of 20-30% of real estate listings, compared to the same time last year, according to CoreLogic.

For some agents this market is now a mental game – whether you take action or not will come down to your approach. Taking more action with calls or any type of prospecting to secure more listings with the wrong psychology is worthless.  

As far as your prospecting calls go, start with the right mindset and get yourself into a ‘state’ of mind – prospecting: hustle + fun = consistency = RESULTS!

Here are a few tips to get yourself and your head in the game for prospecting this spring:

  • Do something fun and happy before you get started. Being in a great state is key if you want to perform at a high level. Play your favourite pump up song, listen to an inspirational podcast or watch a motivational video on YouTube.

  • Connect with the end result and how you will feel after you have made the calls. It always feels good when you take quality action (aka action that produces a result).

  • Have an accountability partner and cheer each other on.
Tom Panos

Tom Panos Shares His Listing Presentation Strategy

Agents can use rivals’ listing brochures as a way to stand out in the lounge room and position themselves as local experts.

As a coach to some of the top million dollar agents across Australasia, here’s a listing presentation tip to differentiate yourself that has proven to work.

Firstly, you need to visit the open homes in your farm area, collect brochures, making notes about the properties – and then bring this portfolio of marketing material and analysis to the listing presentations.

Then the next time you’re at a listing presentation you can sit in front of a vendor and say: 

“I’d like to let you know that when your home comes on the market you will be in competition, not in isolation. My job is to make sure that I know everything about every home that you’re up against. Let me show you the homes that your property is competing against.”