Tag Archives: real estate business

One Agency Blog Worklife Balance Become A Free Agent

Agents can become principals more easily with addition of new services

One Agency has added two new services to their turnkey solution, to make it easier than ever for agents to set up their own businesses, and keep more of their gross income.

One Agency founder and CEO Paul Davies said the group’s 620-plus agents and new recruits can now outsource their trust accounting and compliance, as well as their social media marketing to trusted, high-quality providers.

“A major obstacle that holds agents back from going out on their own is having to manage their own trust accounting and compliance. So we’ve solved that problem by establishing an alliance with Think Cloud Solutions, which can manage those crucial back-office tasks on behalf of the new business owner,” he said.

“Another issue is that some agents feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to handle their own social media. So we’ve solved that problem too, through an alliance with Bespoke Media, which can provide business owners with all the content they’d ever need”.

0 Percent

Industry leader calls Australia’s franchise model into question

The head of one of the industry’s biggest real estate groups has said franchise fees should be questioned, as they penalise agents for being successful.

“The more successful you are, the more you pay – that might make sense for a tax system, but it makes far less sense for a real estate system,” Paul Davies, One Agency’s founder and CEO, said.

Mr Davies added that this was the result of an old fashioned franchise business model that’s weighted heavily in the interest of the franchisor.



Mortgage brokers reveal why they’re getting into real estate

A tightening regulatory and lending environment has left many mortgage brokers struggling to grow their earnings. 

Now two leading brokers say they’ve found a solution to this problem – and the answer lies in real estate. 

After all, brokers and agents deal with the same clients – just at different stages in the property cycle. So it’s by no means a stretch to see how setting up an agency can increase and diversify a broker’s revenue stream. 

Doing more for your clients 

Martin Walmsley worked at a big four bank before jumping the fence to become a mortgage broker. Late last year, he added another string to his bow: real estate. 



Industry experts reveal the hidden costs of establishing your own brand

While having your name over the door can be an enticing prospect, three industry experts say many principals underestimate the financial and emotional costs of establishing a brand. 

And, as it takes time and energy from the core business, principals should consider all their options before striking out on their own. 

Why principals are jumping ship 

Over the past few decades, the franchise model had come to dominate the Australian real estate industry. Many principals joined the big groups lured by the brand recognition and support that came with a long-established name. 

Then the internet changed the rules of the game. As a result, more principals question the franchise system, and look into going it alone. 

After all, nobody wants to pay commissions to head office and surrender a lot of control if they get little perceived value in return. 

Starting from scratch 

Nic Fren, former Real Estate agent and now, founder of Bespoke Media Group, outlined some of the initial expenses principals face building a brand from the ground up. 

“A branding kit complete with logo and colour palettes is between $10,000 and $15,000 to create,” he said. 

“A good website costs a minimum of $5,000. On top of this, comes flags, A-frames, signage, shop front and the like – so it’s easy to see how it soon stacks up.”

All these costs need to be paid before your business turns a dollar. Then it takes at least six months to discover if you are going to get a return on this investment.

And while choosing logos and fonts might be exciting at first, it eats up valuable time and headspace that should be spent winning new clients. 

“The last thing you want to do as a business owner is worry about how your newsletter templates look.”

Time is money 

Tristin Hanna, co-founder of brand and design consultancy Thursday Design, said a brand roll-out can take up to a year to complete, once all touch-points are considered.  It therefore requires a commitment to both time and budget to be delivered effectively.

Google Img PaulD

Why making more sales in 2021 is less important than you think

Have you got a goal for 2021? If not, let me suggest a goal for you – one that might take you by surprise.

No, don’t aim to make more sales in 2021. Instead, set yourself the goal of making more profits.

Last year was crazy. But it wasn’t completely unexpected – because if you study history, you know crises happen from time to time. Sooner or later, another one will occur. Maybe next year; maybe next decade. Nobody knows. All we know is that another crisis is coming.

So in 2021, whether you’re an agent or a principal, your goal should be to become more profitable. That way, no matter what happens in your local market, your business will be sustainable.

Of course, one way to increase your profits is to win more listings. But it’s also possible to make more money while making fewer sales.

One Agency Group Blog Why Are So Many Agents Leaving Real Estate

Why Covid 19 has many agents thinking about leaving

Real estate has long been a ticket to easy money, of course the reality is VERY different.

Being part of a competitive industry that is subject to supply and demand market fluctuations means you have a fluctuating income. And, it can be challenging to stay on top of finances. As much as it is essential to prepare for rainy days, if you are not making a lot of money, this may not be possible.

The onset of Covid 19 and the economic and social implications of lockdown have brought the reality of this home to many.  Whilst some have re-evaluated their career choices and are considering leaving the industry, others took the opportunity to reflect on the way they operate in the industry.

While some people think that Agents keep every $ of commission they receive, the reality is very different. Whether you work within a franchised office, as a sole trader, or as a Principal, there are costs-for-doing business, and fee split responsibilities.  Whilst researching my book ‘How to Profit in Real Estate Business Ownership’ I found the cost to run many offices is as much as .90c in the dollar, leaving little margin for a rainy day.

During the lockdown period I spoke with many agents and business owners.

One Agency Blog Worklife Balance Become A Free Agent

Work-life balance: How to be a free agent

Many real estate professionals join the industry on the promise that their time will be their own. The idea is that if you put in enough effort, you can reap higher rewards than the average corporate salary. However, it is all too easy to end up working longer hours than ever before.

With the summer break upon us, it’s challenging to pin down clients while juggling parental responsibilities. This holiday period, hit the reset button and put some of the following work-life balance strategies into action:

Mind your mindset

The real estate industry has a natural ebb and flow, with busy times and quiet periods throughout the year and even the week. It is important to embrace the peaks and troughs without fighting them or panicking.

One Agency Blog Time To Rest And Rejuvenate

Real estate agents, it’s time to rest and rejuvenate

For some real estate professionals, this year has been tougher than most, particularly those in the major cities who’ve been met with an unexpected correction.

After a buoyant few years operating in a sellers’ market, with relaxed lending and healthy investor activity, the tables have turned in favour of buyers.

In some markets Agents now have to work harder – to win listings, and then achieve a satisfactory result for their clients.

For more experienced agents, this is a familiar part of the real estate cycle. Whatever the newspapers may be saying, it’s worth reminding ourselves that this is simply a ‘normal market’.

The good news is that people will always need to buy and sell property, and in a slower market there are still deals to be made – the trick is ensuring you are the one that sellers turn to.

As agents, we also need to prioritise our own wellbeing for the sake of our clients. Remaining calm, focussed and professional is essential, and the quiet selling period over Christmas is a great time to rest and come back to work feeling recharged.

One Agency Blog Switch Brands Silly Season

Why it makes sense to switch brands in the silly season

As the calendar year draws to an end, it’s quite common for real estate agents to start shopping around different real estate agencies to consider their options. In fact, the period from December through to February is prime time for agents switching real estate brands. Why is this?

Property campaigns come to a natural end

Often at the end of the year, there is a nice clean break between campaigns. Spring campaigns come to an end in November and December because consumers are generally away over this period, so sales slow down. While smart agents line up their new listings for the new year at this time, they tend to hold off on the marketing until after Christmas.

If you’re doing this anyway, it gives you time to start afresh. You can put in contracts under your new office and get off to a flying start.

One Agency Blog How Loyal Is Your Real Estate Team

How loyal is your real estate team?

When you’re running a team of agents and property managers, it’s important that you have their loyalty. But why is this important?

Summer is a popular time for agents to move to another agency or go out on their own. After a year of hard slog, even the best and most well-balanced agents suffer from end-of-year ennui and decide the grass looks greener somewhere else.

Keep your team motivated and on board

As real estate agents, we spend so much of our time building personal relationships with all types of vendors – past, present and future. We play the long game, hoping that these relationships will bear fruit down the track. If these home sellers like and trust us, and we stay in touch with them with useful information, we’ll be top of mind when it comes time to sell.

Part of the trust we engender is derived from the corporate brand. Many big real estate brands have been around for over a century. They’re familiar, recognised brands with the heft of history to back them up.

However, today the individual brand is becoming stronger than loyalty to a corporate brand. People buy and sell homes through people, not through a brand or business.

One Agency Highrise Building

What’s the value of a real estate franchise?

While an independent agency may be able to build up a loyal and repeat client base after years or even decades servicing the same location, a real estate franchise offers agents and principals a way to bypass this, to an extent, with a nationally recognised brand.

When home sellers look for someone to entrust selling or managing their most significant asset, they may feel more secure in dealing with an agency that has an established name and identity. But it’s also clear that the traditional franchise model in Australia comes with frustrations for successful principals – namely, having to hand over a significant percentage of your commissions, alongside high ongoing franchise fees.

With the real estate landscape changing in response to the internet, it’s worth reflecting on what value is derived from being part of a franchise and how much a national franchise brand contributes to your success.

An established brand and identity

There’s an inherent professionalism that comes with being part of an established franchise or network. This is conveyed in the brand messaging, corporate livery, the retail experience with standardised office fit-outs and the familiar templates bringing consistency to every piece of marketing, from stationery to signage, to the myriad of advertising materials.

One Agency - Is it time to tackle a real estate rebrand

Is it time to tackle a real estate rebrand?

As a real estate principal, you’ve no doubt spent a great deal of time growing your business and its reputation within your local neighbourhood. However, with client expectations and real estate best-practices evolving at a rapid rate, has your current brand reached its sell-by date?  

When was the last time you reviewed your brand and marketing messages? Is it time to consider a brand refresh or even a complete overhaul?

Rebranding your real estate agency provides you with an excellent opportunity to clarify your values and purpose, raise your real estate profile and attract new business. It also gives you a chance to audit your marketing collateral and refine the messages used to attract prospective home sellers, buyers and property investors.

Three steps to determine if it’s time for a rebrand

First, revisit your enthusiasm

How proud are you of your current brand? Do you still feel excited about it? Does it convey who you are and your point of difference? If the overall picture you present seems old and tired to you that’s probably the same way you’re being perceived to the outside world, i.e. future prospects.

Surprisingly, as difficult and time consuming as a rebrand can be, it can be equally as motivating. Revisiting your purpose, messaging and design elements can bring a fresh perspective to you and energise your staff, reuniting your team toward a common direction.

Second, review the competition

Take a look around at your nearest (and dearest) real estate competitors. When did they last update their branding? Are there any new kids on the block, with a fresh appeal and a strong drive to succeed? Check out your rankings on real estate portals, have you fallen behind?

Third, can you retain top talent?

High performing real estate agents are an ambitious bunch and need to feel part of an agency that’s cutting edge and progressive. A rebrand gives your business renewed potential to attract top performers and retain and reinvigorate your high profile agents, dissuading them from venturing to your competition or out on their own.  

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina – A New Approach To Listing Property

There is no better time than NOW to target new and future business.

As the market transitions you need to find new and better ways to do this, by developing a strategy around the ‘expired’s’ and the ‘withdrawn’s’.

Use a market monitor to build your real estate market knowledge or look through portals such as Property Finder or Corelogic to identify any expired or withdrawn listings. First you need to have form of process or a system to target the expired listing.

How do you get the ‘expired or withdrawn’s’ attention?

Have you ever thought about stopping to think what is my strategy when making a call or are you just doing the call without taking the time to know your exact outcome and hoping you may get the result you are after?

What if I said you could probably increase and maximise your result, just by taking the time to strategically think about your 30 second Impact Message’.

Paul and Annie Davies One Agency

2017 Another Year Of Record Growth At One Agency

One Agency looks back on another record breaking year across Australia & New Zealand as we enter the festive season.

“We are also celebrating our arrival in Fiji,” says Paul Davies, CEO & Founder, “with three offices pioneering the brand into the South Pacific region.”

Fiji is seen now as a stable internal real estate market and remains a very popular destination for overseas owners, especially in the Nadi, Lautola, Ba, Raki Raki western quadrant and on some of the many islands in and beyond the Mamanuca Group. One Agency will be represented by offices in Lautoka, Nadi and Flagstaff, in Suva.

“Our expansion across Australasia this past twelve months has been based around a mix of existing members expanding their businesses,” says Mr.Davies, “the arrival of market-leading agents wishing to remove themselves from the operating and income restrictions of larger offices and work alone, plus a substantial number of former franchisees and independent offices.”

“Of real note is the size and calibre of offices seeking to join us and these invariably create interest in similar nearby businesses who obviously watch their competitors! All up we can now boast over two hundred licenses allocated,” he says.

Amongst the innovations the company has delivered to its network this year is a members’ website holding templates of all of the brand collateral including stationery, property and agent advertising, marketing templates, reports, booklets and roadside signage. Members freely access the site, choose the required template, add their detail and send to printers, the media or signwriters. Another site carries all the company’s promotional materials that members can now purchase online.

A popular information-sharing, issue-resolving and referral tool, our members’ private Facebook Group, has again proved valuable to the network. A separate New Zealand Facebook Group was created early in the year to focus on Kiwi issues.

Real Estate Market

Real Estate Sales – How Proactive Are You?

The first quarter of the year has passed. How is it working out? Are you in flow?

Perhaps start by being totally proactive in the mornings . You see you can get 90 percent or more of your work done in the morning its called the Profit Zone!

How do you do this? Here some tips to make your mornings totally productive: 

First, I’m defining work as stuff that you do, important stuff. Ideally, meetings can be shoved out of the picture. 

Second, this approach is built on the Pareto principle. The Pareto principle states that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your efforts. Getting your work done in the morning means that you can take a leaner approach to the important tasks–a smart approach.

1. Schedule your day the night before.
Every day, you should list all your tasks and when you’re going to do them the following day. You will not be productive unless you plan out everything you’re going to do the next morning.

Quick tip: Don’t schedule too much. Keep it simple such as going to smash 30 calls (old OFI books or past clients).

2. Clean your office the night before.
Clutter in your office creates distractions. A sticky note on your desk that says “Call Bob ASAP!” can throw off your whole day.

Showing up to work in a spic-and-span environment helps you to think clearer and work harder.

3. Wake up at an ungodly hour.
To really get stuff done, you’ve got to get up in time to make it happen.

I recommend anytime from 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. If your morning routine takes a little longer, bump your wake-up time back a little more.

Obviously, you’ll need to adjust your bedtime accordingly.

4. Exercise.
Scientific evidence shows that morning exercise can make us think better, work better, and become more productive.

I read a book from Harvard’s John Ratey – Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. He writes that exercise is essential for reaching “high-performance levels in intellectually demanding jobs.” Ps. Real Estate

A quick run or 30-minute yoga session in the morning can prepare you for a powerful session of getting stuff done.

5. Stick to your schedule.
Don’t let yourself get off the course that you’ve mapped out. You have a limited amount of time. Don’t ruin the schedule.

Take your schedule, allow it guide you, and you’ll be able to accomplish more.

6. Give yourself 20 minutes to reach flow.
Flow is when you’re in the zone. This happens when you are completely absorbed in your activity, single mindedly accomplishing things at a high level and rapid pace.

It takes some time to reach flow, so if you don’t feel productive or engaged in your work, just give it some time.

Real Estate Business Trevor Leslie

Independent Real Estate Business Expands With One Agency

Trevor Leslie made the move from Independent and opened One Agency Trevor Leslie Group in August 2015.

Their real estate business covers Baulkham Hills, Northmead, Winston Hills and North Rocks in Sydney, NSW.

“We knew we couldn’t survive as an independent real estate agency and so interviewed several franchise proposals. We were searching for something dynamic. That is where One Agency has the edge, they are fresh in the market, the branding is amazing and we wanted to work with the offices around us,” says Trevor, who started his real estate career in 1982.

“Our decision has been proven to be correct. One Agency has produced for us the opportunity to compete against all the other agencies and win on the majority listings.”

They had traded since 2003 as an Independent Real Estate Business under the name Trevor Leslie Real Estate and wanted to take the company to the next level.

“We looked at several other options and One Agency stood out as the new direction for us. We had spoken to several other franchise groups and they were extremely difficult to deal with. Paul Davies and John Stewart offered what we were seeking, the agreement was fair therefore it was an easy decision. Head Office don’t take our money and spend it on unnecessary expensive promotions. ” 

Trevor reports that the set up with One Agency was delightful, and they were able to complete the paperwork, set up the business model and use the simple branding guidelines to have their office refitted.

“It was the easiest move, Head Office are so well organised,” he says. “They are like family, always there when you need them, you really couldn’t ask for more and I am so grateful for their support.”

Tom Panos

Tom Panos: Change Your Story, Change Your Life

In this week’s blog, Tom Panos looks at who we are, not just as real estate agents, but as people:

We all get caught up in our stories. 

Most of us think we are our stories. The problem is that when these stories take on a life of their own and that life isn’t the one we want.

That’s when things start to suck.

Are you happy with the story you are living now?

Who wrote it?

Did you create it or was it simply shaped by your parents, friends, society, or even the media?

The story you’re living in right now is only a chapter. 

You can write the next chapter of your story. 


Tom Panos

Real Estate – Secrets of Million Dollar Agents – Tom Panos

The true secret to real estate lies in the fact that those who want success the most are the ones who end up the most successful.

The trick is, if you want it more, you actually see more people, and the agent that generates the most appointments wins in real estate – end of story.

Make rejection your best friend. Establish yourself in the market, not in the office. Other agents in your office do not pay your mortgage, vendors pay your mortgage. Let go of the addiction to being liked by everyone.

Diagnose then Prescribe

Agents should act like doctors and try to make a diagnosis at their listing presentations by asking the right questions in order to determine the right path forward with clients.

Million-dollar agents ask questions, rookies make statements. And when I ask million-dollar agents about their biggest source for new listing opportunities, they say “open houses”.

Every buyer that you speak to must be asked this question, ‘Is this your first purchase in the area or your second?’ because if it’s their second purchase then they’re a potential vendor.

Agents should also be looking at every listing within their market by attending open for inspections and seeing what their competitors are doing differently.


Independent real estate agency

Independent Real Estate Agency – Why Neil & Helena Mani Chose One Agency

Neil and Helena Mani have returned to their roots on the Central Coast, where they both grew up, to build their business; One Agency Neil & Helena Mani in the Gosford, East Gosford and Springfield areas.

Prior to their move back home from Queensland, and opening their One Agency business in December 2015, they had an independent real estate agency –  Smart Real Estate Mackay for 2 years, and were with Ray White Mackay for 8 years.

This dynamic team are a force to be reckoned with in real estate sales, with more than 20 awards to their name and 24 years of combined experience in the real estate industry. Neil and Helena were also the No.1 Auction Agents in North Queensland from 2009 to 2015 and ‘Elite Performers’ in the top 5% of the international sales force of Ray White.

They are one of many high achieving and motivated agents turning to One Agency for the business model that makes it simple and affordable for driven agents to establish their own agency, free from the classic constraints, costs and complexities of a franchise.

“We sold our rent roll in Mackay to First National and we considered going with them, but the One Agency business model and branding were stronger and a better choice for us,” says Helena.

“We had wanted to join One Agency since 2009  – we are friends with Craig Higbid who had the first One Agency on the Central Coast and now it’s a very strong brand in the region.”

Because they had started an independent real estate agency before, they had their admin platform ready and just needed to change the branding. Plus the checklists and support provided by One Agency were effective and helped get them set up in a fast, effective manner.

Tom Panos

Tom Panos: How To Win More Listings

“The agent who generates the most appointments will win,” says Tom Panos, a leading real estate coach and trainer.

Those who want success the most are the ones who end up with it.

“If you want to win more listings, you simply have to see more people. The agent who generates the most appointments wins in real estate – end of story,” he says.

Successful agents are not only ok with rejection; they use it to propel them to continue prospecting.

“Establish yourself in the market, not in the office. Other agents in your office do not pay your wages. Vendors pay your wages. Let go of the addiction of being liked by everyone.”

Bryan Gamarra One Agency

This Real Estate Agent Says ‘You’ll Never Look Back’

Real Estate Agent, Bryan Gamarra from One Agency Gammarra & Co. in North Canberra, ACT, joined One Agency in June 2015. 

He’s been in real estate for almost nine years.

“I heard about One Agency through a buddy of mine during a business dinner we had as we were discussing the possibility to open our own real estate business. What attracted me to One Agency was the simple, no fuss and inexpensive business model,” says Bryan.

It was important to him to keep his rental leads and grow a dynamic rental portfolio. He also liked that he could work his choice of hours and not have to work a typical 9-5.

“I really enjoy helping people. The feeling I get when I give back to the community is what drives me as a real estate agent.”

The set up process into his new business was simple and straightforward and head office helped with their responsive support. Plus the other local members in Canberra offered their time and expertise.


One Agency Conference 2015 Paul & Annie Davies

One Big Connection at the One Agency Conference

Last week saw our members come together from across Australia to the Langham Hotel in Sydney for our annual One Agency Conference.

It was a day when new members met more established members, faces were put to names and lots of knowledge and experience was shared.

John Stewart, our Australasian Membership Consultant was our MC for the day and he did a stellar job. John has been a major player in our move into New Zealand and we are thrilled to announce our first One Agency office has opened there  this week.

Tom Panos presented for us again, in his inimitable style and bringing great ideas and energy to the stage. Tom shared  some great tips on helping create your best financial year ever. His wealth of knowledge was as insightful and inspiring as ever.

The hotel put on a fabulous lunch and gave everyone a chance to catch up and kick back. Nick Bendel, Editor at REB online joined us for part of the day along with other guests and One Agency suppliers.

Independent, Licensee, Franchisee or Marketing Group?

If you’re a real estate agent navigating the minefield of setting up your own real estate business, no doubt you’re considering which business model will suit you and your wallet best. Will it be Independent, Licensee, Franchisee or Marketing Group?

But what is most important? Is it choosing the right business model? Or is the individual agent and their ability to attract listings more critical? We believe that the agent is the most important and key element to success, so there’s no one correct choice as to which business model is right for you.

Some recent statistics on a REB+ article called ‘Employer of Choice’ recently showed that a majority of agents want to start as an independent agency rather than entering via an expensive and tightly controlled franchise. Given the choice, most agents want the freedom to run their own business in their own way.

At One Agency, that’s what we offer. We attract many highly successful real estate agents who want to secure their own financial future by setting up a real estate business. Most of them have looked at the figures for setting up an independent brand and know that it will cost them big bucks and put unnecessary strain on a new business starting up. They also understand that it’s likely to take far longer to establish themselves in the marketplace.

Real Estate Franchise

Why Traditional Real Estate Franchise Models Are Outdated

Running a franchise real estate business can be costly, but it’s almost impossible, as a new independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in the local marketplace. We’d go so far as to say franchise models are outdated.

Buying into established franchise models is an obvious way to get set up, but it’s both constraining and expensive.

Typically, if you run a franchise business, you are faced with brand restrictions and high costs. You’ll have to pay a percentage of your income to the franchise and they usually work on a penalty system. The more you make, the more you pay with multiple fees involved. 

There’s on-going reporting, operating parameters and expensive shop-front leases plus fit outs to be paid for. You must keep your expenses well under the expected income you can generate to have a profitable and sustainable business.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency Real Estate Group Conference 2015

We’d like to extend an invitation to all principals and staff to our biggest event ever on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 at The Langham, Sydney.


You’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet other members and join in with our ever popular ‘sharing & learning session’ with our exclusive panel of One Agency members.

We also have two great speakers lined up and at the end of the day there’ll be drinks & canapés in the drawing room of this beautiful hotel to unwind and socialise.


Tom Panos
Real Estate Advertising Director for News Ltd & Leading Real Estate Auctioneer

Tom is regarded as Australia’s premier authority on Real Estate marketing and considered by his peers and Australia’s leading real estate agents as the No. 1 educator and thought leader in his field. We are excited to have enticed him back to us for this event.


Phil Harris
Managing Director/Auctioneer, Harris Real Estate

Phil Harris is fast becoming one of the foremost real estate speakers in the country. As the founder and Managing Director of Harris Real Estate, Phil has a passion and acute knowledge of what it takes to become a market leader and enjoys inspiring others to do the same. He is always thrilled to share his experiences and ‘recipe for success’ with an audience.


One agency Conference Langham 2015


The cost is $395 + GST per ticket (bulk discount available for the purchase of 5 or more tickets per office). Please note that this is a not for profit event and represents exceptional value. Upon receipt of your payment, your ticket will be issued and your seat confirmed. Tickets are non-refundable, but may be transferred.

Invitations will be mailed out to members over the next few weeks. To book please contact Rita Mann on 1300 79 23 88 or via email.



At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
T  +61 2 8039 2110 (International)

One Agency Real Estate Business Network Growth

At One Agency Head Office we are almost ready with our new website.

There will be some smart features and a fresh new design. Karin at One Agency Head Office has been working hard on the project and the design elements are almost complete. Testing of the site will start over next few weeks so we can be sure it’s all working prior to the launch. 

We’re also pleased to announce that we now have more than 200 members appearing on our website and we’ve signed another 10 members since the beginning of the year.

It’s wonderful to see so many new people joining the group and prospering in their own real estate businesses. Last week we interviewed Tanya Williams who set up her One Agency business in Queensland last year, you can read the article here.

Robert Mure One Agency

Why Robert Mure Chose One Agency For Real Estate Business

One Agency For Real Estate: Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Robert Mure from One Agency Robert Mure, in Koo Wee Rup in Victoria. Robert has been a real estate agent for the past 6 years and has had his real estate business with One Agency for the past 2 years.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
It’s all about the people you meet and helping them to achieve their dreams.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
I had a look at the various real estate franchises, but they were expensive to set up and run, very restrictive and their branding tired. One Agency is simple to set up with lots of assistance from head office, great branding and the freedom to run your business to suit yourself.

How is the brand working for you?
Great. It’s fresh and new in our area and attracts plenty of interest. Everyone likes it. Even some of the opposition have had positive comments!

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Absolutely. If you are determined and want to go out on your own then this is the way to do it.

One Agency Real Estate business

One Great Real Estate Business Opportunity for 2015

What New Year resolutions have you made for 2015? 

If you want to have a more secure future as a real estate agent then you’ve likely been thinking about how you can retain more of your hard earned commission, and your real estate business opportunity for 2015.

It’s obvious to most that you’ll do better if you have your own real estate business, but if you’re concerned it’ll be too hard to do it alone read on… there are smarter ways to get started. See what Paul Davies, Managing Director of One Agency has to say about setting up for yourself:

“I only wish one agency had been around twenty years ago when I was setting up businesses because honestly it’s a no brainer. The business of the future is simple light-weight, effective and economical that’s what One Agency represents. I was a franchisee for twenty years and there were lots of restrictions. Why? Who likes them? At One Agency there’s no restrictions, you do business the way you like to do business, it’s what you’re good at. Make it enjoyable and make it profitable. The future is yours to choose.”



One Agency is different and we love the fact that it’s different. We’re a licensing arrangement, not a franchise, it’s a more efficient and economical solution for agents where they can operate their own business at a fraction of the cost of a usual real estate business and keep 100% of their fees.

We work very closely with agents to maximize their income,then we make sure they keep as much of that income as possible. We work very closely on the bottom line, it’s called profit. That’s what we’re good at and that’s what we deliver.

Don’t let fear hold you back from taking control of your own financial future this year. 

Watch some of our members talk about their experience with One Agency here.

At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
+61 2 8039 2110 (International)



One Agency Christmas 2014

A Toast to the Festive Season from Paul Davies MD of One Agency

It’s that crazy time of year again as we run around in preparation for the festivation season, attending school concerts and braving the Christmas shopping queues.

I’m sure that you’re all busy making sure that your sales, rentals and businesses are managed through the holidays of this festive season.

We’ve had another extremely productive year here at One Agency and have almost doubled the number of members joining the group. With one new member from the Northern Territory, we are now in all States and Territories of Australia. 

Rita and Karin have been joined at Head Office this year by Therese, Emma and Darelle. Between them, they’ve managed the huge growth we’ve seen, and I thank them all for their contribution to our group. The One Agency brand is getting more and more exposure in the market place and we look forward to welcoming in more real estate professionals in 2015.

With enquiries pouring in from across the Tasman, we are also investigating establishing operations in New Zealand, to offer these real estate agents the same great opportunity as our Australian members.

Many of you will be pleased to hear that we’ve been working on the new One Agency website and it’s looking great. It will be a beautiful design, easy to navigate and have lots of excellent new features. Launch is due early in the New Year.

Kate Maday One agency

Why Kate Chose the One Agency Brand for Real Estate Business

Kate Maday was working in real estate in the Coffs Harbour area when she discovered One Agency.

She knew of Joanne Vines, a super successful agent who had been working with a large franchise in the area. Kate then watched Joanne open her own business: One Agency Joanne Vines.

Kate says, “The brand jumped out at me. It was so professional, clean and striking!”

When Kate decided to set up her own business in the Southern Highlands, there were many factors to consider. Good business systems were essential and when she looked into the One Agency Group, she saw that there was a real structure to the brand with the delivery of professional real estate services.

“It was also important to me to know who was at the helm of the business and assess if I aligned with their style and thinking. Paul Davies definitely ticked those boxes for me, he’s so passionate about the brand and he makes the journey so exciting. We were absolutely busting to get started.” 

Kate also wanted a brand that would suit her personality and one that would give her plenty of freedom in operating her own business. Set up fees, ongoing costs and the brand guidelines were also factored into Kate’s decision to join.

Together with husband Andrew, Kate started One Agency Maday Property covering the areas of Bowral, Burradoo and Mittagong. They opened for business at the end of January 2014.