Tag Archives: Real estate brand


How to be an effective leader in times of change

There’s an ancient saying: ‘may you live in interesting times.’ No two ways about it, so far, the 2020s have been very ‘interesting’!

We’ve experienced an extraordinary boom, the likes of which most have never experienced. And, thanks to the pandemic, some massive technology shifts have had a huge impact on how we do business. 

Now, as we settle back into doing business in an open society we are contending with the twin challenges of interest rate uncertainty and rising rates of inflation

Change may be inevitable. But it can also provoke anxiety – especially when a large amount happens in a short space of time. And while it’s easy to be a good leader when things are going smoothly, in challenging times a different approach is required.

So what can principals do to support their agents and other staff through uncertain times?

Be nurturing 

Everyone’s different. So while some people thrived in the Covid years with virtual tours, Zoom meetings, and the plethora of new technologies; others struggled. In my, post-covid conversations, with One Agency principals across Australia and New Zealand, I’ve heard there’s a fresh set of challenges. Staff are adjusting to their personal challenges of being back in an office environment, only to have to contend with a tightened market with rising inflation and interest rates, and these factors are having an impact on performance.


One Agency Group Blog 8 Key Habits To Help Your Business Banner

How to be an effective leader in times of change

There’s an ancient saying: ‘may you live in interesting times.’ No two ways about it, the last two years have been very ‘interesting’ for the real estate industry. 

On the one hand, we’ve enjoyed an extraordinary boom, the likes of which most people have never experienced. On the other, the pandemic has had a massive impact on how we do business. Overnight, everything changed, as face-to-face was replaced with virtual and kitchen tables were converted into offices.

Change may be inevitable. But it can also provoke anxiety – especially when a large amount happens in a short space of time. And while it’s easy to be a good leader when things are going well, it’s been a different challenge during covid. 

So what can principals do to support their agents through both the changing market and the strange world in which we’re now living?

Be nurturing 

Everyone’s different. So while some agents have thrived in the new normal of virtual tours and Zoom meetings, others have struggled. In my conversations with One Agency principals around Australia, many have told me that covid has had a big impact on agents’ personal lives, which in turn has affected their job performance.

That’s probably not a surprise. For any agent used to working in a busy office, it may have felt isolating when they found themselves working alone for months on end. 

Then there are the additional personal challenges of dealing with vaccinations, home-schooling and, maybe, a diminishing income. 

My advice? Remember as a leader that your interpersonal skills are just as important as your sales skills. So nurture your agents by: 

  • Spending more one-on-one time with your agents to keep up their morale and make them feel valued 
  • Working hard to make all your agents feel like part of the team – not just the ones with the highest GCI 
Google Img PaulD

Group boss tells agents how to prepare for changes in 2022

The founder and CEO of One Agency has warned real estate professionals to start preparing for a very different and possibly slower market in 2022.

Paul Davies’ forecast, based on numerous indicators, price growth may slow in 2022. Traditionally, first in the capital cities and then the regions, and that days on market, accordingly, would increase. As a result, agents and principals will have to manage an environment with less turnover.

Mr Davies gave five reasons why he expected a slowdown in 2022.

“More stock is reportedly already coming onto the market. That means buyers can be more discerning and won’t have the same fear of missing out (FOMO) they experienced throughout 2021,” he said.

“Finance will become harder to get and more expensive. APRA tightened lending criteria in late 2021 and might do more tightening in 2022. Meanwhile, interest rates are likely to drift higher, continuing a trend that started in late 2021”.

“At the same time, there will be more talk about the Reserve Bank increasing the cash rate. That will be enough to dampen buyer confidence – even if the rate rise fails to occur.”

Mr Davies said the 2022 federal election would also negatively affect the market.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my half-century in real estate, it’s that a lot of buyers suspend their decision-making before and after an election, as they wait to see how things will play out,” he said.


Mortgage brokers reveal why they’re getting into real estate

A tightening regulatory and lending environment has left many mortgage brokers struggling to grow their earnings. 

Now two leading brokers say they’ve found a solution to this problem – and the answer lies in real estate. 

After all, brokers and agents deal with the same clients – just at different stages in the property cycle. So it’s by no means a stretch to see how setting up an agency can increase and diversify a broker’s revenue stream. 

Doing more for your clients 

Martin Walmsley worked at a big four bank before jumping the fence to become a mortgage broker. Late last year, he added another string to his bow: real estate. 


Google Img PaulD

Why making more sales in 2021 is less important than you think

Have you got a goal for 2021? If not, let me suggest a goal for you – one that might take you by surprise.

No, don’t aim to make more sales in 2021. Instead, set yourself the goal of making more profits.

Last year was crazy. But it wasn’t completely unexpected – because if you study history, you know crises happen from time to time. Sooner or later, another one will occur. Maybe next year; maybe next decade. Nobody knows. All we know is that another crisis is coming.

So in 2021, whether you’re an agent or a principal, your goal should be to become more profitable. That way, no matter what happens in your local market, your business will be sustainable.

Of course, one way to increase your profits is to win more listings. But it’s also possible to make more money while making fewer sales.

Paul and Annie Davies One Agency

2017 Another Year Of Record Growth At One Agency

One Agency looks back on another record breaking year across Australia & New Zealand as we enter the festive season.

“We are also celebrating our arrival in Fiji,” says Paul Davies, CEO & Founder, “with three offices pioneering the brand into the South Pacific region.”

Fiji is seen now as a stable internal real estate market and remains a very popular destination for overseas owners, especially in the Nadi, Lautola, Ba, Raki Raki western quadrant and on some of the many islands in and beyond the Mamanuca Group. One Agency will be represented by offices in Lautoka, Nadi and Flagstaff, in Suva.

“Our expansion across Australasia this past twelve months has been based around a mix of existing members expanding their businesses,” says Mr.Davies, “the arrival of market-leading agents wishing to remove themselves from the operating and income restrictions of larger offices and work alone, plus a substantial number of former franchisees and independent offices.”

“Of real note is the size and calibre of offices seeking to join us and these invariably create interest in similar nearby businesses who obviously watch their competitors! All up we can now boast over two hundred licenses allocated,” he says.

Amongst the innovations the company has delivered to its network this year is a members’ website holding templates of all of the brand collateral including stationery, property and agent advertising, marketing templates, reports, booklets and roadside signage. Members freely access the site, choose the required template, add their detail and send to printers, the media or signwriters. Another site carries all the company’s promotional materials that members can now purchase online.

A popular information-sharing, issue-resolving and referral tool, our members’ private Facebook Group, has again proved valuable to the network. A separate New Zealand Facebook Group was created early in the year to focus on Kiwi issues.

Real Estate Market

How Do You Level Up To The Property Buyer Experience?

Buyers are everywhere and your next property buyer could also be your next seller.

With many property buyers in the market coming through open homes and a stack of new email enquiries hitting your inbox each day, how can you come from a place to provide a higher level of experience?

Rapport opens doors. To build rapport you need a strategy to level up the buyer experience and help the buyer to not feel like just another number. Working with all the buyers that you are meeting at open homes on the weekend is about having an effective buyer management plan to create buyer relationships.

Some of the top achievers in this industry work their buyers to generate new and future business. The most effective way to service the buyers is come from a place of ‘Help’ rather than ‘Sell’.

Most agents tend to come from a place of sell rather than taking the time to help buyers. Look to add value more than any other agent using ‘Value Hooks’. For example, look at providing a Comparative Market Analysis of the last 6 month sales in the area they are looking to purchase or provide some type of report to where they are looking to buy, that’s help.

Independent Real Estate Agency

Ex-Franchise and Independent Real Estate Agency Owners Choose One Agency

Stephen & Jacqui Johnston joined the One Agency Group in New Zealand in January 2016 as One Agency Dunedin.

With a combined 56 years of real estate experience in Dunedin, Jacqui and Stephen have owned and operated an Independent Real Estate Agency and a RE/MAX Franchise.

“We first noticed One Agency with their classy email campaign and strong branding,” says Stephen. “When we looked into the group further, the vibrancy, number and sheer calibre of people they were attracting really appealed. We had been with RE/MAX for 6 years but it just didn’t resonate for us any more.”

“We weren’t keen on another joining another complicated franchise and initially our thoughts were on creating our own brand,” says Jacqui. “But we realised how much time would be wasted in starting from scratch as an independent real estate agency, and our business momentum would have suffered.”

“One Agency offered a better platform than being an independent for attracting other agents to join us,” she says.

The pair felt the timing to be right and the fact that One Agency were flexible with the launch date helped them to make the decision to choose this successful real estate brand.

“Plus the set up costs were minimal,” says Jacqui, “there were no built-in costs for things we didn’t want or need and also the bonus of low on-going fees. After having a chat with John Stewart, the Head of Australasian Membership, we felt it was a good fit. We wanted to be part of their successful journey.”

Their business set up was simple and straightforward as they already had an existing operation and so managed to hit the ground running.

After only 8 months of operation, they are progressing with their projected expansion and cover the Otago region as One Agency The Property Specialists, bringing with them vast experience in Residential Sales, Property Management, House and Land Packages, Subdivisions, Lifestyle and Rural, Commercial and Industrial.

Real Estate Franchises

Leading Real Estate Brand Forecasts Failure of High Overhead Franchises

Paul Davies, CEO and Founder of One Agency Real Estate Group, has forecast the failure of high overhead businesses and particularly franchises as many areas head into uncertain market conditions and economic times.

Speaking from the 300 strong Australian and New Zealand-wide group’s headquarters in Sydney today, Mr. Davies predicted that high overhead businesses will struggle in a slowing property market, where the rate of price growth for residential properties has diminished in recent months, less turnover of properties, and pressure on maintaining agents fee levels as competition to survive increases.

“Franchise offices in particular have added overheads, and may have difficulty maintaining the narrow profit margins, creating added stress to meet their high overheads,” he says.

“I believe that many offices will close. The first will be ones with the slimmest profit margins, gradually followed by many others. I would go as far as to suggest, some franchises groups, that struggle to provide a fair exchange for fees, where their franchisees cannot justify the costs, will become irrelevant and cease to exist.”

Read more as reported by REB online today.

Mark Mitchell One Agency

Mark Mitchell Invests Commission Back Into His Own Business

Mark Mitchell opened his One Agency business in January 2016 and is trading as One Agency Mark Mitchell Real Estate in the Geelong region of Victoria.

He wasn’t interested in going with a traditional franchise and didn’t want to take the risk of setting up as an independent agent, so the One Agency business model appealed to him.

“Being my own boss and also the decision maker was a big deciding factor for me,” says Mark, who has worked in real estate for the past 5 years. “I also love to have the flexibility to make challenging calls on winning a listing or losing one.”

Other factors that resonated with Mark were: receiving 100% of his commission directly back into his business. He also flags that cash-flow in any business is critical and so being paid in a timely manner was a huge factor.

“To wait a month after settlement to get paid for work I busted my butt off to get was so frustrating,” he says. “It really annoyed me, how, as the agent I was always the one who got paid last, weeks after the office and marketing were paid. I saw a lot of agents leave the industry because of this.”

“I was spending thousands on marketing myself and branding the company’s name, mostly  out of my own pocket, then having to split a great chunk of it away. I thought that if I’m paying to brand someone else’s business myself, with no marketing budget allowance from them, then I’d be better off spending my money on my own business, keeping all the commission and invest it back into marketing for myself.”

Prepare their property for market

How to Convert your Vendors to a Property Makeover


As a real estate agent, with each listing you sign, you will deploy all the usual traditional and digital marketing strategies to get the property seen by every potential buyer possible. A property makeover can mean a more profitable and efficient sale, increased purchaser competition and a shorter time on the market. We all know how much easier it can be to sell a beautifully presented property.

Here are some of the questions and answers that your vendors may have about property styling and ways to help sell the idea of some professional styling services.

What exactly is a pre-sale property makeover?

A pre-sale property makeover is the carefully developed strategy and then the practical implementation of the steps required to transform a property into its best light. It is designed to uncover the hidden gems of an individual property, and to create buyer appeal to the right market along with the guidance of a real estate agent.  These value-add strategies are accomplished through coordinated appraisal, planning, and implementation with the help of a property makeover specialist and can make tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars difference to the sale price.

Why is it important to prepare a home for sale?

A property should never go stale by sitting on the market for too long. When a property is first listed, if marketed properly, presented well and of course if vendor expectations are realistic and within current market conditions, to it should generate enough interest to sell within a fairly short period of time. Timing is a crucial factor, market sentiment is a great influencer, and profit maximisation depends on the property’s appeal and value to the prospective buyer at the best time to sell – when it first goes on the market.

One Agency

Illawarra Real Estate Agent Chases 3rd Sydney to Hobart Win

Illawarra real estate agent, Wollongong’s Ty Oxley and owner of One Agency Oxley Property Group will be part of the Perpetual Loyal crew for the Sydney to Hobart yacht race this Boxing Day.

A former professional sailor, Ty has sailed and competed in ten Sydney to Hobart yacht races and has been on the winning crew twice, once on Perpetual Loyal in 2011.

“I left Wollongong when I was 16 years old, and followed my dream of sailing career on the race circuit in Italy and France,” he says. “Ocean racing is in my blood, there’s nothing better than flying down the coast in the middle of the night, surfing down waves and hoping not to get wiped out! The thrill is amazing.”

It’s a busy time of year for Ty, who opened his real estate business earlier this year (2015) but he’s hoping to have most of his work done by the time the starting cannon fires in Sydney Harbour on December 26th.

As an engineer for Sydney to Hobart line honours contender Perpetual Loyal, the Illawarra real estate agent will make sure that all the systems are in place, trouble-shoot any issues, as well as helping set the 100-foot maxi on the right course.

Warkworth NZ real estate One Agency

Huge Enquiry in New Zealand for the One Agency Brand

One Agency this month celebrated the opening of its second office in New Zealand since launching the first, in Warkworth in late August.

The new member, Naomi Brooking and her team of five commenced this week in the Porirua market and will shortly launch in Johnsonville and Khandallah, New Zealand. With a number of listings already being promoted, Brooking seems on course to maintain her market-leading record in the region.

In Warkworth, Rob, Teresa and Martin Hall from One Agency The Hall Property Group have celebrated their first sales and feature numerous listings.

“Interest is massive, our simple, strongly branded model proving of huge interest to top performing agents seeking their own business and to office owners who can no longer justify the franchise fees demanded by the historic brands,” commented John Stewart, a former NZ industry leader now driving the launch of One Agency into NZ from the company’s Sydney headquarters. “We anticipate a further dozen or so additional members to confirm and open before the end of the first quarter in 2016.”

One Agency Conference 2015 Paul & Annie Davies

One Big Connection at the One Agency Conference

Last week saw our members come together from across Australia to the Langham Hotel in Sydney for our annual One Agency Conference.

It was a day when new members met more established members, faces were put to names and lots of knowledge and experience was shared.

John Stewart, our Australasian Membership Consultant was our MC for the day and he did a stellar job. John has been a major player in our move into New Zealand and we are thrilled to announce our first One Agency office has opened there  this week.

Tom Panos presented for us again, in his inimitable style and bringing great ideas and energy to the stage. Tom shared  some great tips on helping create your best financial year ever. His wealth of knowledge was as insightful and inspiring as ever.

The hotel put on a fabulous lunch and gave everyone a chance to catch up and kick back. Nick Bendel, Editor at REB online joined us for part of the day along with other guests and One Agency suppliers.

Peter Vasiliou One Agency

Why This Agent Started His Own Real Estate Business With One Agency

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience of setting up their own real estate business with One Agency.

Under the spotlight this month is Peter Vasiliou from One Agency Peter Vasiliou, from Wentworthville in the Western suburbs of Sydney. Peter has been a real estate agent for the past 17 years and has had his real estate business with One Agency for more than two years.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I’ve been in the business since 1998 and still love it because of the flexibility and freedom it gives me. I’m driven by results and good customer service.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The ability to be your own boss with a great business model behind you and the fact that I can run the business in the way I want to.

Real Estate Business Sold

Growth In Real Estate Varied Significantly Across Australia 2014

What is the real growth in real estate? These days it appears that it’s impossible to paint a broad picture about Australia’s real estate market.

Marked difference for growth in real estate proves that each city appears to march to a very different drum, with figures for 2014 highlighting this discrepancy in the nationwide property landscape.

CoreLogic for 2014 show the difference in final quarter growth and year-on-year growth for 2014. While all cities experienced overall growth last year, not all of it was significant. It appears that Sydney has been growing at twice the pace of the rest of Australia, with Melbourne a not-so-close second in term of annual growth. Brisbane, missing in action for two years, found a late burst in 2014 while Perth, which rivaled Sydney and Melbourne in the growth stakes in 2013, slowed down markedly, recording the lowest capital growth of any city.

House price growth 2014:

House Prices Australia 2014

 RP Data CoreLogic House Growth November 2014 

Andrew Johns One Agency South

Agent Rebrands from a Leading Real Estate Franchise Group to One Agency

Andrew Johns had worked with real estate franchise LJ Hooker for 23 years when he first heard about One Agency. He researched the real estate group online and liked the concept of what the group offered.

Making the choice between a real estate franchise and an independent agency can be a real stumbling block as both offer advantages and disadvantages. Andrew looked at the Ray White, Harcourts and Realmark franchises and then weighed them up against starting a boutique brand of his own, before deciding to join the One Agency group.

“I liked the branding and its colours, but more importantly, I felt it would be a great advantage to be part of a group rather than acting independently,” he says.

Andrew set up One Agency South covering the Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville areas, South of the river in Perth, WA.

We were already trading as an LJ Hooker office so really it was just a rebrand. Paul Davies (MD of One Agency) visited our office on a couple of occasions and the team at One Agency head office were very helpful with any requests we had.”

Paul Davies Founder & CEO One Agency

Unexpected Windfall for a New One Agency Real Estate Agent

I just had to share this comment with you, from one of our newest members, about how things have been going for him since joining our One Agency Real Estate group.

‘Paul, I know you said we would be taking home a lot more money and I get that, but what you didn’t tell me, and I’m just delighted, is that I feel in control, and I feel fresh and I’m really happy. It wasn’t expected.’ I’m delighted to hear it. And it’s so true, I hear similar comments from new One Agency Real Estate members on a regular basis. So many of them say they can’t believe they didn’t make the move sooner.

Are you a real estate agent who wants to be your own boss and retain all of your hard earned commission with the support of a real estate network group? Or are you a real estate business owner who would like an alternative to typical franchising and to increase your profit margin?

Kate Maday One agency

Why Kate Chose the One Agency Brand for Real Estate Business

Kate Maday was working in real estate in the Coffs Harbour area when she discovered One Agency.

She knew of Joanne Vines, a super successful agent who had been working with a large franchise in the area. Kate then watched Joanne open her own business: One Agency Joanne Vines.

Kate says, “The brand jumped out at me. It was so professional, clean and striking!”

When Kate decided to set up her own business in the Southern Highlands, there were many factors to consider. Good business systems were essential and when she looked into the One Agency Group, she saw that there was a real structure to the brand with the delivery of professional real estate services.

“It was also important to me to know who was at the helm of the business and assess if I aligned with their style and thinking. Paul Davies definitely ticked those boxes for me, he’s so passionate about the brand and he makes the journey so exciting. We were absolutely busting to get started.” 

Kate also wanted a brand that would suit her personality and one that would give her plenty of freedom in operating her own business. Set up fees, ongoing costs and the brand guidelines were also factored into Kate’s decision to join.

Together with husband Andrew, Kate started One Agency Maday Property covering the areas of Bowral, Burradoo and Mittagong. They opened for business at the end of January 2014.

Land for sale One Agency

First Home Buyers Grants – Changes July 2014

The start of the new financial year sees changes to some states’ First Home Buyers Grant – some advantageous and others not so welcome. 

From July 1, first time buyers of new property (existing properties don’t qualify) in NSW are now eligible for a First Home Buyers Grant of $15,000 grant on purchases up to $750,000, increasing the threshold from $650,000.

“The latest figures show the number of grants has increased significantly over the past financial year,” says NSW Treasurer Andrew Constance. “First homeowner grants for new homes were 46 per cent higher in the four months to April 2014 compared to the same period the year before.”

However, the end of June marked the end of an era for South Australia’s First Home Owners Grant of $5000 with it ceasing to exist in its current form. REISA chief executive officer Greg Troughton says, “The one saving grace for South Australian homebuyers was the First Home Owners Grant for established homes. Although this has dropped to $5000 in recent years, it did go some way to ameliorating the effects of a $20,000 stamp duty for those wishing to buy their first home at the current median price.” 

One Agency Real Estate Group Celebrate 6 Years!

One Agency Real Estate Group celebrated our 6th anniversary last month and would like to thank all our members for choosing One Agency.

The business is evolving rapidly and we are thrilled with the positive response we continue to receive from both members and other real estate professionals about One Agency Real Estate Group.

‘I wanted to give real estate agents and business owners the freedom to build and control their financial future with the support of a national brand. I’m proud to say that we’ve achieved this and are now the fastest growing real estate group in Australia,’ says Paul Davies, the Managing Director of One Agency. 

Here are some of the many comments we received on LinkedIn:

‘Congratulations on 6 years Paul and thanks for creating a great vehicle for me to grow my business and keep the majority of our hard earned commissions.’ Grant Baker, One Agency Noosa

Real Estate Business – Is FEAR Holding You Back?

As the Managing Director of One Agency I talk to a lot of real estate agents who are unhappy in their current situation.

Many are considering taking the leap into starting their own agency and the biggest hurdle in making that decision is often fear.

An acronym I like for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. You may be sick of working for a principal who retains more than 50% of your hard earned commission, or you may be a principal who is sick of feeding the ever hungry franchise head office with your hard earned profits. What’s stopping you from taking control of your financial future?

If you are fearful of opening your own business or moving out from the constraints of a traditional franchise, it would be productive to identify what the specific items are, that make you feel that way.

You need to analyse each of those fears and determine if they are ‘real’ or not.

Fear is a paralysing emotion and generally doesn’t achieve anything much positive. That is of course unless it’s fear your personal safety, such as crossing a busy road, which is to be respected. However for the most part, when we look back at what we were once fearful of we often find that we have usually moved on and it no longer applies.  This is what typically happens if you plan to open a business, you feel the fear and then do it anyway, then wonder what it was you were fearful about in the first place! The perceived fear is ALWAYS greater than the actual situation, in other words, it’s never as bad as you think.

So let’s talk specifics.  You’d love to have your own business (and who wouldn’t like the freedom AND BENEFITS that brings?) but you are fearful. The first thing you should know is that you are completely normal. Totally and utterly normal.

Whenever we step into unfamiliar territory and take a leap of faith, we don’t know what may occur and therefore it makes sense to have certain amount of fear and trepidation. That’s to be expected and it’s perfectly understandable.

Vince Salvatore

One Great Agent – Vince Salvatore Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Vince Salvatore from One Agency The Parks in South Western Sydney.

Vince has worked in real estate for more than 11 years and joined One Agency just 6 weeks ago, we welcome Vince to One Agency and asked him to share his experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love selling real estate, it’s very rewarding, especially when you get to meet so many lovely people that are looking for that right next home or their very first investment property or indeed first home buying.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
After contemplating working for myself again I didn’t really want to start from scratch with an office with high rent, multiple staff to man it and chasing a management portfolio too. The One Agency model works perfectly, as I have begun with a small office at home, no staff concerns, for now and knowing that I can be of even more service to my clients plus the rewards stay purely in-house.

How is the brand working for you?
Love it, love it love it!  People are commenting on it’s fantastic modern look , it looks professional and it’s really getting noticed.

Would you recommend One Agency to others? 
Absolutely.. All the above reasons just for starters. The flexibility of doing things your own way, being professional about it and knowing it’s your baby…..no one can spoil it, mark it, damage your reputation…….only you can. That’s a great motivator right there.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property? Ultimately it comes down to …WHO CAN I TRUST? That’s really the only question. If you have, and continue building a respected name & reputation for yourself, you are the ONE agent they will call.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency News from Head Office – September 2013

It’s been a busy month at One Agency HQ with a host of new members joining.

We are pleased to announce that we now have more than 100 agents in the One Agency Group!

With 12 new members and 17 individual agents joining us in the last month, we are Australia’s fastest growing brand. If you want to find out more, contact us in complete confidentiality.
Tel 1300 79 23 88.

We’d like to offer ONE big congratulations to Peter and Dean Harper at One Agency Harper Property in Tasmania who won the Best Small Agency of the Year at the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania annual awards last week.

Dean and Peter have worked tirelessly at building their business and are going great guns in their marketing campaigns – follow them on Facebook.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency News from Head Office July 2013

In One Agency News for July 2013, it’s been a busy month for us here at Head Office, with our conference at Brighton Le Sands on the 4th July.

We were lucky to have Tom Panos come and speak and his presentation was fantastic, everyone took a lot of great ideas and inspiration away with them. Tom is a motivating force to be reckoned with, you can access his FREE Success Tools here.

The day was a great success with other presentations from Travis Williams, CEO of Box & Dice and our own Annie Davies showing our new range of promotional products. There will be a new product catalogue out in late August.

Our new products include:

–          Corporate Branded Ladies Scarves
–          Corporate Branded Mens Ties
–          Wine Bags 
–          One Agency Branded Ribbons 
–          One Step Ahead Running Singlets for both men and women

Email Head Office to order by clicking here.

The day closed after an excellent exchange of ideas in the ‘Sharing & Learning’ session and had a very social conclusion in the bar at the Novotel Brighton Beach. We hope you found the new location more convenient in its proximity to Sydney airport.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency – News from Head Office June 2013

In this edition of News from One Agency Head Office, we’ve welcomed more agents into the fold over the past few months including Peter & Angie Robinson from Western Australia.

In Tasmania, Phillip Kelly is setting up a second business to cover the Hobart area in addition to the Southern Tasmanian regions of Sorell and Bellerive. Annette Pinkerton also joins us in Newcastle and made the move to set up her own business with One Agency earlier in June.

Annette has worked in real estate for the past 4 years with Century 21 and has a diverse background in finance, sales & marketing, people management and training across a broad range of industries. 

Although her real estate experience is recent, Annette has an impeccable sales history spanning 20 years and since entering the industry she’s received many awards. 

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency – News from Head Office May 2013

In news from One Agency Head Office: May has been a busy month so far with preparations for AREC on the Gold Coast on the 19th and 20th May 2013.

Come and say hello at One Agency Head Office and discover why One Agency is the fastest growing real estate brand in Australia. You’ll find us at Booth 55.

There is an excellent line-up of speakers including Chris Gardner – the real life inspiration behind the Academy Award nominated movie The Pursuit of Happyness

We’ve had more new members join us this month and will be announcing them over the coming weeks. This week we’d like to welcome Trevor Byrne and Peter Cutuli from One Agency Carnes Hill in Western Sydney.

Bulli Burn

The One Agency Bulli Burn – May 26th 2013

The One Agency Bulli Burn is a 5 & 10km fun run held on the south coast of NSW starting and finishing at the northern tip of Bulli Beach, Sandon Point.

The ‘Burn’ comes from the hill that competitors must tackle at the very beginning and again at the finish of the run. The track follows the coastal strip from Bulli to Thirroul boasting exceptional views of the ocean and escarpment.

2011 was The Burn’s debut year and attracted over 300 entrants, it grew in 2012 and organisers now expect 2013 to be an even bigger successful community event. Catering for the experienced runner through to the novice, all are welcome to join in the fun.

The event has been sponsored by local real estate businesses; One Agency Denison-Pender Property, One Agency Sally Absalom and One Agency Zeidler & Hayman. The principals of these agencies – Vanessa Denison-Pender, Sally Absalom, Aron Hayman and Christian Zeidler enjoy a reputation as high achievers. Engaging and highly energetic, they are known for their marketing and negotiating skills. Above all else, they bring a wealth of experience and skill to their roles as principals in their own One Agency businesses.

This year the 5km event has been named the ‘Burn for Mark’ and is dedicated to 2011’s winner Mark Scott who is currently recovering from a serious cycling accident which happened in June 2011. $5 from every registration at this year’s Bulli Burn go to the Mark Scott Trust Fund & will assist in the ongoing care and treatment for Mark and support for his young family.


At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
+61 2 8039 2110 (International)


Michael Lister One agency The Forest

ONE Great Agent: Michael Lister Q&A

Each month we interview ONE Great Agent – one of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Michael Lister from One Agency The Forest in the Northern Beaches area of Sydney.

Michael has been in real estate since 2008 after 25 years in the motor trade where he was General Sales Manager for Ferrari. He joined One Agency in May 2010 with business partner Chris Naylor. 

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
In real estate, you have an opportunity that is unique in the business of selling. You create your own inventory by gaining the listing. In my opinion this part is the ‘sell’ because you are selling yourself to the potential vendor. The ‘negotiate’ is to the buyer and it is here that your skills as a true sales person comes to the fore. Anyone can stand there, taking offers, but a true sales person will work those offers, extracting everything possible to create the best outcome for their vendor. Once the right outcome has been achieved you can then hold your head high, knowing you have done the best job possible.

What attracted you to One Agency business model?
One Agency works best for Chris and I as it allows us to tailor our business to suit both our style and our community. This ‘un-chains’ us from the complex corporate structures that the franchises are laboured with. When we were setting up in business, we were approached by some big name franchises and the set up costs were horrific. We figured ‘why are we going to work so hard for somebody else’s benefit?’ and so we decided to go with the One Agency model which suited us much better and allowed us to steer our own ship.

How is the brand working for you?
It is working very well for us, allowing us to grow the business at a comfortable rate. The brand gives us the freedom to build our business without constraint.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
We would and have recommended the One Agency brand but only to those who have self-drive and who don’t want to be pigeon holed. You need to be a self-starter to build any kind of business and have the determination to achieve goals.

One Agency Group Real Estate Agent Job security

Job Security in the Real Estate Industry?

Are you a real estate agent and feeling undervalued or uncertain with your job security in your role with your current employer?

Or are you a real estate business owner who is swamped by massive overheads that are eating into your profits?

I meet a lot of agents and business owners who are disenchanted with the actual profit they get to take home at the end of each working week. Many established agents bring great financial reward to their employers putting in hard graft only to see a big chunk of their commissions going towards funding the bosses European holidays or luxury cars.

Dealing with the inequities on the sales room floor is why so many (and often very talented agents) burn out and leave the profession. There can often be internal politics, fighting for listings, losing hard worked territories after re-structures or simply being overlooked and undervalued with the goal posts constantly moving.

As an agent you may think you’re secure but you’re completely at the mercy of the business owner. But that’s no fault of the business owner, I’ve been both and employee and an owner and I’ve made some obvious mistakes along the way. So I’m not pointing any fingers here. It’s just the way the real estate business is set up.