Tag Archives: Real estate agent commissions

Real Estate Business – Is FEAR Holding You Back?

As the Managing Director of One Agency I talk to a lot of real estate agents who are unhappy in their current situation.

Many are considering taking the leap into starting their own agency and the biggest hurdle in making that decision is often fear.

An acronym I like for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. You may be sick of working for a principal who retains more than 50% of your hard earned commission, or you may be a principal who is sick of feeding the ever hungry franchise head office with your hard earned profits. What’s stopping you from taking control of your financial future?

If you are fearful of opening your own business or moving out from the constraints of a traditional franchise, it would be productive to identify what the specific items are, that make you feel that way.

You need to analyse each of those fears and determine if they are ‘real’ or not.

Fear is a paralysing emotion and generally doesn’t achieve anything much positive. That is of course unless it’s fear your personal safety, such as crossing a busy road, which is to be respected. However for the most part, when we look back at what we were once fearful of we often find that we have usually moved on and it no longer applies.  This is what typically happens if you plan to open a business, you feel the fear and then do it anyway, then wonder what it was you were fearful about in the first place! The perceived fear is ALWAYS greater than the actual situation, in other words, it’s never as bad as you think.

So let’s talk specifics.  You’d love to have your own business (and who wouldn’t like the freedom AND BENEFITS that brings?) but you are fearful. The first thing you should know is that you are completely normal. Totally and utterly normal.

Whenever we step into unfamiliar territory and take a leap of faith, we don’t know what may occur and therefore it makes sense to have certain amount of fear and trepidation. That’s to be expected and it’s perfectly understandable.

Vince Salvatore

One Great Agent – Vince Salvatore Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Vince Salvatore from One Agency The Parks in South Western Sydney.

Vince has worked in real estate for more than 11 years and joined One Agency just 6 weeks ago, we welcome Vince to One Agency and asked him to share his experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love selling real estate, it’s very rewarding, especially when you get to meet so many lovely people that are looking for that right next home or their very first investment property or indeed first home buying.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
After contemplating working for myself again I didn’t really want to start from scratch with an office with high rent, multiple staff to man it and chasing a management portfolio too. The One Agency model works perfectly, as I have begun with a small office at home, no staff concerns, for now and knowing that I can be of even more service to my clients plus the rewards stay purely in-house.

How is the brand working for you?
Love it, love it love it!  People are commenting on it’s fantastic modern look , it looks professional and it’s really getting noticed.

Would you recommend One Agency to others? 
Absolutely.. All the above reasons just for starters. The flexibility of doing things your own way, being professional about it and knowing it’s your baby…..no one can spoil it, mark it, damage your reputation…….only you can. That’s a great motivator right there.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property? Ultimately it comes down to …WHO CAN I TRUST? That’s really the only question. If you have, and continue building a respected name & reputation for yourself, you are the ONE agent they will call.

Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business – Why One Agency? Paul Davies shares his vision.

I’m often asked what inspired me to start One Agency. In truth, it was my wife Annie. 

They say behind every great man there’s a woman. While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me. 

Annie sparked my thinking back in 2006 when I’d just sold a major franchise business and started a boutique business. I experienced first-hand how the advantages of a major franchise could blend with a boutique business (which is essentially what One Agency is) and that operating costs were the critical factor that determined success or failure.

After 35 years in the industry I was able to draw on my experiences to develop a new and innovative business model that would serve agents better now and into the future, being a more sustainable model.

I honestly I thought that straight away agents would be knocking down my door to join, but the first 10 were like pulling teeth! My belief in the idea kept me going… Now we appear to be an overnight success after 6 years! 

One Agency Annette Pinkerton

One Great Agent – Annette Pinkerton Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Annette Pinkerton from One Agency Pinkerton Properties in Newcastle, NSW.

Annette has worked in real estate for the last 4 years and joined One Agency in August 2013. We asked Annette to share her experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I’m happiest when I’m helping people whatever it is. But I’d have to say I’ve always had an interest in houses and property from a very early age when I would build a floor plan in the back yard out of fallen pine needles and pretend it was my cubby house. A few years later and a little bit older and I would draw house plans from scratch in front of the telly of a night – I remember always starting with the kitchen.

What drives me today is to continue to be a role model to my children, now young adults, that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to and follow through with action. 

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The business model made sense to me.  It allows me and my business to keep evolving with changing times. I’m not dictated to as how and what I can and cant do and yet I have the support of Paul Davies and the head office team as well as other principals and One Agency business owners who truly want me to succeed in my business. The One Agency marketing is as modern, clean, fresh and alive as the model. 

How is the brand working for you?
The brand is working exceptionally well for me. It stands out from most brands and everyone remarks on One Agency marketing. Comments are that it is striking and suits my personality and style! It’s reflective of me, congruent with my image and in line with my values. All remarks about the brand has been more positive than I could imagine.

Would you recommend One Agency to others? 
I have no hesitation in recommending One Agency to others. One Agency has provided me with flexibility, options and a balanced lifestyle. 

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Hopefully my prospective vendors are sleeping knowing that they’re on the right track in selecting me as their choice of agent. Having said that though, I think most prospective vendors have the fear of underselling their property or the fear of not being able to find the right agent.

Vanessa Denison Pender One Agency

One Great Agent – Vanessa Denison-Pender

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Vanessa Denison-Pender from One Agency Denison-Pender Property,  specialising in properties located from Stanwell Park to Woonona in the northern area of the Illawarra, NSW.

Vanessa has been in real estate for 10 years and she established her One Agency office just under 12 months ago, after being very active agents in the local area with leading franchises such as Ray White and McGrath.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love real estate because you get to work with real people in real life situations, people needing homes for their families, downsizing their needs, accommodating the elderly, buying and renting investment properties etc. etc and so it goes on.  I love being part of my local community. 

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The simplicity of the model and knowing that I’ve been doing it so long now that it really was time to do it for myself.  The One Agency model is a perfect vehicle that allows established agents to take the next step and the people are so nice too!

How is the brand working for you?
It’s a great brand that people seem to be recognising as a new ‘boutique’ style of agency.  We keep a simple, hands-on approach.  Being business owners attention to detail and client care is our guiding principle.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Absolutely, if you’re thinking ‘I can do this for myself’ it’s probably time to do it. Back yourself and get on with it.  It’s a bit scary, but worth it.  You get to have a great business and even better lifestyle.  Instead of giving away 50% of your hard earned commission and selling twice as many homes, you can sell less and still earn the same amount!  As my partner says, ‘it’s a no brainer’.

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Will my agent give my property the service I’m looking for or just treat me a just another sale? How important is my business to them?

One Agency Tony Quattroville

One Great Agent – Tony Quattroville Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Our great agent under the spotlight this month is Tony Quattroville from One Agency Tony Quattroville, specialising in the North Curl Curl, Dee Why and Beacon Hill areas of the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

Tony has been in real estate for 28 years and he has been with One Agency for the past 2 ½ years .

What do you love about your work in real estate?
I am a people person so I love the interaction that you have with sellers and buyers.

What drives you?
Referral and repeat business, and the challenge and success of knowing that I have achieved the very best result for my vendors, yet still having purchasers ecstatic because they have found the property of their dreams.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
1. The ease in which it enabled me to set up my own real estate business, providing an established and effective One Agency operating platform together with professional marketing material and branding.

2. The fact that the One Agency model is not a franchise, allowing me to retain control of my business and retain 100% of the selling fee. 

How is the brand working for you?
My clients love the marketing material and the fact that One Agency is a network of agents across Australia yet still retains a boutique agency feel.

Would you recommend One Agency to others and if so can you state why?
Technology has now changed the face of real estate so any agent with a proven track record has the ability via the One Agency operating platform to run a successful real estate business without sharing the commissions with a Principal under a typical real estate agency office set up.  

AREC-2013 One Agency Booth 55

Meet One Agency at AREC 19th + 20th May 2013

We will be at AREC on the 19th and 20th May 2013

Come and say hello and discover why One Agency is the fastest growing real estate brand in Australia. You’ll find us at AREC Booth 55.

There is an excellent line-up of speakers including Chris Gardner – the real life inspiration behind the Academy Award nominated movie The Pursuit of Happyness.

2684 -2690 Gold Coast Highway, Broadbeach, Queensland AUSTRALIA 


At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T  1300 79 23 88 
+61 2 8039 2110 (International)

Arec Flyer 2013