Tag Archives: real estate agent

Nick Alexopoulos

Easy Transition from Agent to Real Estate Business Owner

Nick Alexopoulos set up his own One Agency real estate business in January 2017.

He admits to having been extremely nervous at the idea of becoming a real estate business owner, but after speaking with Paul Davies, the Founder & CEO of One Agency, he felt confident in making the leap.

“I had some friends who had already set up with One Agency, and their success and enthusiasm about the group made me take a good look at what was on offer,” says Nick. “Once I joined the transition was so easy that I kicked myself that I hadn’t done it earlier!”

Nick looked at a few of the traditional franchise models, but there was no comparison for him, as One Agency offered him a low cost business model, that allowed him to keep his entire commission and the flexibility to run his own race without intervention. He had complete freedom to build his business at his own pace.

“The main factor in my decision was that there was no requirement for me to have a shop front with One Agency. The others required me to do that and their fees would have been 9 – 10% of my turnover and I didn’t see the value in that. Plus I didn’t see any additional value in their business models over and above what One Agency was offering.”

Real Estate Market

30 Day Road Map for your Real Estate Business – Claudio Encina

As we slowly begin to wind down the year, you need to set a concrete plan for your real estate business today.

If you want to finish strong between now and Christmas you need to ask yourself, “what plan have I set that will accomplish something meaningful in my business before Christmas?”.

We know that every year, come November, you have a choice to go into a coma till mid January and then wake up with a hangover.  Or you can feel pretty secure and confident about your business because you invested the time to develop a plan prior to the holidays. While many people rely on their computer’s calendar, noting events and to-do lists in a day planner, a written journal forces you to spend a few minutes each day setting short-term goals and prioritising tasks.

Taking the time to structure a plan for your business between now and Christmas will ensure you have a strong platform for the New Year in 2017.

I would strongly suggest you make a 30 Day Roadmap to finish the year with momentum. Either way, if you are riding a wave of momentum right now or you need to build momentum into your business, you may want to consider a 30 Day Roadmap to ensure certainty by Christmas.

The 30 Day Roadmap will deliver 4 things :

  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Direction
  • Execution

This will give you the direction to finish the year powerfully by setting goals and targets that you would like to achieve by December 25th.

Clarity is about writing down and being specific on what you want to achieve between now and the next 30 days.

Focus is strategic thinking with planning and prioritising your tasks and outcomes on your ‘To Do List’.

Execution  is probably the most important part of your roadmap as without taking action to complete your plans, results will suffer and probably build no momentum whatsoever.

Tom Panos

Tom Panos: Mistakes Vendors Make Over Choosing A Real Estate Agent

Tom Panos shares an interview with us that many real estate agents use to help educate potential vendors.

In this interview on Sky Business News – Your Property Empire, Tom gives us his insight into the biggest mistakes vendors make when choosing a real estate agent.
“You may like to consider using it in your pre-list kit or send it as a value add to your buyers and sellers as part of your stay-in-touch strategy,” says Tom.