Tag Archives: Property Makeover

property makeover

The Difference Between a Pre-Sale Makeover and Styling

We are often asked what the difference is between property styling and a pre-sale makeover.

In a lot of cases you need both and in general a ‘makeover specialist’ has the concepts and ideas behind adding value for the entire property.  A property stylist  is normally the term for a furniture hire company representative, someone who puts the ‘icing on the cake’, as I call it.
Like most things in life, a solid foundation is a good start and so I’m going to concentrate on talking about the makeover specialist, which is what we do, prior to the final ‘icing’. 
As an agent, when your vendors want the opportunity to add value and for constructive independent feedback about their entire property, a pre-sale makeover specialist would be the professional to suggest calling in.
We work to increase profit through identifying and creating value add opportunities, and a furniture hire  ‘stylist’ may in fact be one of those key stakeholders we call in, as is a painter or a carpet layer etc. 
A makeover specialist’s role, is to give constructive and objective feedback regarding the presentation of the property.  This feedback will cover everything from the front gate and the outdoor areas, to the layout of the master bedroom then all the way to the condition of the garden pots at the back fence.  Your makeover specialist should be detailed and thorough about every opportunity of enhancement.  
Spring Market

Styling Tips for the end of Winter and start of the Spring Market

Winter is a great time to sell property, before the Spring market takes off and is flooded with listings.

As a busy Property Makeover Specialist there are two weeks of the year where I normally try to grab a quick break, during the July school holidays, prior to being rushed off our feet preparing properties for the oncoming Spring market. This year I only managed four days and they’ve become a distant memory already!
We have had a number of owners who’ve recently sold with great results, who now believe me when I say ‘don’t delay’! Winter is a fantastic time to sell. Why wait until everyone else is on the market and purchasers are more in the driving seat? At BG Property Styling we are smack bang in the middle of preparing for auction campaigns that are booked for the last available Saturday prior to the Spring holidays.
There are differing opinions about how to manage an early Spring sale. I’ll share some must haves from a presentation perspective; gardens are coming into their finest. Remind your vendors to attend the maintenance and presentation schedule a.s.a.p, as gardens will benefit from nurturing early. It’s also important to pay attention to the aspect and time of day for the Spring sun. 
Property Presentation

The Method Behind A Property Makeover

As a real estate agent, you’ll know the right kind of value-add strategies undertaken to transform a property and to create buyer appeal.

These value-add strategies are accomplished through coordinated appraisal, planning, and implementation with the help of a Property Makeover Specialist.

So what’s the method behind a successful makeover? This is something you can share with your new and prospective vendors.

Initial Appraisal

Every job needs to start with an initial appraisal.  It allows the Makeover Specialist to cast an objective eye on a property and get the first impressions. This step involves a needs analysis, a comparison between vendor ideas and prospect preferences, and the creation of an actionable plan. It’s the stage where the hidden gems of a property are identified, and the initial methods of polishing them are suggested.

Project Planning

Project planning solves the challenge associated with not knowing trusted trades and service providers. That’s because a Property Makeover Specialist functions as a Project Coordinator – a liaison between the vendor and the agent and accredited tradespeople. Through consistent quality delivery, the Makeover Specialist knows just who to tap for specific work.

Project Implementation

This stage is where the property makeover project is undertaken. With the different and specific tasks already scoped out during the Project Planning stage, everyone involved in the project will be guided by a calendar of works. The calendar of works is a tool that specifies what kind of work needs to be done, who will do them, when to do them, and how to do them.

Property makeover One Agency Belinda Grundy

Property Makeover – The Challenges for an Agent and Vendor

A well presented home helps an agent to sell a home more efficiently and more profitably.

That is undeniable. But behind every property makeover lies a tried-and-tested framework that will lead towards a more successful sale.

This framework is every Property Makeover Specialist’s mix of knowledge, methods, and principles, and is responsible for establishing a successful relationship between the Real Estate Agent, the Vendor, and the Property Makeover Specialist.

So what are the challenges that face both vendors and agents in successful property presentation?

Without prior experience of a property makeover, vendors may be confronted with a dilemma: they don’t know how and where to start. As an agent, you may not always know what to say, especially as you might not have secured the listing and don’t want to put vendors offside.  If you’re lucky, the vendor may know how a property makeover can help in terms of generating a profitable sale; they just don’t know the steps to take.

If they don’t see any value in a property makeover, this is where you can offer a quick reality check by showing examples of recent sales and how they were presented to help the vendor understand that their property is not in a competitive position to yield the desired sales results. However with some professional help from a Property Makeover Specialist, you can help your vendor to achieve a faster and more profitable sale.

Prepare their property for market

How to Convert your Vendors to a Property Makeover


As a real estate agent, with each listing you sign, you will deploy all the usual traditional and digital marketing strategies to get the property seen by every potential buyer possible. A property makeover can mean a more profitable and efficient sale, increased purchaser competition and a shorter time on the market. We all know how much easier it can be to sell a beautifully presented property.

Here are some of the questions and answers that your vendors may have about property styling and ways to help sell the idea of some professional styling services.

What exactly is a pre-sale property makeover?

A pre-sale property makeover is the carefully developed strategy and then the practical implementation of the steps required to transform a property into its best light. It is designed to uncover the hidden gems of an individual property, and to create buyer appeal to the right market along with the guidance of a real estate agent.  These value-add strategies are accomplished through coordinated appraisal, planning, and implementation with the help of a property makeover specialist and can make tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars difference to the sale price.

Why is it important to prepare a home for sale?

A property should never go stale by sitting on the market for too long. When a property is first listed, if marketed properly, presented well and of course if vendor expectations are realistic and within current market conditions, to it should generate enough interest to sell within a fairly short period of time. Timing is a crucial factor, market sentiment is a great influencer, and profit maximisation depends on the property’s appeal and value to the prospective buyer at the best time to sell – when it first goes on the market.

Property makeover

Relationship Dynamics: Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists

In a busy market, taking advantage of favourable trends is key to staying competitive. Today, we look at the relationship dynamics between Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists.

In the real estate market, this means selling a property while the market is active and doing so as soon as possible. It looks simple but there’s a functional relationship – between Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists – at work which is integral to the competition-time-value component.

Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists share a common goal: working for the vendor to achieve the maximum competition to bid for the property, with the most effective marketing plan, and with the very best sales outcome.  With the dawn of in-depth sales disciplines, it’s become apparent that value-add transformation is key when marketing and selling a property.

Since Real Estate Agents cannot implement value-add changes on their own, they turn to Property Makeover Specialists to do the job. Hence the birth of what we call ‘property makeover to sell.’ But how exactly is this relationship mutually beneficial?