Tag Archives: One Agency

One Agency more commission in your wallet

Your tax return doesn’t lie

Real estate is a numbers game. But it’s possible you’ve fallen into the trap of looking at the wrong numbers. I know I once did.

Years ago, when I was a principal, I thought the key to success was sales, sales and more sales. Then one day, though, it hit me like a brick in the back of the head: it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.

Let me run two scenarios by you, and you tell me which sounds better:

  • Scenario 1: You make $100 in sales, but you pay out $85 in costs, (rent and other expenses), leaving you with $15.
  • Scenario 2: You make $90 in sales, but your costs are $60, leaving you with $30

How to be an effective leader in times of change

There’s an ancient saying: ‘may you live in interesting times.’ No two ways about it, so far, the 2020s have been very ‘interesting’!

We’ve experienced an extraordinary boom, the likes of which most have never experienced. And, thanks to the pandemic, some massive technology shifts have had a huge impact on how we do business. 

Now, as we settle back into doing business in an open society we are contending with the twin challenges of interest rate uncertainty and rising rates of inflation

Change may be inevitable. But it can also provoke anxiety – especially when a large amount happens in a short space of time. And while it’s easy to be a good leader when things are going smoothly, in challenging times a different approach is required.

So what can principals do to support their agents and other staff through uncertain times?

Be nurturing 

Everyone’s different. So while some people thrived in the Covid years with virtual tours, Zoom meetings, and the plethora of new technologies; others struggled. In my, post-covid conversations, with One Agency principals across Australia and New Zealand, I’ve heard there’s a fresh set of challenges. Staff are adjusting to their personal challenges of being back in an office environment, only to have to contend with a tightened market with rising inflation and interest rates, and these factors are having an impact on performance.


Liz Morris

Regional NSW agent shaking things up

From TikTok videos, opening on Saturdays to providing Escabags for women and children fleeing domestic violence, one rural agent is shaking things up in the small town of Quirindi, by incorporating strategies used by the major players in metropolitan areas, to the small regional NSW town of only 3,444 people. 


Liz Morris, Principal of ONE AGENCY Liverpool Plains joined the network in November 2021, with a view to bring a fresh approach to the marketing & real estate services. 

One Agency more commission in your wallet

Your tax return doesn’t lie

Real estate is a numbers game. But it’s possible you’ve fallen into the trap of looking at the wrong numbers. I know I once did.

Years ago, when I was a principal, I thought the key to success was sales, sales and more sales. Then one day, though, it hit me like a brick in the back of the head: it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.

Let me run two scenarios by you, and you tell me which sounds better:

  • Scenario 1: You make $100 in sales, but you pay out $85 in costs, (rent and other expenses), leaving you with $15.
  • Scenario 2: You make $90 in sales, but your costs are $60, leaving you with $30
One Agency Group Blog 8 Key Habits To Help Your Business Banner

How to be an effective leader in times of change

There’s an ancient saying: ‘may you live in interesting times.’ No two ways about it, the last two years have been very ‘interesting’ for the real estate industry. 

On the one hand, we’ve enjoyed an extraordinary boom, the likes of which most people have never experienced. On the other, the pandemic has had a massive impact on how we do business. Overnight, everything changed, as face-to-face was replaced with virtual and kitchen tables were converted into offices.

Change may be inevitable. But it can also provoke anxiety – especially when a large amount happens in a short space of time. And while it’s easy to be a good leader when things are going well, it’s been a different challenge during covid. 

So what can principals do to support their agents through both the changing market and the strange world in which we’re now living?

Be nurturing 

Everyone’s different. So while some agents have thrived in the new normal of virtual tours and Zoom meetings, others have struggled. In my conversations with One Agency principals around Australia, many have told me that covid has had a big impact on agents’ personal lives, which in turn has affected their job performance.

That’s probably not a surprise. For any agent used to working in a busy office, it may have felt isolating when they found themselves working alone for months on end. 

Then there are the additional personal challenges of dealing with vaccinations, home-schooling and, maybe, a diminishing income. 

My advice? Remember as a leader that your interpersonal skills are just as important as your sales skills. So nurture your agents by: 

  • Spending more one-on-one time with your agents to keep up their morale and make them feel valued 
  • Working hard to make all your agents feel like part of the team – not just the ones with the highest GCI 
Google Img PaulD

Group boss tells agents how to prepare for changes in 2022

The founder and CEO of One Agency has warned real estate professionals to start preparing for a very different and possibly slower market in 2022.

Paul Davies’ forecast, based on numerous indicators, price growth may slow in 2022. Traditionally, first in the capital cities and then the regions, and that days on market, accordingly, would increase. As a result, agents and principals will have to manage an environment with less turnover.

Mr Davies gave five reasons why he expected a slowdown in 2022.

“More stock is reportedly already coming onto the market. That means buyers can be more discerning and won’t have the same fear of missing out (FOMO) they experienced throughout 2021,” he said.

“Finance will become harder to get and more expensive. APRA tightened lending criteria in late 2021 and might do more tightening in 2022. Meanwhile, interest rates are likely to drift higher, continuing a trend that started in late 2021”.

“At the same time, there will be more talk about the Reserve Bank increasing the cash rate. That will be enough to dampen buyer confidence – even if the rate rise fails to occur.”

Mr Davies said the 2022 federal election would also negatively affect the market.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my half-century in real estate, it’s that a lot of buyers suspend their decision-making before and after an election, as they wait to see how things will play out,” he said.

One Agency Blog Worklife Balance Become A Free Agent

Agents can become principals more easily with addition of new services

One Agency has added two new services to their turnkey solution, to make it easier than ever for agents to set up their own businesses, and keep more of their gross income.

One Agency founder and CEO Paul Davies said the group’s 620-plus agents and new recruits can now outsource their trust accounting and compliance, as well as their social media marketing to trusted, high-quality providers.

“A major obstacle that holds agents back from going out on their own is having to manage their own trust accounting and compliance. So we’ve solved that problem by establishing an alliance with Think Cloud Solutions, which can manage those crucial back-office tasks on behalf of the new business owner,” he said.

“Another issue is that some agents feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to handle their own social media. So we’ve solved that problem too, through an alliance with Bespoke Media, which can provide business owners with all the content they’d ever need”.

Business Composition Of The Coins, Calculator And Charts

Franchise free real estate group adds more members

One of the industry’s biggest groups continues to expand, with new members highly motivated to join a group that doesn’t charge franchise fees or insist on restrictive rules.

One Agency now has over 600 agents in Australasia, after recruiting four more in the past month – Elli Birnie (Brighton-Le-Sands, NSW), Jeff Chang (Parramatta, NSW), Hazel McGinty (Gosnells, WA) and Samantha Richards, (Toronto, NSW).

Furthermore, several of One Agency’s existing licensees in New Zealand have expanded their businesses by taking on new territories including Renate and Daniel Ochse in the Far North have expanded into Napier, while Ian Croft in Pukekohe has expanded into Papatoetoe.

Jeff Chang, who won RateMyAgent’s agent of the year for Parramatta in 2020, has moved from agent to principal after seven years in the industry.

0 Percent

Industry leader calls Australia’s franchise model into question

The head of one of the industry’s biggest real estate groups has said franchise fees should be questioned, as they penalise agents for being successful.

“The more successful you are, the more you pay – that might make sense for a tax system, but it makes far less sense for a real estate system,” Paul Davies, One Agency’s founder and CEO, said.

Mr Davies added that this was the result of an old fashioned franchise business model that’s weighted heavily in the interest of the franchisor.



Mortgage brokers reveal why they’re getting into real estate

A tightening regulatory and lending environment has left many mortgage brokers struggling to grow their earnings. 

Now two leading brokers say they’ve found a solution to this problem – and the answer lies in real estate. 

After all, brokers and agents deal with the same clients – just at different stages in the property cycle. So it’s by no means a stretch to see how setting up an agency can increase and diversify a broker’s revenue stream. 

Doing more for your clients 

Martin Walmsley worked at a big four bank before jumping the fence to become a mortgage broker. Late last year, he added another string to his bow: real estate. 


Google Img PaulD

Why making more sales in 2021 is less important than you think

Have you got a goal for 2021? If not, let me suggest a goal for you – one that might take you by surprise.

No, don’t aim to make more sales in 2021. Instead, set yourself the goal of making more profits.

Last year was crazy. But it wasn’t completely unexpected – because if you study history, you know crises happen from time to time. Sooner or later, another one will occur. Maybe next year; maybe next decade. Nobody knows. All we know is that another crisis is coming.

So in 2021, whether you’re an agent or a principal, your goal should be to become more profitable. That way, no matter what happens in your local market, your business will be sustainable.

Of course, one way to increase your profits is to win more listings. But it’s also possible to make more money while making fewer sales.

Andrew Johns Photoadj

How switching real estate brands gave me the value I was looking for

Back in 1997 when I first became principal, it made sense to join a long-established franchise group. They provided me with the tools I needed for my business to grow and succeed. And it did, as my agency quickly became one of the leading franchise offices for this national brand. 

But that was then – and the internet has completely reshaped the property landscape in the subsequent years.

Everything’s online. And not just the homes we sell and rent, but also all the technology, systems, forms and documents you need to run your business successfully.

Lindy Harris Photo

How to move past your fear and become a principal

Five years ago, I was where you are now. Nervous and fearful about making the step up to principal, even though I had 15 years of being a successful agent under my belt.

But, at nearly 50 years old, this was my ‘now or never’ moment – and I didn’t want to live a life full of regret. So I gathered my courage and leapt.

Andrew Reeves

Your 5-step guide to transitioning from agent to principal

Do you want to step up from agent to business owner? If so, let me explain exactly how to do it. The process is simple, although it does require a lot of hard work and sacrifices.

By way of background, I started my business in 2013; four years later, it was named One Agency International Office of the Year. By the time I sold my business in 2020, it had two offices, 20 staff, 420 properties under management and annual GCI of $3 million. So the five-step process I’m about to share really does work.

First, you need at least five years of industry experience, so you understand the ins and outs of real estate. I had 14 years of experience when I opened my business, although, in hindsight, I realise I could’ve made the jump years earlier.

Second, you need to take advice from those who have been there and done that. An obvious way to do that is to join a group. I think I would’ve been successful if I’d gone out as an independent, but it would’ve been harder and taken longer. By joining a group, I was given all the back-end support I needed, which allowed me to focus on growing my business and maximising my profits. Another thing I did was seek outside support – I used a business coach and a property management consultant to become a better principal.

Third, you need to focus on building a rent roll. A rent roll is the foundation of your business. It gives you consistent income, which allows you to get through different kinds of markets. If you build a rent roll, you’ve always got a saleable asset. It also helps you in your local market, because it means more signs, more marketing and more exposure, which allows you to grow your brand. Whenever you sell a property to an investor, try to turn that buyer into a property management client.

Fourth, you need to remember the saying that One Agency founder and CEO Paul Davies has become famous for – it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts. Profits are far more important than revenue. Always look for ways to minimise your costs, especially your fixed costs. (One reason I chose One Agency was because I didn’t have to pay commissions to head office.) Also, defend your income by building a rent roll.

Fifth, you need to see relationships as a form of currency. Our game is all about relationships, but they take time to build. The more people you get to know, and the more effort you invest in nurturing those relationships, the more clients and referrals you’ll attract.

One Agency

2016 A Record-Breaking Year at One Agency

We take a look back at a wonderful year of growth and development.

“As the team at One Agency heads into the annual holiday season we reflect on another record-breaking year of growth both in New Zealand and Australia, which in itself is reason for celebration,” says John Stewart, Head of Australasian Membership.

“What is even more gratifying is to have witnessed the individual growth of existing members’ businesses for what in in many markets has been a very challenging year,” he says.

2016 has seen more franchise offices and leading agents from major brands joining One Agency in larger numbers than at any stage in the disruptor’s eight year history.

“This is a direct reflection of the strong foundation of the brand, simplicity of operation, outstanding marketing collateral and above all, a business model that is unmatched in leaving more gross income in the hands of the business owner,” says Mr.Stewart.

“The latter trend is still gathering pace as the year draws to an end, with many newcomers commenting on a desire to manage their own destiny and, if indeed, as pundits suggest, their market is going to slow in the coming year, they will need to seek a larger share of sale income.”

For existing One Agency members, 2016 saw the bedding down of a new state-of-the-art website, branding collateral updates and range expansion, additional print material templates, engagement with major off-shore websites and enhanced levels of support from industry suppliers and service providers.

In addition the brand has seen a simplification of promotional item purchasing and at the end of November, the group’s first International Awards Dinner in Sydney, enjoyed by over 150 guests and industry sponsors from both sides of the Tasman.

For prospective members, 2016 saw quicker access to more detailed brand and business model information delivered through the launch of a private information site along with the digital delivery of membership details.

Tom Panos

Tom Panos Shares His Listing Presentation Strategy

Agents can use rivals’ listing brochures as a way to stand out in the lounge room and position themselves as local experts.

As a coach to some of the top million dollar agents across Australasia, here’s a listing presentation tip to differentiate yourself that has proven to work.

Firstly, you need to visit the open homes in your farm area, collect brochures, making notes about the properties – and then bring this portfolio of marketing material and analysis to the listing presentations.

Then the next time you’re at a listing presentation you can sit in front of a vendor and say: 

“I’d like to let you know that when your home comes on the market you will be in competition, not in isolation. My job is to make sure that I know everything about every home that you’re up against. Let me show you the homes that your property is competing against.”

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency Real Estate Business Expands

It’s been a busy month here at Head Office, with a move to a larger office here in the same building and as our real estate business expands, so does our One Agency family.

We’ve welcomed new members; Bryan Gamarra from Braddon in the ACT and Harry Triandas from Ramsgate in NSW. 

We are also in the process of signing up our first New Zealand members and are looking forward to establishing our One Agency across the Tasman as our real estate business expands there. We’ll be announcing who they are very soon.

Two of our Australian members have taken up 2nd and 3rd licenses, and another has taken up a 4th and 5th license, which is a great credit to them and shows how successful a One Agency real estate business can be.

If you haven’t already booked for our biggest event ever on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 at The Langham in Sydney then give us a call. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet other members and join in with our popular ‘sharing & learning session’ with our exclusive panel of One Agency members.

We also have Tom Panos, our favourite Real Estate Coach lined up to speak along with Phil Harris from Harris Real Estate who plans to share his ‘recipe for success’ with you all. At the end of the day there’ll be drinks & canapés in the drawing room of this beautiful hotel to unwind and socialise. Thanks to Rita who is doing a fantastic job and making it all happen.

To book please contact Rita Mann on 1300 79 23 88 or via email.

Robert Mure One Agency

Why Robert Mure Chose One Agency For Real Estate Business

One Agency For Real Estate: Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Robert Mure from One Agency Robert Mure, in Koo Wee Rup in Victoria. Robert has been a real estate agent for the past 6 years and has had his real estate business with One Agency for the past 2 years.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
It’s all about the people you meet and helping them to achieve their dreams.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
I had a look at the various real estate franchises, but they were expensive to set up and run, very restrictive and their branding tired. One Agency is simple to set up with lots of assistance from head office, great branding and the freedom to run your business to suit yourself.

How is the brand working for you?
Great. It’s fresh and new in our area and attracts plenty of interest. Everyone likes it. Even some of the opposition have had positive comments!

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
Absolutely. If you are determined and want to go out on your own then this is the way to do it.

One Agency Christmas 2014

A Toast to the Festive Season from Paul Davies MD of One Agency

It’s that crazy time of year again as we run around in preparation for the festivation season, attending school concerts and braving the Christmas shopping queues.

I’m sure that you’re all busy making sure that your sales, rentals and businesses are managed through the holidays of this festive season.

We’ve had another extremely productive year here at One Agency and have almost doubled the number of members joining the group. With one new member from the Northern Territory, we are now in all States and Territories of Australia. 

Rita and Karin have been joined at Head Office this year by Therese, Emma and Darelle. Between them, they’ve managed the huge growth we’ve seen, and I thank them all for their contribution to our group. The One Agency brand is getting more and more exposure in the market place and we look forward to welcoming in more real estate professionals in 2015.

With enquiries pouring in from across the Tasman, we are also investigating establishing operations in New Zealand, to offer these real estate agents the same great opportunity as our Australian members.

Many of you will be pleased to hear that we’ve been working on the new One Agency website and it’s looking great. It will be a beautiful design, easy to navigate and have lots of excellent new features. Launch is due early in the New Year.

Real Estate Business Sold

Real Estate Transactions Are 9.8% Higher Than A Year Ago

Real estate transactions are up as Australians have proven their preference for bricks and mortar as a sound investment, pouring their money into the property market and lifting its value to a staggering $5.6 trillion.

This is in direct comparison to superannuation funds which are worth about $1.8 trillion and our share market which is worth about $1.6 trillion.

New figures from RP Data reveal buyer demand for property has levelled out, but property purchasing is still at a high. Transaction levels are 9.8 per cent higher than a year ago with 351,738 houses and 140,277 units bought in the year to July.

The latest market report identified Darwin as having the property market with the highest long-term capital gain of any capital city. Its median house price rose by 8.2 per cent per year for the past ten years while its unit values went up by 8.3 per cent.

Sydney still had the highest capital gains in the past year with dwelling values up by a hard-to-beat 14.3 per cent. Sydney’s median house price was also the highest in the country at $750,000. 

One Agency Conference Nov 2014

One Agency Conference Welcomes Dr Fred Grosse

We’re excited to announce that Dr Fred Grosse is our keynote speaker at our biggest One Agency event so far. 

As a coach and mentor to leading business people and entrepreneurs around the world, Dr Fred Grosse works on the premise that the ultimate definition of wealth is ‘having it all’.

He believes that life is the most important thing – family, friends, personal satisfaction and that building wealth and succeeding in business are simply elements of this overall quest for fulfilment. Dr. Grosse travels the world conducting business seminars, private one-on-one sessions, lectures and corporate training programs and we are lucky enough to have him to share his experience with us at our conference on Wednesday 12th November 2014.

Please make sure you’ve made your RSVP by Friday 17th October by calling: 1300 79 23 88