Tag Archives: high performance agent

Real Estate Market

7 Traits Of A High Performance Agent – Claudio Encina

The future of agents is about becoming not a good agent or a great agent but a High Performance Agent.

So, what’s the difference? There are seven traits that make a High Performance Agent.

If my clients are struggling to perform at their highest level, I find this approach can really help and have discovered that these traits are common with agents who write seven figures. 

Trait No.1: Constant State of Growth 
With high performance agents it is always about how can they can keep growing week by week, month by month and year by year. For this type of agent, not to keep growing is like a foreign concept. Look at always expanding your skills, talents, mindset. Get yourself into a growth process. It’s simple, you are either in Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset. Make the right choice.

The five areas I believe you should strive for growth in are:

1) Spiritual
2) Mental
3) Physiological
4) Relationships
5) Skills

Trait No.2: High Level of Responsibility
Always take 100% of responsibility with anything and everything in your life.  If you take responsibility and ownership you will begin to work at a different level so therefore it’s never about blaming the market or others.

Trait No.3: Love the Process
It’s the process that you love each day that will give you the necessary outcome. Most agents don’t like or love processes. You can’t achieve great things life without a difficult process or struggle. Learn to love the process. Most people focus on the outcome and aren’t prepared for the process or hard work. Change how you approach the process.

Trait No.4: Spring Loaded Towards Action
You’ve heard the saying ‘Just Do It’. That is what the high-performance agents do, they don’t dwell, think or ponder they just take massive action. Don’t get stuck with paralysis analysis. Make sure your focus is in action not inaction. So just do it.