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Why making more sales in 2021 is less important than you think

Have you got a goal for 2021? If not, let me suggest a goal for you – one that might take you by surprise.

No, don’t aim to make more sales in 2021. Instead, set yourself the goal of making more profits.

Last year was crazy. But it wasn’t completely unexpected – because if you study history, you know crises happen from time to time. Sooner or later, another one will occur. Maybe next year; maybe next decade. Nobody knows. All we know is that another crisis is coming.

So in 2021, whether you’re an agent or a principal, your goal should be to become more profitable. That way, no matter what happens in your local market, your business will be sustainable.

Of course, one way to increase your profits is to win more listings. But it’s also possible to make more money while making fewer sales.

Real Estate Business Sold

Growth In Real Estate Varied Significantly Across Australia 2014

What is the real growth in real estate? These days it appears that it’s impossible to paint a broad picture about Australia’s real estate market.

Marked difference for growth in real estate proves that each city appears to march to a very different drum, with figures for 2014 highlighting this discrepancy in the nationwide property landscape.

CoreLogic for 2014 show the difference in final quarter growth and year-on-year growth for 2014. While all cities experienced overall growth last year, not all of it was significant. It appears that Sydney has been growing at twice the pace of the rest of Australia, with Melbourne a not-so-close second in term of annual growth. Brisbane, missing in action for two years, found a late burst in 2014 while Perth, which rivaled Sydney and Melbourne in the growth stakes in 2013, slowed down markedly, recording the lowest capital growth of any city.

House price growth 2014:

House Prices Australia 2014

 RP Data CoreLogic House Growth November 2014 

Real Estate Business Sold

Real Estate Transactions Are 9.8% Higher Than A Year Ago

Real estate transactions are up as Australians have proven their preference for bricks and mortar as a sound investment, pouring their money into the property market and lifting its value to a staggering $5.6 trillion.

This is in direct comparison to superannuation funds which are worth about $1.8 trillion and our share market which is worth about $1.6 trillion.

New figures from RP Data reveal buyer demand for property has levelled out, but property purchasing is still at a high. Transaction levels are 9.8 per cent higher than a year ago with 351,738 houses and 140,277 units bought in the year to July.

The latest market report identified Darwin as having the property market with the highest long-term capital gain of any capital city. Its median house price rose by 8.2 per cent per year for the past ten years while its unit values went up by 8.3 per cent.

Sydney still had the highest capital gains in the past year with dwelling values up by a hard-to-beat 14.3 per cent. Sydney’s median house price was also the highest in the country at $750,000. 

Land for sale One Agency

First Home Buyers Grants – Changes July 2014

The start of the new financial year sees changes to some states’ First Home Buyers Grant – some advantageous and others not so welcome. 

From July 1, first time buyers of new property (existing properties don’t qualify) in NSW are now eligible for a First Home Buyers Grant of $15,000 grant on purchases up to $750,000, increasing the threshold from $650,000.

“The latest figures show the number of grants has increased significantly over the past financial year,” says NSW Treasurer Andrew Constance. “First homeowner grants for new homes were 46 per cent higher in the four months to April 2014 compared to the same period the year before.”

However, the end of June marked the end of an era for South Australia’s First Home Owners Grant of $5000 with it ceasing to exist in its current form. REISA chief executive officer Greg Troughton says, “The one saving grace for South Australian homebuyers was the First Home Owners Grant for established homes. Although this has dropped to $5000 in recent years, it did go some way to ameliorating the effects of a $20,000 stamp duty for those wishing to buy their first home at the current median price.”