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Real Estate Market

How To Adapt Your Mind To Market Conditions – Claudio Encina

Many agents in this market are adapting to the market conditions or some are falling into a sales rut and we have all been there.

First thing, park your funk! Begin by letting go of the past and don’t think about future, just begin to focus on what’s important right now, in the present moment.

Thinking about the past and the future can bring anxiety and stress. High achievers are able to manage their moods and emotions through the highs and lows of the real estate market rollercoaster.

The mind is such a powerful thing and it starts with your self-talk as that  becomes your thoughts, your thoughts becomes your focus, your focus become your actions and your actions lead to your results.

Self-talk is critical, and then focus is nothing more than the questions you repeatedly ask yourself. It’s how you determine your focus. It’s the power of the right question that ultimately produces that attitude.

Your attitude is just simply going to determine the kind of actions that you take. So if you want to be in the right action you got to have the right attitude, starting with your body, your self-talk, and your focus.

When you take action, when you make those phone calls, when you knock on those doors, when you do the things you know you’re supposed to do to go out and win, you produce results. And the results simply reinforce your body, your self-talk, and your focus.