Tag Archives: appointment setting

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina – Appointment Setting In A Slow Market

Why is it that some real estate agents are succeeding wildly today, while literally thousands more are finding it slow right now?

What separates those who are still making sales from those who are not? What is the key to succeeding in this market, or any market for that matter?

The answer is simple. Agents who are setting and going on appointments are producing, period. Even if listing stock is down, there are still sales occurring. The truth is, the more agents who believe it’s slow during winter, the better it is for you.

Even if there are less listings, you have less competition. Again, it is a mental market. Ultimately, it’s how you choose to look at it that makes it a ‘good’ or a ‘bad’ market.

So I dare you. No I double dare you! The next 3 months is all about setting an appointment challenge for each 30 day period. Have specific ideas and techniques that will lead to a breakthrough in the amount of appointments you set.

The intention is that you go on one or more hot appointment every single work day. Remember, when making phone calls ask yourself; what is my intention? The intention is super important as that leads to the result and outcome you seek for. 

Real Estate Market

7 Steps To An Appointment Setting Breakthrough

Spring is just around the corner and you need to level up your focus on prospecting to build a good pipeline of potential sellers.

We cannot control the market. We can control ourselves and our businesses. We can control our thoughts.

My belief is simple: If our thoughts are positive, we will go out and take positive actions. If we take positive actions, we will succeed…regardless of market conditions! Agents who are setting and going on appointments between now and spring will create the foundation for success.

I want to give you specific ideas and techniques that will lead to a breakthrough in the amount of appointments you set.

The intention that we have for you is that you go on one or more hot appointment every single work day. Let’s begin by defining what an appointment is and then we will look at seven ways to set an appointment a day.

What is an appointment? My belief is that an appointment is any meeting that will positively impact your business. Specifically:

  • Sitting face-to-face with a motivated seller (listing presentation)
  • Working with a buyer who wants to buy
  • Meeting an expired listing
  • A face-to-face meeting with a past client, a centre of influence or anyone who can refer you business

Stop and think for a moment: How would your business be impacted if you went on at least one great appointment each work day? If you work 220 days in a year and go on 220 appointments, what would happen to your production? I am 99% certain that unless you are selling over 100 homes a year, your production would skyrocket.

My goal is to assist you in taking your business to the next level, so let’s look at the seven techniques for setting an appointment a day.