Last week saw our members come together from across Australia to the Langham Hotel in Sydney for our annual One Agency Conference.

It was a day when new members met more established members, faces were put to names and lots of knowledge and experience was shared.

John Stewart, our Australasian Membership Consultant was our MC for the day and he did a stellar job. John has been a major player in our move into New Zealand and we are thrilled to announce our first One Agency office has opened there  this week.

Tom Panos presented for us again, in his inimitable style and bringing great ideas and energy to the stage. Tom shared  some great tips on helping create your best financial year ever. His wealth of knowledge was as insightful and inspiring as ever.

The hotel put on a fabulous lunch and gave everyone a chance to catch up and kick back. Nick Bendel, Editor at REB online joined us for part of the day along with other guests and One Agency suppliers.

One Agency Member Panel was, as always, an integral part of the day.

Tom Panos at One Agency conference



Phil Harris from Harris Real Estate brought passion to his presentation on how to become a market leader and shared some of his experiences and recipes for success. Read the REB article about Phil here following our conference.

Our traditional One Agency Member Panel was, as always, an integral part of the day, where members share insights around  what’s working for them and how it could be  implemented into individual One Agency businesses. The day ended with drinks and beautiful food in the drawing room.  

We would like to thank everyone who was involved in making this event unforgettable, especially Rita Mann and the team from head office.




At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.

T 1300 79 23 88 
+ 61 2 8039 21 10 (International)

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One Agency

One Agency is a revolution in real estate, empowering both individual real estate professionals and established agencies to take control of their future and bring an entirely new level of service to clients.

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