The market has seen many agents on a roll recently, just from the momentum in the market place.

What you need to make sure is that you don’t start to change the word from roll to ’rollercoaster’.

Many agents fall into the trap of the rollercoaster because they get ‘busy’ and neglect the prospecting. Nothing new right? Pro’s understand that they must protect their ‘profit zone’ (prospecting) to look for new and future business and the rollercoaster won’t even exist.

The biggest challenge for agents today is how do you not remain complacent, rest on your laurels and settle for mediocrity, especially when you are listing and selling and things are good in your life. You must have a set of standards that you believe in.

Don’t allow to go into desperation to move into a different state of mind when you need a listing or sale as that is generally your lever to motivation – ‘raise your standards.’  

Be that person who is a rich agent everyday rather than riding the roller coaster of rich agent VS poor agent. Develop your mindset to be rich agent and richer agent.

A few tips to build more momentum and traction in your business daily and be highly productive to develop the ‘profit zone’:

  1. Protect your morning routine:
    Smart Calls best time to be productive and focused by getting on the phone with a purpose and some form of information. Profit Zone Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Structure and discipline will give you freedom.

  2. Distractions are the biggest thief of time:
    Don’t give your power away to others, the clock is ticking so make the most of it and make every minute count.

  3. Obsessive consistency delivers serious results:
    Letters, smart calls/door-knocks to your farm area will deliver the results and a sustainable business. Most agents start and stop things. The mastery is not about doing 4000 things 4 times but doing 4 things well 4000 times.

  4. Don’t procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to start something:
    JDI (Just Do It). Get into action with lead generation activities daily.

  5. Practice Productivity:
    Try sitting in one place for hours and hours focused on a single result. The goal is to focus on achieving one market appraisal per day and that’s your key to success. Aim for flow each day and reach into you zone of genius!

Your choices can be your best friend or your worst enemy. They help you reach your goal or send you into a downward spiral.

What it will come down to, is the choices you make and the person you need to ‘become’ over the next 12 months. Your choices can be your best friend or your worst enemy. They help you reach your goal or send you into a downward spiral.

Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behaviour that overtime becomes a habit. The idea is for you to develop the right set of choices over the next 12 months to reach your goal and eradicate any hesitation habits. Hesitation habits are the ones that rob us of all the joy and happiness in life.  

Choose poorly, and you just might find yourself back at the drawing board, forced to make new and often harder choices. Don’t choose at all, and you’ve made the choice to be the passive receiver of whatever comes your way, staying on the treadmill. In essence, you make the choices and then the choices make you.

Every choice has a direct impact on you, to do one prospecting call or not, to meet a qualified buyer or not, to reflect at the end of the day and review your results or not. These little choices over time compounds into your business and life. Here is the thing – “Easy to do and easy not to do”.

About Claudio Encina

Claudio Encina is a highly regarded Australian real estate coach, speaker, mentor and trainer. With more than 20 years industry experience, including almost a decade as a leading agent in Sydney, Claudio is driven by his passion for helping clients implement proven sales techniques, systems, strategies and skills to increase their productivity and profitability in all market conditions.

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