Category Archives: Work-life

One Agency Group Blog Emotions Affecting Real Estate Success Banner

Are your emotions affecting your real estate success?

There’s no career quite like that of real estate. It can be challenging at times, but also very rewarding.

So how can we handle those inevitable emotional ups and downs

The elation of signing a seller or achieving a high sale price; the despair at losing to a competitor; the suspicion that you aren’t being treated fairly; the fear of doing things differently: all of these are valid emotions. The trick is to understand them, learn strategies for dealing with them, and control them.

We’ve picked up some tips on our own journey to help you ride the highs and lows.

One Agency Blog Worklife Balance Become A Free Agent

Work-life balance: How to be a free agent

Many real estate professionals join the industry on the promise that their time will be their own. The idea is that if you put in enough effort, you can reap higher rewards than the average corporate salary. However, it is all too easy to end up working longer hours than ever before.

With the summer break upon us, it’s challenging to pin down clients while juggling parental responsibilities. This holiday period, hit the reset button and put some of the following work-life balance strategies into action:

Mind your mindset

The real estate industry has a natural ebb and flow, with busy times and quiet periods throughout the year and even the week. It is important to embrace the peaks and troughs without fighting them or panicking.

One Agency Blog Time To Rest And Rejuvenate

Real estate agents, it’s time to rest and rejuvenate

For some real estate professionals, this year has been tougher than most, particularly those in the major cities who’ve been met with an unexpected correction.

After a buoyant few years operating in a sellers’ market, with relaxed lending and healthy investor activity, the tables have turned in favour of buyers.

In some markets Agents now have to work harder – to win listings, and then achieve a satisfactory result for their clients.

For more experienced agents, this is a familiar part of the real estate cycle. Whatever the newspapers may be saying, it’s worth reminding ourselves that this is simply a ‘normal market’.

The good news is that people will always need to buy and sell property, and in a slower market there are still deals to be made – the trick is ensuring you are the one that sellers turn to.

As agents, we also need to prioritise our own wellbeing for the sake of our clients. Remaining calm, focussed and professional is essential, and the quiet selling period over Christmas is a great time to rest and come back to work feeling recharged.

One Agency Blog Switch Brands Silly Season

Why it makes sense to switch brands in the silly season

As the calendar year draws to an end, it’s quite common for real estate agents to start shopping around different real estate agencies to consider their options. In fact, the period from December through to February is prime time for agents switching real estate brands. Why is this?

Property campaigns come to a natural end

Often at the end of the year, there is a nice clean break between campaigns. Spring campaigns come to an end in November and December because consumers are generally away over this period, so sales slow down. While smart agents line up their new listings for the new year at this time, they tend to hold off on the marketing until after Christmas.

If you’re doing this anyway, it gives you time to start afresh. You can put in contracts under your new office and get off to a flying start.

One Agency Blog How Loyal Is Your Real Estate Team

How loyal is your real estate team?

When you’re running a team of agents and property managers, it’s important that you have their loyalty. But why is this important?

Summer is a popular time for agents to move to another agency or go out on their own. After a year of hard slog, even the best and most well-balanced agents suffer from end-of-year ennui and decide the grass looks greener somewhere else.

Keep your team motivated and on board

As real estate agents, we spend so much of our time building personal relationships with all types of vendors – past, present and future. We play the long game, hoping that these relationships will bear fruit down the track. If these home sellers like and trust us, and we stay in touch with them with useful information, we’ll be top of mind when it comes time to sell.

Part of the trust we engender is derived from the corporate brand. Many big real estate brands have been around for over a century. They’re familiar, recognised brands with the heft of history to back them up.

However, today the individual brand is becoming stronger than loyalty to a corporate brand. People buy and sell homes through people, not through a brand or business.