Category Archives: Real Estate Commission

first home buyers

REB Annual Top 100 Agents 2016

The countdown has begun to find Australia’s number ONE agent in REB’s Annual Top 100 Agents for 2016. Will that be you?

Entries are now open for the annual Top 100 Agents ranking, with submissions due by 12 February. 

The ranking applies to settled sales for the 2015 calendar year, and will be calculated based on dollar volumes, number of properties sold and average sale price.

This report will be based on an agent’s 2015 calendar year settled residential sales. The ranking will be based on a number of key metrics, namely dollar volumes, number of properties sold and average sale price.

Although everyone on the Top 100 Agents ranking posted outstanding results, it was possible to make the list with volumes of less than $70 million and an average sale price of less than $560,000.

REB editor Nick Bendel said it will be interesting to see how many first-timers make this year’s ranking after 36 new faces appeared in 2015.

“Some outstanding young agents have been making waves in the past few years, and a place on the Top 100 Agents ranking would send a strong message that they’ve really arrived,” he said.

Real Estate Business

A New Year’s Revolution in Real Estate for 2016

If you want to have a more secure future as a real estate agent, then you may be considering how you can create a new year’s revolution and build a profitable and sustainable real estate business.

Many people don’t realise that running a business is actually within their ability, dismissing the idea without properly exploring and understanding what it’s really about, before making an informed decision whether or not it may suit them.

But the fear of doing something is always greater than actually doing it. You don’t know that you can’t do something until you’ve tried. Running a business is now easier and more affordable than ever before, but how do you get started? Independent or Franchise?

In the real estate industry it’s almost impossible, as an independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in your local marketplace.

Buying into an established franchise is both constraining and costly, so we’ve created a business model with One Agency, that is seen by real estate industry observers as the Disrupter model for our industry. A disrupter business strategy radically changes a product and service in an industry, replacing the old with the new.

At One Agency we are different and we love the fact that we are different. We’re a licensing arrangement, not a franchise, and offer a more efficient and economical solution for agents where you can operate your own business at a fraction of the cost of a usual real estate business and keep 100% of your fees.

Paul Davies Founder & CEO One Agency

Unexpected Windfall for a New One Agency Real Estate Agent

I just had to share this comment with you, from one of our newest members, about how things have been going for him since joining our One Agency Real Estate group.

‘Paul, I know you said we would be taking home a lot more money and I get that, but what you didn’t tell me, and I’m just delighted, is that I feel in control, and I feel fresh and I’m really happy. It wasn’t expected.’ I’m delighted to hear it. And it’s so true, I hear similar comments from new One Agency Real Estate members on a regular basis. So many of them say they can’t believe they didn’t make the move sooner.

Are you a real estate agent who wants to be your own boss and retain all of your hard earned commission with the support of a real estate network group? Or are you a real estate business owner who would like an alternative to typical franchising and to increase your profit margin?

Grant Baker One Agency Noosa

One Great Agent – Grant Baker

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Grant Baker from One Agency Noosa in Queensland.

Grant has worked in real estate sales for the last 10 years and he joined One Agency in October 2013. We asked him to share his experience with us.

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
I love the flexibility of real estate and the unlimited potential on what you can achieve. Sharing the excitement and journeys with buyers and sellers as they make the biggest decisions of their life is fulfilling. Being in control of your own destiny and achieving goals is what drives me. Having lost my Mother during 2013 also motivates me to make her proud.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
The modern world of real estate is forever evolving and One Agency is at the forefront of that evolution which is why I chose to join the group. The business model is perfectly geared towards the self-motivated agent wanting to achieve personal success and retain all the profits of their labour.

How is the brand working for you?
The response to the brand from the market has been very positive and we are looking forward to making it even stronger in 2014. Administratively it has been extremely efficient which has been very important to getting up and running. It is encouraging to see some of the leading agents in the area keeping a close eye on our progress and sellers being so impressed with the professionalism and sharpness of our marketing materials.

Would you recommend One Agency to others? 
Without hesitation! I have worked for some of the leading agencies in the country and volume is at the forefront of their business models to make profit. With One Agency you can market as many or as few properties as you like, allowing you to focus more importantly on service and maximizing profits. 

What do you think keeps your prospective vendors awake at night when they are considering listing their property?
Confusion. Every vendor knows what their property is worth but they are then often confused by discussions with agents. It’s a massive decision when it comes time to sell a property.

Housing Affordability

Tom Panos – Real Estate Myths Debunked

In this blog, taken from Real Estate Business Online, Tom Panos busts some common myths about real estate:

Myth #1: The most successful real estate salespeople are born, not made
Incorrect. Yes, a good agent may have a tendency and inclination to be a savvier negotiator with better people skills, but these are things that can be learnt and nurtured. Research shows that at a maximum, people are operating at 50 per cent of capability which means the majority of human beings are not realising their potential.

Myth #2: Agents that write $1m in gross commission do a lot of cold calling
There is no evidence that seven figure agents do cold calling. Seven figure agents run an attraction business that is built on momentum; their prospecting is best defined as either “warm” or “smart” calling. They simply are nurturing contacts they already have. In marketing this is called “lead nurturing”. At one stage they did have to do cold calling, but most of these agents have got to a level where they are having more calls come in than calls go out.

Real Estate Business – Is FEAR Holding You Back?

As the Managing Director of One Agency I talk to a lot of real estate agents who are unhappy in their current situation.

Many are considering taking the leap into starting their own agency and the biggest hurdle in making that decision is often fear.

An acronym I like for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. You may be sick of working for a principal who retains more than 50% of your hard earned commission, or you may be a principal who is sick of feeding the ever hungry franchise head office with your hard earned profits. What’s stopping you from taking control of your financial future?

If you are fearful of opening your own business or moving out from the constraints of a traditional franchise, it would be productive to identify what the specific items are, that make you feel that way.

You need to analyse each of those fears and determine if they are ‘real’ or not.

Fear is a paralysing emotion and generally doesn’t achieve anything much positive. That is of course unless it’s fear your personal safety, such as crossing a busy road, which is to be respected. However for the most part, when we look back at what we were once fearful of we often find that we have usually moved on and it no longer applies.  This is what typically happens if you plan to open a business, you feel the fear and then do it anyway, then wonder what it was you were fearful about in the first place! The perceived fear is ALWAYS greater than the actual situation, in other words, it’s never as bad as you think.

So let’s talk specifics.  You’d love to have your own business (and who wouldn’t like the freedom AND BENEFITS that brings?) but you are fearful. The first thing you should know is that you are completely normal. Totally and utterly normal.

Whenever we step into unfamiliar territory and take a leap of faith, we don’t know what may occur and therefore it makes sense to have certain amount of fear and trepidation. That’s to be expected and it’s perfectly understandable.

Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business – Why One Agency? Paul Davies shares his vision.

I’m often asked what inspired me to start One Agency. In truth, it was my wife Annie. 

They say behind every great man there’s a woman. While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me. 

Annie sparked my thinking back in 2006 when I’d just sold a major franchise business and started a boutique business. I experienced first-hand how the advantages of a major franchise could blend with a boutique business (which is essentially what One Agency is) and that operating costs were the critical factor that determined success or failure.

After 35 years in the industry I was able to draw on my experiences to develop a new and innovative business model that would serve agents better now and into the future, being a more sustainable model.

I honestly I thought that straight away agents would be knocking down my door to join, but the first 10 were like pulling teeth! My belief in the idea kept me going… Now we appear to be an overnight success after 6 years! 

One Agency Tony Quattroville

One Great Agent – Tony Quattroville Q&A

Each month we interview ONE of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Our great agent under the spotlight this month is Tony Quattroville from One Agency Tony Quattroville, specialising in the North Curl Curl, Dee Why and Beacon Hill areas of the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

Tony has been in real estate for 28 years and he has been with One Agency for the past 2 ½ years .

What do you love about your work in real estate?
I am a people person so I love the interaction that you have with sellers and buyers.

What drives you?
Referral and repeat business, and the challenge and success of knowing that I have achieved the very best result for my vendors, yet still having purchasers ecstatic because they have found the property of their dreams.

What attracted you to the One Agency business model?
1. The ease in which it enabled me to set up my own real estate business, providing an established and effective One Agency operating platform together with professional marketing material and branding.

2. The fact that the One Agency model is not a franchise, allowing me to retain control of my business and retain 100% of the selling fee. 

How is the brand working for you?
My clients love the marketing material and the fact that One Agency is a network of agents across Australia yet still retains a boutique agency feel.

Would you recommend One Agency to others and if so can you state why?
Technology has now changed the face of real estate so any agent with a proven track record has the ability via the One Agency operating platform to run a successful real estate business without sharing the commissions with a Principal under a typical real estate agency office set up.  

One Agency Group Real Estate Agent Job security

Job Security in the Real Estate Industry?

Are you a real estate agent and feeling undervalued or uncertain with your job security in your role with your current employer?

Or are you a real estate business owner who is swamped by massive overheads that are eating into your profits?

I meet a lot of agents and business owners who are disenchanted with the actual profit they get to take home at the end of each working week. Many established agents bring great financial reward to their employers putting in hard graft only to see a big chunk of their commissions going towards funding the bosses European holidays or luxury cars.

Dealing with the inequities on the sales room floor is why so many (and often very talented agents) burn out and leave the profession. There can often be internal politics, fighting for listings, losing hard worked territories after re-structures or simply being overlooked and undervalued with the goal posts constantly moving.

As an agent you may think you’re secure but you’re completely at the mercy of the business owner. But that’s no fault of the business owner, I’ve been both and employee and an owner and I’ve made some obvious mistakes along the way. So I’m not pointing any fingers here. It’s just the way the real estate business is set up.