Category Archives: Real Estate Business

One Agency Group Blog Advantages Diversity Your Real Estate Business Banner

The advantages of diversity in your real estate business

The term ‘diversity’, when applied to the workplace, refers to what makes us different. And a recent report by Property NSW has described how diversity of background is a driver for success in the property sector. So how does a focus on diversifying your staff help with growth for your real estate business?

Not only does diversity improve decision-making processes within an organisation (due to a result of different experiences and backgrounds) but also, it helps the business to reach a broader customer base, relating to diverse tastes and preferences.

With Australia’s population being one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse in the world (more than 67% of respondents to the 2011 census identified with an ancestry other than Australian), it has never been more critical to ensure your agency is able to serve the needs of a broad client base.

One Agency Group Blog Planning Your First Year Real Estate Business Banner

Planning your first year in your real estate business

Starting a business can be scary but with forward planning and the right tools in place you will look back on your first year and feel amazed at how far you’ve come.

Here are key factors to consider and questions to ask yourself as you prepare to launch your real estate business.

As with much in life, planning is everything. Working out how you will operate is key to narrowing down your options and giving you a clear path forward.

One Agency Gropu Blog 21 Reasons People Buy Sell Property Banner

21 reasons people need to sell and buy property

While there are few signs to celebrate when it comes to the Australian real estate market right now, all hope is not lost. Homeowners might be giving up luxuries, but they will always need to buy and sell homes.

And good news just in; it looks like the downturn has bottomed out for now.

As always, excellent customer service and the visibility of your agency and brand will help you stay in the running.

Take heart. There are any number of reasons homeowners and property investors need to sell. We’ve listed 21 of them below, and there must be many more.

One Agency Group Blog 6 Top Tips To Build Your Real Estate List

6 top tips to build your real estate list

Building your real estate list is ultimately about dedication to doing a great job, alongside exceeding client expectations. But what if you’re just starting out? Or have moved to a new region?

Here are my top tips on growing your client list.

1. Work on your starter list

It goes without saying that a career as a real estate agent requires a thick skin. This doesn’t mean you can’t care, but rather that you need to not be afraid of getting knocked back ‒ especially when it comes to building your referral/client list.

If you’ve been in real estate for a while, you should have your starter list, so use that as your base and always ask for referrals. Highly successful agents who do well for their clients can normally count on three to five referrals per sale, and those in the top 10 per cent will be using their CRM to follow up daily, making around 15 to 30 calls per day.

One Agency Group Blog How To Be A Respected Real Estate Agent

How to be a respected real estate agent

If you read the bios of most real estate agents, you’ll see ‘honesty’ and ‘integrity’ mentioned. But how do these qualities look in practice?

When a property sale is over and the client has moved on with their life, they’ll remember how you dealt with them throughout the sale, particularly if it was a drawn-out process.

Communication and confidence are essential if you want to be a successful and respected agent. Focus on these attributes, and you’re on your way to being the agent your clients return to, and recommend to their family, friends and neighbours.

It’s also worth remembering that being successful isn’t just about winning a listing over your competitors. You need to stay engaged with vendors throughout the entire campaign – however it plays out – and leave your client feeling that they’ve been listened to and treated with respect. Here’s how to be an agent that people come back to.

Lindy Harris One Agency

Real Growth In Her Real Estate Business – Lindy Harris

Lindy Harris was naturally concerned and nervous of the journey ahead when this mother-of-two opened her One Agency real estate business in Singleton, a small country town in the Hunter Valley, NSW in 2012.

Six years on and she’s riding high after being selected as a finalist for Sales Agent of the Year – Regional category in the 2018 REB Awards last week, and speaking in front of more than 4,000 participants attending AREC on the Gold Coast in Queensland in May.

Ms.Harris recounted her focus on personal communication with her clients, engagement with the community and an absolute dedication to service with a difference. Her presentation was extremely well received.

“I’m very client oriented, working on the process and putting them first, rather than just focusing on the outcome,” she says. “AREC forced me to face my fear of speaking in public and I couldn’t have done it without the amazing team I have around me, in fact my nomination for the REB award is also underpinned by their support. It has been a lot of hard work but I feel very blessed.”

Ms Harris has many other accolades including Agent Insiders top female agent in NSW for 2017, and a string of local business awards.

“It’s been a long but very rewarding journey since I took that initial leap of faith in 2012, I had worked in the industry for more than a decade at that point and I figured that I might as well be doing it for myself, I’d always thought that I would open my own real estate business one day and I wanted to do it my own way.”

One Agnecy Burnie Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business Was A Leap Of Faith That Paid Off

Matt and Jenna Grice started One Agency Burnie in Tasmania from home in 2015.

Two and a half years on, they have a staff of 15 and two offices, one in Burnie and the other in Wynyard. This dynamic young couple are busy building a strong and sustainable real estate business that allows them a fabulous lifestyle.

“Looking back now I don’t know why we were so worried about it,” says Matt, with seven years experience in the industry under his belt and had worked for Harcourts before setting up their own operation.

“It’s the biggest thing we’ve ever done and we should have done it sooner. The turnaround was so fast, we literally blinked and the next minute were up and running.”

Matt and Jenna loved the fresh and striking branding and also the traction that One Agency Launceston were making in establishing the brand in the state, so they made enquiries into a license and were up and running within three months.

“If we had known three years ago what our life would look like now, it definitely wasn’t this,” says Matt.

Jenna is also thrilled with the results, “We wouldn’t have the lifestyle we have today without One Agency,” she says.

Stephan Siegfried

Rock Solid Real Estate Business Has Integrity And A Big Heart

Stephan Siegfried started his One Agency business with a modest team of two, and is now, four years later, seven strong and based in an prime main street location in Redcliffe, QLD.

For him, it was an easy transition to the One Agency brand set up, and gave them the opportunity to not only flourish as a real estate business, but to be in a position to give back to their local community.

Stephan and his team recently won a One Agency Community Service Award 2017 in Recognition of Services to the Community for their work with not for profit organisation ‘The Breakfast Club’, helping local homeless people, or people in need.

“The club provides free meals and other essentials such as clothing, haircuts, meal and laundry services to people who are experiencing hard times, no questions asked,” says Stephan. “The local community thinks of it largely as looking after homeless people but that is only the tip of the iceberg.”

They were involved as major sponsor and raffle co-ordinator for The Rockin 4 the Homeless Concert which showcased over 20 local bands and ultimately raised over $53,000 last year. Stephan and The Breakfast Club are only looking to expand their services in 2018 through raffles and being involved in projects like the Rockin4 the Homeless 5 concert which will take place on the 28th of April with the Hoodoo Guru’s headlining.

The blatant juxtaposition of Stephan’s work in real estate and his charity work for the homeless provides a model of integrity for businesses in any field looking forward into the new year, proving that you can better your own business and life by doing the same for those around you. A much needed sentiment of giving back in our current global climate.

Nick Alexopoulos

Easy Transition from Agent to Real Estate Business Owner

Nick Alexopoulos set up his own One Agency real estate business in January 2017.

He admits to having been extremely nervous at the idea of becoming a real estate business owner, but after speaking with Paul Davies, the Founder & CEO of One Agency, he felt confident in making the leap.

“I had some friends who had already set up with One Agency, and their success and enthusiasm about the group made me take a good look at what was on offer,” says Nick. “Once I joined the transition was so easy that I kicked myself that I hadn’t done it earlier!”

Nick looked at a few of the traditional franchise models, but there was no comparison for him, as One Agency offered him a low cost business model, that allowed him to keep his entire commission and the flexibility to run his own race without intervention. He had complete freedom to build his business at his own pace.

“The main factor in my decision was that there was no requirement for me to have a shop front with One Agency. The others required me to do that and their fees would have been 9 – 10% of my turnover and I didn’t see the value in that. Plus I didn’t see any additional value in their business models over and above what One Agency was offering.”

real estate brand

Agent Chooses One Agency Real Estate Brand

Shaun O’Callaghan joined One Agency in early 2016 after hearing about the brand at AREC.

Prior to that he had no idea that the unique One Agency platform existed. He had considered starting his own real estate brand or partnering with existing Victorian based franchises.

“I didn’t want to have to create a real estate brand from scratch and really liked that One Agency have fixed monthly fees, no financial reporting to head office and great transparency around the business model,” he says.

Shaun had been in real estate for 10 years and worked at Hocking Stuart prior to opening his own business, where he was voted ‘Agent of the Year’ in 2015. He’s an auction accredited agent and an industry commentator featured in Real Estate Business and on the Sky News Real Estate Program.

One Agency Shaun O’Callaghan cover the Surf Coast region of Victoria, including Torquay, Jan Juc and surrounds.

“Setting up a new business is daunting, but Paul Davies and the team at head office were very accommodating, informative and supportive, plus I have an incredible Operations Manager, Amanda Lee,” says Shaun. “We made a list and worked through it day by day. My wife Liz has also been heavily involved and supportive as well.”

Real Estate Market

Moment of Truth – The Market is Changing – Are You?

The market has seen many agents on a roll recently, just from the momentum in the market place.

What you need to make sure is that you don’t start to change the word from roll to ’rollercoaster’.

Many agents fall into the trap of the rollercoaster because they get ‘busy’ and neglect the prospecting. Nothing new right? Pro’s understand that they must protect their ‘profit zone’ (prospecting) to look for new and future business and the rollercoaster won’t even exist.

The biggest challenge for agents today is how do you not remain complacent, rest on your laurels and settle for mediocrity, especially when you are listing and selling and things are good in your life. You must have a set of standards that you believe in.

Don’t allow to go into desperation to move into a different state of mind when you need a listing or sale as that is generally your lever to motivation – ‘raise your standards.’  

Be that person who is a rich agent everyday rather than riding the roller coaster of rich agent VS poor agent. Develop your mindset to be rich agent and richer agent.

A few tips to build more momentum and traction in your business daily and be highly productive to develop the ‘profit zone’:

  1. Protect your morning routine:
    Smart Calls best time to be productive and focused by getting on the phone with a purpose and some form of information. Profit Zone Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Structure and discipline will give you freedom.

  2. Distractions are the biggest thief of time:
    Don’t give your power away to others, the clock is ticking so make the most of it and make every minute count.

  3. Obsessive consistency delivers serious results:
    Letters, smart calls/door-knocks to your farm area will deliver the results and a sustainable business. Most agents start and stop things. The mastery is not about doing 4000 things 4 times but doing 4 things well 4000 times.

  4. Don’t procrastinate by waiting for ideal conditions to start something:
    JDI (Just Do It). Get into action with lead generation activities daily.

  5. Practice Productivity:
    Try sitting in one place for hours and hours focused on a single result. The goal is to focus on achieving one market appraisal per day and that’s your key to success. Aim for flow each day and reach into you zone of genius!
Sales Agent

Sales Agent Buys The Business

Joanne Danckwardt was so impressed with the One Agency business model where she had worked as a sales agent for three years, that she bought the business.

She has worked in real estate for 20 years, 5 of those as a valuer, and joined Sally Absalom in the Illawarra 4 years ago, after Sally took a One Agency license. They had previously worked together at McGrath.

“I was attracted to One Agency as I liked the brand, style and the quality of the agents. There was no other brand that stood out for me and I found this model the right fit,” she says.

“Leaving any brand is difficult particularly when you are established there. It wasn’t hard to consider setting up a business, as I was already a business within a business at McGrath. I was a contractor and only received income from my listings. It took me about 8 months to determine when the right time was, to leave McGrath.”

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina: The Three ‘R’ Principal For Real Estate Business 2017

As 2017 unfolds you have a great opportunity to do 3 key things in your real estate business:

  • Reflect
  • Recharge
  • Refocus

Reflect: Take the time to review every part of your real estate business by understanding where your best results and business came from over the past year. By reviewing your business, you will begin to identify where change could help you to breakthrough in 2017 and give you a compelling picture of where the best opportunities lie.

Then do a SWOT on your business (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to discover and learn about your business. What major lessons did you learn in 2016 from your customers, challenges, the market and your competition? The answers will help you to start mapping out a plan for this year by using the information from what you have learned from past experience!

Recharge: Take some time to recharge your batteries for the coming year, because sometimes real estate feels like it can just deplete and take from you. Many agents will have related to this last year, with a challenging market (low listing levels), so get re-energised to take on a whole new year ahead by planning 4 breaks in your diary.

You will work on a completely whole new level and be more engaged in your work and clients when you know you have holiday or some time out booked.

Refocus: Do you have a plan to avoid last year’s mistakes? What are the short and long term goals for your business in 2017? Make this year where you focus on the right areas rather than the areas that drain and dilute your attention and energy. Plan 2017 completely by design with constructive ideas, actions, outcomes and results.

Real Estate Business Trevor Leslie

Independent Real Estate Business Expands With One Agency

Trevor Leslie made the move from Independent and opened One Agency Trevor Leslie Group in August 2015.

Their real estate business covers Baulkham Hills, Northmead, Winston Hills and North Rocks in Sydney, NSW.

“We knew we couldn’t survive as an independent real estate agency and so interviewed several franchise proposals. We were searching for something dynamic. That is where One Agency has the edge, they are fresh in the market, the branding is amazing and we wanted to work with the offices around us,” says Trevor, who started his real estate career in 1982.

“Our decision has been proven to be correct. One Agency has produced for us the opportunity to compete against all the other agencies and win on the majority listings.”

They had traded since 2003 as an Independent Real Estate Business under the name Trevor Leslie Real Estate and wanted to take the company to the next level.

“We looked at several other options and One Agency stood out as the new direction for us. We had spoken to several other franchise groups and they were extremely difficult to deal with. Paul Davies and John Stewart offered what we were seeking, the agreement was fair therefore it was an easy decision. Head Office don’t take our money and spend it on unnecessary expensive promotions. ” 

Trevor reports that the set up with One Agency was delightful, and they were able to complete the paperwork, set up the business model and use the simple branding guidelines to have their office refitted.

“It was the easiest move, Head Office are so well organised,” he says. “They are like family, always there when you need them, you really couldn’t ask for more and I am so grateful for their support.”

Real Estate Market

30 Day Road Map for your Real Estate Business – Claudio Encina

As we slowly begin to wind down the year, you need to set a concrete plan for your real estate business today.

If you want to finish strong between now and Christmas you need to ask yourself, “what plan have I set that will accomplish something meaningful in my business before Christmas?”.

We know that every year, come November, you have a choice to go into a coma till mid January and then wake up with a hangover.  Or you can feel pretty secure and confident about your business because you invested the time to develop a plan prior to the holidays. While many people rely on their computer’s calendar, noting events and to-do lists in a day planner, a written journal forces you to spend a few minutes each day setting short-term goals and prioritising tasks.

Taking the time to structure a plan for your business between now and Christmas will ensure you have a strong platform for the New Year in 2017.

I would strongly suggest you make a 30 Day Roadmap to finish the year with momentum. Either way, if you are riding a wave of momentum right now or you need to build momentum into your business, you may want to consider a 30 Day Roadmap to ensure certainty by Christmas.

The 30 Day Roadmap will deliver 4 things :

  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Direction
  • Execution

This will give you the direction to finish the year powerfully by setting goals and targets that you would like to achieve by December 25th.

Clarity is about writing down and being specific on what you want to achieve between now and the next 30 days.

Focus is strategic thinking with planning and prioritising your tasks and outcomes on your ‘To Do List’.

Execution  is probably the most important part of your roadmap as without taking action to complete your plans, results will suffer and probably build no momentum whatsoever.

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina: Change Your Mindset – Real Estate Listings

The start of September is usually the bumper season for real estate listings. 

Unfortunately this year has shown a decline of 20-30% of real estate listings, compared to the same time last year, according to CoreLogic.

For some agents this market is now a mental game – whether you take action or not will come down to your approach. Taking more action with calls or any type of prospecting to secure more listings with the wrong psychology is worthless.  

As far as your prospecting calls go, start with the right mindset and get yourself into a ‘state’ of mind – prospecting: hustle + fun = consistency = RESULTS!

Here are a few tips to get yourself and your head in the game for prospecting this spring:

  • Do something fun and happy before you get started. Being in a great state is key if you want to perform at a high level. Play your favourite pump up song, listen to an inspirational podcast or watch a motivational video on YouTube.

  • Connect with the end result and how you will feel after you have made the calls. It always feels good when you take quality action (aka action that produces a result).

  • Have an accountability partner and cheer each other on.
Property Presentation

The Method Behind A Property Makeover

As a real estate agent, you’ll know the right kind of value-add strategies undertaken to transform a property and to create buyer appeal.

These value-add strategies are accomplished through coordinated appraisal, planning, and implementation with the help of a Property Makeover Specialist.

So what’s the method behind a successful makeover? This is something you can share with your new and prospective vendors.

Initial Appraisal

Every job needs to start with an initial appraisal.  It allows the Makeover Specialist to cast an objective eye on a property and get the first impressions. This step involves a needs analysis, a comparison between vendor ideas and prospect preferences, and the creation of an actionable plan. It’s the stage where the hidden gems of a property are identified, and the initial methods of polishing them are suggested.

Project Planning

Project planning solves the challenge associated with not knowing trusted trades and service providers. That’s because a Property Makeover Specialist functions as a Project Coordinator – a liaison between the vendor and the agent and accredited tradespeople. Through consistent quality delivery, the Makeover Specialist knows just who to tap for specific work.

Project Implementation

This stage is where the property makeover project is undertaken. With the different and specific tasks already scoped out during the Project Planning stage, everyone involved in the project will be guided by a calendar of works. The calendar of works is a tool that specifies what kind of work needs to be done, who will do them, when to do them, and how to do them.

Real Estate Franchises

Leading Real Estate Brand Forecasts Failure of High Overhead Franchises

Paul Davies, CEO and Founder of One Agency Real Estate Group, has forecast the failure of high overhead businesses and particularly franchises as many areas head into uncertain market conditions and economic times.

Speaking from the 300 strong Australian and New Zealand-wide group’s headquarters in Sydney today, Mr. Davies predicted that high overhead businesses will struggle in a slowing property market, where the rate of price growth for residential properties has diminished in recent months, less turnover of properties, and pressure on maintaining agents fee levels as competition to survive increases.

“Franchise offices in particular have added overheads, and may have difficulty maintaining the narrow profit margins, creating added stress to meet their high overheads,” he says.

“I believe that many offices will close. The first will be ones with the slimmest profit margins, gradually followed by many others. I would go as far as to suggest, some franchises groups, that struggle to provide a fair exchange for fees, where their franchisees cannot justify the costs, will become irrelevant and cease to exist.”

Read more as reported by REB online today.

Independent real estate agency

Independent Real Estate Agency – Why Neil & Helena Mani Chose One Agency

Neil and Helena Mani have returned to their roots on the Central Coast, where they both grew up, to build their business; One Agency Neil & Helena Mani in the Gosford, East Gosford and Springfield areas.

Prior to their move back home from Queensland, and opening their One Agency business in December 2015, they had an independent real estate agency –  Smart Real Estate Mackay for 2 years, and were with Ray White Mackay for 8 years.

This dynamic team are a force to be reckoned with in real estate sales, with more than 20 awards to their name and 24 years of combined experience in the real estate industry. Neil and Helena were also the No.1 Auction Agents in North Queensland from 2009 to 2015 and ‘Elite Performers’ in the top 5% of the international sales force of Ray White.

They are one of many high achieving and motivated agents turning to One Agency for the business model that makes it simple and affordable for driven agents to establish their own agency, free from the classic constraints, costs and complexities of a franchise.

“We sold our rent roll in Mackay to First National and we considered going with them, but the One Agency business model and branding were stronger and a better choice for us,” says Helena.

“We had wanted to join One Agency since 2009  – we are friends with Craig Higbid who had the first One Agency on the Central Coast and now it’s a very strong brand in the region.”

Because they had started an independent real estate agency before, they had their admin platform ready and just needed to change the branding. Plus the checklists and support provided by One Agency were effective and helped get them set up in a fast, effective manner.

Real Estate Business Cashflow

FREE Real Estate Business Cashflow & Cost Forecast 2016

It’s that time of year when many of us reassess where our lives are heading, when we might consider making a few changes for the better and set some goals.

If you’re a real estate agent who works for someone else, then you are part of your employer’s wealth creation process. And that can be fine for a while, especially at the start of your real estate career when you need someone to show you the ropes.

But when you start to feel as though you are putting copious amounts of your blood sweat and tears into someone else’s business, along with long hours, and the rewards just aren’t enough, then it may be time to consider setting up your own real estate business.

We will share a suggested real estate business cashflow spreadsheet and a cost forecast for 2016 at the end of this article, to help you get started with planning the financial side of opening a new venture.

Running your own business is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do, yes it can be hard, but most challenges are, and we develop and grow by setting ourselves new challenges to overcome. All you really need is the ability to list and sell property. If you’re confident that you have that skill, then the other requirements for business ownership can be learned, coached or outsourced.

Real Estate Business

A New Year’s Revolution in Real Estate for 2016

If you want to have a more secure future as a real estate agent, then you may be considering how you can create a new year’s revolution and build a profitable and sustainable real estate business.

Many people don’t realise that running a business is actually within their ability, dismissing the idea without properly exploring and understanding what it’s really about, before making an informed decision whether or not it may suit them.

But the fear of doing something is always greater than actually doing it. You don’t know that you can’t do something until you’ve tried. Running a business is now easier and more affordable than ever before, but how do you get started? Independent or Franchise?

In the real estate industry it’s almost impossible, as an independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in your local marketplace.

Buying into an established franchise is both constraining and costly, so we’ve created a business model with One Agency, that is seen by real estate industry observers as the Disrupter model for our industry. A disrupter business strategy radically changes a product and service in an industry, replacing the old with the new.

At One Agency we are different and we love the fact that we are different. We’re a licensing arrangement, not a franchise, and offer a more efficient and economical solution for agents where you can operate your own business at a fraction of the cost of a usual real estate business and keep 100% of your fees.

One Agency

Illawarra Real Estate Agent Chases 3rd Sydney to Hobart Win

Illawarra real estate agent, Wollongong’s Ty Oxley and owner of One Agency Oxley Property Group will be part of the Perpetual Loyal crew for the Sydney to Hobart yacht race this Boxing Day.

A former professional sailor, Ty has sailed and competed in ten Sydney to Hobart yacht races and has been on the winning crew twice, once on Perpetual Loyal in 2011.

“I left Wollongong when I was 16 years old, and followed my dream of sailing career on the race circuit in Italy and France,” he says. “Ocean racing is in my blood, there’s nothing better than flying down the coast in the middle of the night, surfing down waves and hoping not to get wiped out! The thrill is amazing.”

It’s a busy time of year for Ty, who opened his real estate business earlier this year (2015) but he’s hoping to have most of his work done by the time the starting cannon fires in Sydney Harbour on December 26th.

As an engineer for Sydney to Hobart line honours contender Perpetual Loyal, the Illawarra real estate agent will make sure that all the systems are in place, trouble-shoot any issues, as well as helping set the 100-foot maxi on the right course.

Naomi Brooking Brooking Realty NZ

Market Leading Agent in NZ Chooses One Agency

Naomi Brooking and her team of five started up their business Brooking Realty with One Agency in New Zealand only four weeks ago and they are the 2nd member to join since the group expanded into NZ.

With a number of listings already being promoted, Brooking seems on course to maintain her market-leading record in the region.

They cover Tawa to Pukerua Bay and also Johnsonville to Kaiwharawara in the Wellington region of New Zealand.

She was in the process of purchasing a franchise of the real estate company she was working with, but when things became less appealing with the franchise option, Naomi considered going independent or approaching another boutique company where she’d previously worked, with the hope of setting up her own subsidiary under them.

Then she heard about One Agency launching in New Zealand and after researching the group thoroughly, she set up her business with One Agency.

“The business model made complete sense to me; that it isn’t a traditional franchise, the cost is also a lot less than a franchise, plus it has far less restrictions and excellent marketing,” she says.


Property makeover

Relationship Dynamics: Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists

In a busy market, taking advantage of favourable trends is key to staying competitive. Today, we look at the relationship dynamics between Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists.

In the real estate market, this means selling a property while the market is active and doing so as soon as possible. It looks simple but there’s a functional relationship – between Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists – at work which is integral to the competition-time-value component.

Real Estate Agents and Property Makeover Specialists share a common goal: working for the vendor to achieve the maximum competition to bid for the property, with the most effective marketing plan, and with the very best sales outcome.  With the dawn of in-depth sales disciplines, it’s become apparent that value-add transformation is key when marketing and selling a property.

Since Real Estate Agents cannot implement value-add changes on their own, they turn to Property Makeover Specialists to do the job. Hence the birth of what we call ‘property makeover to sell.’ But how exactly is this relationship mutually beneficial?

Warkworth NZ real estate One Agency

Huge Enquiry in New Zealand for the One Agency Brand

One Agency this month celebrated the opening of its second office in New Zealand since launching the first, in Warkworth in late August.

The new member, Naomi Brooking and her team of five commenced this week in the Porirua market and will shortly launch in Johnsonville and Khandallah, New Zealand. With a number of listings already being promoted, Brooking seems on course to maintain her market-leading record in the region.

In Warkworth, Rob, Teresa and Martin Hall from One Agency The Hall Property Group have celebrated their first sales and feature numerous listings.

“Interest is massive, our simple, strongly branded model proving of huge interest to top performing agents seeking their own business and to office owners who can no longer justify the franchise fees demanded by the historic brands,” commented John Stewart, a former NZ industry leader now driving the launch of One Agency into NZ from the company’s Sydney headquarters. “We anticipate a further dozen or so additional members to confirm and open before the end of the first quarter in 2016.”

Gaven Whalley One Agency North Haven

Why Gaven Whalley Chose One Agency Over Independent

Real Estate business owner Gaven Whalley has been in real estate for the past 15 years and started One Agency North Haven on the Mid-North Coast of NSW almost three years ago.

He saw One Agency Kempsey and instantly liked the striking yet simple branding of the real estate business.

“As a long term local, the One Agency business model really fitted into my area. I liked the classy brand and the low fees. The fact that there aren’t too many constraints was also a big selling point for me,” says Gaven.

Gaven had owned two First National offices and sold them before starting up his One Agency business.

Independent, Licensee, Franchisee or Marketing Group?

If you’re a real estate agent navigating the minefield of setting up your own real estate business, no doubt you’re considering which business model will suit you and your wallet best. Will it be Independent, Licensee, Franchisee or Marketing Group?

But what is most important? Is it choosing the right business model? Or is the individual agent and their ability to attract listings more critical? We believe that the agent is the most important and key element to success, so there’s no one correct choice as to which business model is right for you.

Some recent statistics on a REB+ article called ‘Employer of Choice’ recently showed that a majority of agents want to start as an independent agency rather than entering via an expensive and tightly controlled franchise. Given the choice, most agents want the freedom to run their own business in their own way.

At One Agency, that’s what we offer. We attract many highly successful real estate agents who want to secure their own financial future by setting up a real estate business. Most of them have looked at the figures for setting up an independent brand and know that it will cost them big bucks and put unnecessary strain on a new business starting up. They also understand that it’s likely to take far longer to establish themselves in the marketplace.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency Real Estate Business Expands

It’s been a busy month here at Head Office, with a move to a larger office here in the same building and as our real estate business expands, so does our One Agency family.

We’ve welcomed new members; Bryan Gamarra from Braddon in the ACT and Harry Triandas from Ramsgate in NSW. 

We are also in the process of signing up our first New Zealand members and are looking forward to establishing our One Agency across the Tasman as our real estate business expands there. We’ll be announcing who they are very soon.

Two of our Australian members have taken up 2nd and 3rd licenses, and another has taken up a 4th and 5th license, which is a great credit to them and shows how successful a One Agency real estate business can be.

If you haven’t already booked for our biggest event ever on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 at The Langham in Sydney then give us a call. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet other members and join in with our popular ‘sharing & learning session’ with our exclusive panel of One Agency members.

We also have Tom Panos, our favourite Real Estate Coach lined up to speak along with Phil Harris from Harris Real Estate who plans to share his ‘recipe for success’ with you all. At the end of the day there’ll be drinks & canapés in the drawing room of this beautiful hotel to unwind and socialise. Thanks to Rita who is doing a fantastic job and making it all happen.

To book please contact Rita Mann on 1300 79 23 88 or via email.

Real Estate Franchise

Why Traditional Real Estate Franchise Models Are Outdated

Running a franchise real estate business can be costly, but it’s almost impossible, as a new independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in the local marketplace. We’d go so far as to say franchise models are outdated.

Buying into established franchise models is an obvious way to get set up, but it’s both constraining and expensive.

Typically, if you run a franchise business, you are faced with brand restrictions and high costs. You’ll have to pay a percentage of your income to the franchise and they usually work on a penalty system. The more you make, the more you pay with multiple fees involved. 

There’s on-going reporting, operating parameters and expensive shop-front leases plus fit outs to be paid for. You must keep your expenses well under the expected income you can generate to have a profitable and sustainable business.

Lindy Harris One Agency

Why One Agency is the Perfect Fit for Real Estate Business

Lindy Harris found the perfect fit for real estate and started her real estate business with One Agency after working for an independent real estate agency where she ran the sales department.

“I figured that I might as well be doing it for myself, I’d always thought that I would open my own business one day and when I came across One Agency it seemed like the perfect fit for real estate and for me.”

Lindy opened One Agency Lindy Harris in the NSW Hunter Valley region, covering the Singleton, Broke and Branxton areas in February 2015.

She discovered the brand after attending a Lee Woodward seminar. Lee introduced her to Paula Taylor, who was one of the first members of the One Agency group.