Category Archives: Real Estate Market

One Agency Blog How The 2019 Federal Election Might Affect Negative Gearing Banner

How the 2019 federal election might affect negative gearing

It’s almost election time again and that means only one thing ‒ the same tired proposals by politicians who have no intention of seeing them through. (How many times have we heard about a high-speed rail network? Tackling child poverty? Crackdown on welfare recipients?)

One of the most common pledges that could have an impact on the real estate industry concerns negative gearing and the Labor Party’s plans for reform.

Bill Shorten has announced that he wants to change the current negative gearing policy so that it no longer applies to existing properties. Labor’s plan is for negative gearing to continue only for investors who buy new builds. For current investors who make use of negative gearing, there will be no change on the properties they own, unless they sell them on.

Labor’s goal is to encourage growth in the building sector, which they believe will increase the supply and lower the overall price of housing and rent in Australia.

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina – Tactics & Strategies For A Changing Real Estate Market

What new tactics and strategies are you using in this changing real estate market?

We all know that the spring selling season is an opportunity to make a significant amount of cash for the year.

The weather’s getting better (in most places) and people want to be in their new homes before summer and Christmas.

So, it’s super important that you make sure you’re generating leads, going on appointments, taking listings, putting buyers under contract and selling a lot of homes!

It is imperative that you ask high-gain and high-impact questions in order to  garner enough information to clearly identify and understand those needs. The most successful sales professionals are those who ‘sell by design, not by chance.’  If you have a strategy when asking questions, you increase your success rate.

Here are some real cut through questions to ask your prospects:  

  1. When do you see yourself doing something?
  2. If I come across a good buyer should I give you a call?
  3. I know you’re not selling but I would love to see your place, are you around this Friday or would the would weekend suit you better?
  4. Do you have any real estate plans in 2018 either buying or selling?

Know your ‘message’ and ‘outcome’ from the call. Sincerity, politeness and brevity, combined with a solid knowledge of your market, are the makings for a successful sales call. Follow these tips and watch your selling productivity rise this spring and start to identify your pipeline for the new year:

Real Estate Market

How To Own Your Real Estate Market – Claudio Encina

How can you own the real estate market this year and set the foundation for next year?

Confidence is a powerful thing. When abundant, it propels booms. When lacking, it crumbles markets. Now in the second half of the year we find ourselves in a different, less confident market place to the first half.

Lower auction clearance rates, number of days on market increasing, more buyers sitting on the fence, tougher lending criteria for investors and numbers of first home buyers on the slide. As a result, median property prices across Australia are starting to retract from the high levels we have seen in the past 18 months.

Optimists with a plan lead in real estate, so how can you take charge in this challenging market?

  1. GOALS – Create a clear plan from now until Christmas. Evidence shows that you are likely to achieve sharp short term goals rather than long term goals. Write down what you would like to achieve over the next 60 days in sales, listings, presentations and market appraisals. Draft a ‘new business’ (prospecting/canvassing) plan for your business to create new and future business for 2018. No plan and no goals leads to coasting through another year at the same level as before. If you want to do better, plan and do more.
  2.  URGENCY – It’s time to change pace. In slower markets fast paced agents clean up while others stand back as if nothing has changed. I’ve seen many agents unable to adapt to a changing market because they didn’t lift the pace. Increase your sense of urgency and this will be a market to harvest.
  3. CONTROL – A slower market means buyers will be fussier and less compromising with their expectations. They will also increase their perception of value. You will need to control your listings, set to sell meetings, marketing and negotiation skills. Control your inner market – YOU.  For buyers and sellers, the process brings emotions to the surface that, when misunderstood by their agent, can lead to feelings of frustration and anger by all involved.

    Clients aren’t the only ones at the mercy of their emotions; even the most level-headed, seasoned agent has moments where his or her emotions bubble to the surface. Agents with high emotional maturity, are able to manage their emotions as well as those of their clients.

  4. SKILL –Some agents will take listings on at any price in a changing market. This doesn’t mean you have to overprice to list, on the contrary, you need to be an expert at showing how your process and company will optimise the result. Agents without real benefits and resources only have overpricing and low fees in their tool bag. Practice fee strategies – you will need them. Don’t wing it!  

    Points of difference between you and the competition will be key. You will need to provide substantial evidence to set yourself apart – ‘Why you?’ – and massive success will come your way. Learn, practise and rehearse your listing presentation, commission objections, marketing objections and negotiation dialogues. I recommend spending 15-30 minutes on this daily.

  5. ACTION – Stock is everything. Want to DOUBLE your business? Then hold DOUBLE the conversations, DOUBLE your profile marketing, have written goals and a simple committed plan. There is no way to make more money without more stock, so start listing like a maniac. Also, expired listings will be a great resource of new and future business in the real estate market this year – identify them in your area.