Category Archives: Property Presentation


Vendor Dilemma – Downsizing From The Family Home

Downsizing does not have a  ‘one size fits all’ solution and needs handling carefully.

The mere thought of a downsize is daunting and can overwhelm any retiree. Coming to the realisation that it’s time to move on from the family home may take many years. The difficulty is, as an agent, how do you approach and discuss this topic while maintaining respect and understanding?

Questions such as:

Is your home too big?
Are there rooms you just never go into?
Do you worry about the maintenance?
Do you want to reduce your efforts in the day to day upkeep?

The big one for me is:
Does this home still serve the purpose you bought it for?

Just the idea of going through the process of packing away a lifetime of belongings and getting a property ready to list and sell can be overwhelming.

We’ve project managed hundreds of downsizes and have seen it all! With the correct approach to a downsizing makeover project, your vendors can have a more profitable and lower stress outcome to begin the next phase of their lives.

Most people just think of the option and term of ‘downsizing’, but I like to think that there is a more beneficial result from the term ‘rightsizing.’ The key is to make the solution ‘optimal.’ To ‘downsize’ implies simply moving to a smaller place while to ‘rightsize’ is to convert to a more optimal space.

This could mean a vendor initially converting an existing home, adding a granny flat, or extracting hidden value from their current property to maximise options, before scaling down into a smaller property.

The rightsizing trend now is commonly tied to lifestyle-improvement goals. Often, a homeowner is motivated to rightsize post the family growing up; post the realisation of spending too much time maintaining a big house and yard; or post paying off a home loan.

Higher motivators also involve the desire to retire and to live closer to the beach, on the mountains, or just about anywhere that offers cosiness with the amenities of life. Rightsizing is all around us.

The most important step to rightsizing is maximising the sale value of what a vendor has. We work out the best strategy according to their individual requirements and will:

  • Talk through their needs, desires, and budget to help them to decide whether they should stay on the same property or sell the property.
  • Get to work deciding on a strategy from de-cluttering the home, implementing small renovations, or totally maximising the development potential of their home before selling.
  • Perhaps convert that little office into a bedroom for added value, declutter and restyle, if needed, to attract a more affluent market, or totally update the landscaping and paint colours to attract a younger more affluent client.
real estate market

Spring to Summer Real Estate Market Styling Ideas

It’s time to get planning for the busy months ahead in the real estate market.

Spring school holidays are about to begin and Christmas is also on the radar, so time is of the essence to work on styling and presentation as the market picks up.
We’ve just finished working on a hugely intense project, released to get on an auction schedule prior to the September School holidays, and it worked really well! With only 13 weeks to Christmas, there is still time to time to work on that auction date prior to the summer holidays.
So as styling & renovation makeover specialists, what do we focus on at this time of year as the weather warms up? My favourite part of the Spring /Summer period is the opportunity to enhance a morning sun aspect and work the indoor/outdoor transition to best advantage. Where you can’t logistically transition in and out, you can use items of colour and nature to set the scene, tie both areas together and create flow through.
There are easy and affordable items that you can seasonally change, like cushions going from more muted and warm colours, to greens and citrus for example.  Throws would change from the heavier faux fur to a lighter cotton or knitted.  Nature items such as large fronds, beautifully shaped sticks, leafy indoor plants or blooming potted orchids can work beautifully.
Property Presentation

Avoid Property Presentation Regrets Post Sale

If you ask any vendor their regrets post sale, a major component is not having the house presented well. 

This means vendors might regret their inaction and in not giving their property presentation everything they had.  
Not knowing what they could have achieved in sale price can leave a distasteful feeling about what ‘could have been’.  It is critical as sales agents to address this with your vendors right at the get-go. 
Ask them:
– What plans do you have to present the property?
– Are you unsure where to start?
– Can I arrange some assistance in getting your home ready to sell?
I suggest actually stating, ‘one of the biggest regrets I hear from vendors is feeling that they didn’t do enough to get the property ready for sale’. Then asking, ‘would you like some ideas to consider?’