Category Archives: One Agency The Forest

One Agency fundraising for the Great Illawarra Walk

ONE Big Helping Hand – Local Community Fundraising

Whether your motives are humanitarian or professional, getting involved in the local community at a volunteer level offers a variety of benefits.

There are two types of community involvement that real estate agents typically gravitate toward. The first is donating money to a cause, which is admirable and a boon to the charity recipient yet it involves very little effort beyond writing a cheque. Then there is hands-on volunteerism: the getting your hands dirty, joining in nitty-gritty of community involvement.

Both types of charitable donation are great but the latter is hands down better for your real estate business. The type of giving back that puts you face-to-face with groups of people who may turn into clients is good for business.

So charitable involvement or donation in the real estate world isn’t completely altruistic?

It may well start out as a selfless desire to give to others, but side benefits of community involvement include the fact that it’s a fabulous way to generate leads, get your name linked to the local community and increase your brand reach and public persona.

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency News from Head Office – September 2013

It’s been a busy month at One Agency HQ with a host of new members joining.

We are pleased to announce that we now have more than 100 agents in the One Agency Group!

With 12 new members and 17 individual agents joining us in the last month, we are Australia’s fastest growing brand. If you want to find out more, contact us in complete confidentiality.
Tel 1300 79 23 88.

We’d like to offer ONE big congratulations to Peter and Dean Harper at One Agency Harper Property in Tasmania who won the Best Small Agency of the Year at the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania annual awards last week.

Dean and Peter have worked tirelessly at building their business and are going great guns in their marketing campaigns – follow them on Facebook.

Michael Lister One agency The Forest

ONE Great Agent: Michael Lister Q&A

Each month we interview ONE Great Agent – one of our members to discover their story and have them share their experience with us.

Under the spotlight this month is Michael Lister from One Agency The Forest in the Northern Beaches area of Sydney.

Michael has been in real estate since 2008 after 25 years in the motor trade where he was General Sales Manager for Ferrari. He joined One Agency in May 2010 with business partner Chris Naylor. 

What do you love about your work in real estate? What drives you?
In real estate, you have an opportunity that is unique in the business of selling. You create your own inventory by gaining the listing. In my opinion this part is the ‘sell’ because you are selling yourself to the potential vendor. The ‘negotiate’ is to the buyer and it is here that your skills as a true sales person comes to the fore. Anyone can stand there, taking offers, but a true sales person will work those offers, extracting everything possible to create the best outcome for their vendor. Once the right outcome has been achieved you can then hold your head high, knowing you have done the best job possible.

What attracted you to One Agency business model?
One Agency works best for Chris and I as it allows us to tailor our business to suit both our style and our community. This ‘un-chains’ us from the complex corporate structures that the franchises are laboured with. When we were setting up in business, we were approached by some big name franchises and the set up costs were horrific. We figured ‘why are we going to work so hard for somebody else’s benefit?’ and so we decided to go with the One Agency model which suited us much better and allowed us to steer our own ship.

How is the brand working for you?
It is working very well for us, allowing us to grow the business at a comfortable rate. The brand gives us the freedom to build our business without constraint.

Would you recommend One Agency to others?
We would and have recommended the One Agency brand but only to those who have self-drive and who don’t want to be pigeon holed. You need to be a self-starter to build any kind of business and have the determination to achieve goals.