All posts by One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency is a revolution in real estate. We are not a franchise but are an operation that allows agents to establish their own agency free from the classic constraints, inflated costs and complexities of a franchise.
Real Estate Market

How Do You Level Up To The Property Buyer Experience?

Buyers are everywhere and your next property buyer could also be your next seller.

With many property buyers in the market coming through open homes and a stack of new email enquiries hitting your inbox each day, how can you come from a place to provide a higher level of experience?

Rapport opens doors. To build rapport you need a strategy to level up the buyer experience and help the buyer to not feel like just another number. Working with all the buyers that you are meeting at open homes on the weekend is about having an effective buyer management plan to create buyer relationships.

Some of the top achievers in this industry work their buyers to generate new and future business. The most effective way to service the buyers is come from a place of ‘Help’ rather than ‘Sell’.

Most agents tend to come from a place of sell rather than taking the time to help buyers. Look to add value more than any other agent using ‘Value Hooks’. For example, look at providing a Comparative Market Analysis of the last 6 month sales in the area they are looking to purchase or provide some type of report to where they are looking to buy, that’s help.

Prepare their property for market

Helping Vendors Prepare Their Property For Market

How can you help your vendors work out what to spend to prepare their property for market?

As an agent you have to wear many hats when working with vendors and walking them through the process of listing and selling their property.

Here are some tips to help them to work out the best approach and budget for that. Before we talk about a magic figure, think about suggesting that they split it into three sections:

  • Money for the maintenance jobs they should have spent money on every year – ‘catch up money’.
  • Money for items they can re-fresh, upgrade and take with them – ‘take with you money’.
  • Everything else should be for the items required purely for presentation – ‘pre-sale presentation costs’.
As home owners, we always have a list in the back of our minds of ‘things I should have done around my house’. I believe that any owner we stop to ask could recite that list instantly! Homes absorb money every month of every year and if your vendors haven’t kept up with regular maintenance there will be a requirement to budget for catch up money.
This would normally go towards things like painting, general home repairs, replacement of cracked windows and the like. At BG Property Styling our owners can spend anything from nothing towards painting and just some man hours of maintenance, to hundreds of thousands of dollars – as an agent you will be well versed on what is required for the state the home is currently in and can help educate your clients towards fixing things up.
There are certain items we would always recommend that vendors buy and take with them. There are things that can be purchased with a professional’s help, which may save hire costs and look fantastic in their next home. 
Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina: The Three ‘R’ Principal For Real Estate Business 2017

As 2017 unfolds you have a great opportunity to do 3 key things in your real estate business:

  • Reflect
  • Recharge
  • Refocus

Reflect: Take the time to review every part of your real estate business by understanding where your best results and business came from over the past year. By reviewing your business, you will begin to identify where change could help you to breakthrough in 2017 and give you a compelling picture of where the best opportunities lie.

Then do a SWOT on your business (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to discover and learn about your business. What major lessons did you learn in 2016 from your customers, challenges, the market and your competition? The answers will help you to start mapping out a plan for this year by using the information from what you have learned from past experience!

Recharge: Take some time to recharge your batteries for the coming year, because sometimes real estate feels like it can just deplete and take from you. Many agents will have related to this last year, with a challenging market (low listing levels), so get re-energised to take on a whole new year ahead by planning 4 breaks in your diary.

You will work on a completely whole new level and be more engaged in your work and clients when you know you have holiday or some time out booked.

Refocus: Do you have a plan to avoid last year’s mistakes? What are the short and long term goals for your business in 2017? Make this year where you focus on the right areas rather than the areas that drain and dilute your attention and energy. Plan 2017 completely by design with constructive ideas, actions, outcomes and results.

One Agency

2016 A Record-Breaking Year at One Agency

We take a look back at a wonderful year of growth and development.

“As the team at One Agency heads into the annual holiday season we reflect on another record-breaking year of growth both in New Zealand and Australia, which in itself is reason for celebration,” says John Stewart, Head of Australasian Membership.

“What is even more gratifying is to have witnessed the individual growth of existing members’ businesses for what in in many markets has been a very challenging year,” he says.

2016 has seen more franchise offices and leading agents from major brands joining One Agency in larger numbers than at any stage in the disruptor’s eight year history.

“This is a direct reflection of the strong foundation of the brand, simplicity of operation, outstanding marketing collateral and above all, a business model that is unmatched in leaving more gross income in the hands of the business owner,” says Mr.Stewart.

“The latter trend is still gathering pace as the year draws to an end, with many newcomers commenting on a desire to manage their own destiny and, if indeed, as pundits suggest, their market is going to slow in the coming year, they will need to seek a larger share of sale income.”

For existing One Agency members, 2016 saw the bedding down of a new state-of-the-art website, branding collateral updates and range expansion, additional print material templates, engagement with major off-shore websites and enhanced levels of support from industry suppliers and service providers.

In addition the brand has seen a simplification of promotional item purchasing and at the end of November, the group’s first International Awards Dinner in Sydney, enjoyed by over 150 guests and industry sponsors from both sides of the Tasman.

For prospective members, 2016 saw quicker access to more detailed brand and business model information delivered through the launch of a private information site along with the digital delivery of membership details.

property makeover

The Difference Between a Pre-Sale Makeover and Styling

We are often asked what the difference is between property styling and a pre-sale makeover.

In a lot of cases you need both and in general a ‘makeover specialist’ has the concepts and ideas behind adding value for the entire property.  A property stylist  is normally the term for a furniture hire company representative, someone who puts the ‘icing on the cake’, as I call it.
Like most things in life, a solid foundation is a good start and so I’m going to concentrate on talking about the makeover specialist, which is what we do, prior to the final ‘icing’. 
As an agent, when your vendors want the opportunity to add value and for constructive independent feedback about their entire property, a pre-sale makeover specialist would be the professional to suggest calling in.
We work to increase profit through identifying and creating value add opportunities, and a furniture hire  ‘stylist’ may in fact be one of those key stakeholders we call in, as is a painter or a carpet layer etc. 
A makeover specialist’s role, is to give constructive and objective feedback regarding the presentation of the property.  This feedback will cover everything from the front gate and the outdoor areas, to the layout of the master bedroom then all the way to the condition of the garden pots at the back fence.  Your makeover specialist should be detailed and thorough about every opportunity of enhancement.  
Real Estate Business Trevor Leslie

Independent Real Estate Business Expands With One Agency

Trevor Leslie made the move from Independent and opened One Agency Trevor Leslie Group in August 2015.

Their real estate business covers Baulkham Hills, Northmead, Winston Hills and North Rocks in Sydney, NSW.

“We knew we couldn’t survive as an independent real estate agency and so interviewed several franchise proposals. We were searching for something dynamic. That is where One Agency has the edge, they are fresh in the market, the branding is amazing and we wanted to work with the offices around us,” says Trevor, who started his real estate career in 1982.

“Our decision has been proven to be correct. One Agency has produced for us the opportunity to compete against all the other agencies and win on the majority listings.”

They had traded since 2003 as an Independent Real Estate Business under the name Trevor Leslie Real Estate and wanted to take the company to the next level.

“We looked at several other options and One Agency stood out as the new direction for us. We had spoken to several other franchise groups and they were extremely difficult to deal with. Paul Davies and John Stewart offered what we were seeking, the agreement was fair therefore it was an easy decision. Head Office don’t take our money and spend it on unnecessary expensive promotions. ” 

Trevor reports that the set up with One Agency was delightful, and they were able to complete the paperwork, set up the business model and use the simple branding guidelines to have their office refitted.

“It was the easiest move, Head Office are so well organised,” he says. “They are like family, always there when you need them, you really couldn’t ask for more and I am so grateful for their support.”

Real Estate Market

30 Day Road Map for your Real Estate Business – Claudio Encina

As we slowly begin to wind down the year, you need to set a concrete plan for your real estate business today.

If you want to finish strong between now and Christmas you need to ask yourself, “what plan have I set that will accomplish something meaningful in my business before Christmas?”.

We know that every year, come November, you have a choice to go into a coma till mid January and then wake up with a hangover.  Or you can feel pretty secure and confident about your business because you invested the time to develop a plan prior to the holidays. While many people rely on their computer’s calendar, noting events and to-do lists in a day planner, a written journal forces you to spend a few minutes each day setting short-term goals and prioritising tasks.

Taking the time to structure a plan for your business between now and Christmas will ensure you have a strong platform for the New Year in 2017.

I would strongly suggest you make a 30 Day Roadmap to finish the year with momentum. Either way, if you are riding a wave of momentum right now or you need to build momentum into your business, you may want to consider a 30 Day Roadmap to ensure certainty by Christmas.

The 30 Day Roadmap will deliver 4 things :

  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Direction
  • Execution

This will give you the direction to finish the year powerfully by setting goals and targets that you would like to achieve by December 25th.

Clarity is about writing down and being specific on what you want to achieve between now and the next 30 days.

Focus is strategic thinking with planning and prioritising your tasks and outcomes on your ‘To Do List’.

Execution  is probably the most important part of your roadmap as without taking action to complete your plans, results will suffer and probably build no momentum whatsoever.

Home Makeover

Home Makeover: Kitchens – How and When?

Kitchens, they say, are the heart of the home. We all know that! Taking potential buyers emotions into consideration, kitchens rank as an important priority in a home makeover.

Potential purchasers often value a kitchen replacement as double its actual cost and will use it to their negotiation advantage, so here’s what to do.

As home makeover specialists we have been faced with all sorts of properties and all sorts of kitchens. Essentially, the only kitchens we don’t suggest to touch (aside from a deep clean – compulsory in all) are those that are in an imminent knock down or one with serious immediate renovation requirements.

Your vendor may have a 20-25 year old kitchen. Ideally, you might suggest they update the entire kitchen and bench top, but a well made wooden kitchen with a good carcass and with a number of years life left offers a budget option to re-paint. Unfortunately you can’t really hide that it’s a re-paint, however, it will likely present much better for pre-sale than the old version. Here is a great example of how well this 1970’s kitchen was improved with a re-paint and new appliances:

Set A Kitchen Before

Set A Kitchen After

Real Estate Market

Claudio Encina: Change Your Mindset – Real Estate Listings

The start of September is usually the bumper season for real estate listings. 

Unfortunately this year has shown a decline of 20-30% of real estate listings, compared to the same time last year, according to CoreLogic.

For some agents this market is now a mental game – whether you take action or not will come down to your approach. Taking more action with calls or any type of prospecting to secure more listings with the wrong psychology is worthless.  

As far as your prospecting calls go, start with the right mindset and get yourself into a ‘state’ of mind – prospecting: hustle + fun = consistency = RESULTS!

Here are a few tips to get yourself and your head in the game for prospecting this spring:

  • Do something fun and happy before you get started. Being in a great state is key if you want to perform at a high level. Play your favourite pump up song, listen to an inspirational podcast or watch a motivational video on YouTube.

  • Connect with the end result and how you will feel after you have made the calls. It always feels good when you take quality action (aka action that produces a result).

  • Have an accountability partner and cheer each other on.
Bg Property Styling Property Makeover Mosman Deck

Styling Tips – Investing In Outdoor Spaces

Investing in creating outdoor spaces can help your vendors to add value to their property.

Plus a beautifully presented home will help you to a quicker and better sale result.
We constantly have the discussion of spend and return with our clients and of course, when we are talking pre-sale, of course we should.  However sometimes we identify the opportunity for a larger investment and even more return.  
Promoting space and light is one of the most important things your vendors can do and this can be taken to the next level. For example I’m working on a house right now with a lovely level rear yard, a stunning outlook and the only access is through a laundry door!
In this example, we are currently organising approval of a deck coming out from the rear of the house and dining area. This will give the feel that the property is double the size of living areas.  
For a $20k investment, vendors can potentially earn a minimum of double the investment through increasing buyer appeal to target markets.
Extending spaces onto a deck area and creating that ‘indoor-outdoor’ feel is very appealing with our Australian climate, and these areas can be beautifully staged and dressed as if they were an additional room.  Vendors can consider creating a lounge or dining area, an outdoor kitchen or offer warmth with some clever heating options.
Independent Real Estate Agency

Ex-Franchise and Independent Real Estate Agency Owners Choose One Agency

Stephen & Jacqui Johnston joined the One Agency Group in New Zealand in January 2016 as One Agency Dunedin.

With a combined 56 years of real estate experience in Dunedin, Jacqui and Stephen have owned and operated an Independent Real Estate Agency and a RE/MAX Franchise.

“We first noticed One Agency with their classy email campaign and strong branding,” says Stephen. “When we looked into the group further, the vibrancy, number and sheer calibre of people they were attracting really appealed. We had been with RE/MAX for 6 years but it just didn’t resonate for us any more.”

“We weren’t keen on another joining another complicated franchise and initially our thoughts were on creating our own brand,” says Jacqui. “But we realised how much time would be wasted in starting from scratch as an independent real estate agency, and our business momentum would have suffered.”

“One Agency offered a better platform than being an independent for attracting other agents to join us,” she says.

The pair felt the timing to be right and the fact that One Agency were flexible with the launch date helped them to make the decision to choose this successful real estate brand.

“Plus the set up costs were minimal,” says Jacqui, “there were no built-in costs for things we didn’t want or need and also the bonus of low on-going fees. After having a chat with John Stewart, the Head of Australasian Membership, we felt it was a good fit. We wanted to be part of their successful journey.”

Their business set up was simple and straightforward as they already had an existing operation and so managed to hit the ground running.

After only 8 months of operation, they are progressing with their projected expansion and cover the Otago region as One Agency The Property Specialists, bringing with them vast experience in Residential Sales, Property Management, House and Land Packages, Subdivisions, Lifestyle and Rural, Commercial and Industrial.

Tom Panos

Tom Panos: Mistakes Vendors Make Over Choosing A Real Estate Agent

Tom Panos shares an interview with us that many real estate agents use to help educate potential vendors.

In this interview on Sky Business News – Your Property Empire, Tom gives us his insight into the biggest mistakes vendors make when choosing a real estate agent.
“You may like to consider using it in your pre-list kit or send it as a value add to your buyers and sellers as part of your stay-in-touch strategy,” says Tom.

Spring Market

Styling Tips for the end of Winter and start of the Spring Market

Winter is a great time to sell property, before the Spring market takes off and is flooded with listings.

As a busy Property Makeover Specialist there are two weeks of the year where I normally try to grab a quick break, during the July school holidays, prior to being rushed off our feet preparing properties for the oncoming Spring market. This year I only managed four days and they’ve become a distant memory already!
We have had a number of owners who’ve recently sold with great results, who now believe me when I say ‘don’t delay’! Winter is a fantastic time to sell. Why wait until everyone else is on the market and purchasers are more in the driving seat? At BG Property Styling we are smack bang in the middle of preparing for auction campaigns that are booked for the last available Saturday prior to the Spring holidays.
There are differing opinions about how to manage an early Spring sale. I’ll share some must haves from a presentation perspective; gardens are coming into their finest. Remind your vendors to attend the maintenance and presentation schedule a.s.a.p, as gardens will benefit from nurturing early. It’s also important to pay attention to the aspect and time of day for the Spring sun. 
Tom Panos

Tom Panos: Change Your Story, Change Your Life

In this week’s blog, Tom Panos looks at who we are, not just as real estate agents, but as people:

We all get caught up in our stories. 

Most of us think we are our stories. The problem is that when these stories take on a life of their own and that life isn’t the one we want.

That’s when things start to suck.

Are you happy with the story you are living now?

Who wrote it?

Did you create it or was it simply shaped by your parents, friends, society, or even the media?

The story you’re living in right now is only a chapter. 

You can write the next chapter of your story. 


Tom Panos

Real Estate – Secrets of Million Dollar Agents – Tom Panos

The true secret to real estate lies in the fact that those who want success the most are the ones who end up the most successful.

The trick is, if you want it more, you actually see more people, and the agent that generates the most appointments wins in real estate – end of story.

Make rejection your best friend. Establish yourself in the market, not in the office. Other agents in your office do not pay your mortgage, vendors pay your mortgage. Let go of the addiction to being liked by everyone.

Diagnose then Prescribe

Agents should act like doctors and try to make a diagnosis at their listing presentations by asking the right questions in order to determine the right path forward with clients.

Million-dollar agents ask questions, rookies make statements. And when I ask million-dollar agents about their biggest source for new listing opportunities, they say “open houses”.

Every buyer that you speak to must be asked this question, ‘Is this your first purchase in the area or your second?’ because if it’s their second purchase then they’re a potential vendor.

Agents should also be looking at every listing within their market by attending open for inspections and seeing what their competitors are doing differently.


Property Presentation

The Method Behind A Property Makeover

As a real estate agent, you’ll know the right kind of value-add strategies undertaken to transform a property and to create buyer appeal.

These value-add strategies are accomplished through coordinated appraisal, planning, and implementation with the help of a Property Makeover Specialist.

So what’s the method behind a successful makeover? This is something you can share with your new and prospective vendors.

Initial Appraisal

Every job needs to start with an initial appraisal.  It allows the Makeover Specialist to cast an objective eye on a property and get the first impressions. This step involves a needs analysis, a comparison between vendor ideas and prospect preferences, and the creation of an actionable plan. It’s the stage where the hidden gems of a property are identified, and the initial methods of polishing them are suggested.

Project Planning

Project planning solves the challenge associated with not knowing trusted trades and service providers. That’s because a Property Makeover Specialist functions as a Project Coordinator – a liaison between the vendor and the agent and accredited tradespeople. Through consistent quality delivery, the Makeover Specialist knows just who to tap for specific work.

Project Implementation

This stage is where the property makeover project is undertaken. With the different and specific tasks already scoped out during the Project Planning stage, everyone involved in the project will be guided by a calendar of works. The calendar of works is a tool that specifies what kind of work needs to be done, who will do them, when to do them, and how to do them.

Real Estate Franchises

Leading Real Estate Brand Forecasts Failure of High Overhead Franchises

Paul Davies, CEO and Founder of One Agency Real Estate Group, has forecast the failure of high overhead businesses and particularly franchises as many areas head into uncertain market conditions and economic times.

Speaking from the 300 strong Australian and New Zealand-wide group’s headquarters in Sydney today, Mr. Davies predicted that high overhead businesses will struggle in a slowing property market, where the rate of price growth for residential properties has diminished in recent months, less turnover of properties, and pressure on maintaining agents fee levels as competition to survive increases.

“Franchise offices in particular have added overheads, and may have difficulty maintaining the narrow profit margins, creating added stress to meet their high overheads,” he says.

“I believe that many offices will close. The first will be ones with the slimmest profit margins, gradually followed by many others. I would go as far as to suggest, some franchises groups, that struggle to provide a fair exchange for fees, where their franchisees cannot justify the costs, will become irrelevant and cease to exist.”

Read more as reported by REB online today.

Independent real estate agency

Independent Real Estate Agency – Why Neil & Helena Mani Chose One Agency

Neil and Helena Mani have returned to their roots on the Central Coast, where they both grew up, to build their business; One Agency Neil & Helena Mani in the Gosford, East Gosford and Springfield areas.

Prior to their move back home from Queensland, and opening their One Agency business in December 2015, they had an independent real estate agency –  Smart Real Estate Mackay for 2 years, and were with Ray White Mackay for 8 years.

This dynamic team are a force to be reckoned with in real estate sales, with more than 20 awards to their name and 24 years of combined experience in the real estate industry. Neil and Helena were also the No.1 Auction Agents in North Queensland from 2009 to 2015 and ‘Elite Performers’ in the top 5% of the international sales force of Ray White.

They are one of many high achieving and motivated agents turning to One Agency for the business model that makes it simple and affordable for driven agents to establish their own agency, free from the classic constraints, costs and complexities of a franchise.

“We sold our rent roll in Mackay to First National and we considered going with them, but the One Agency business model and branding were stronger and a better choice for us,” says Helena.

“We had wanted to join One Agency since 2009  – we are friends with Craig Higbid who had the first One Agency on the Central Coast and now it’s a very strong brand in the region.”

Because they had started an independent real estate agency before, they had their admin platform ready and just needed to change the branding. Plus the checklists and support provided by One Agency were effective and helped get them set up in a fast, effective manner.

Tom Panos

Tom Panos: How To Win More Listings

“The agent who generates the most appointments will win,” says Tom Panos, a leading real estate coach and trainer.

Those who want success the most are the ones who end up with it.

“If you want to win more listings, you simply have to see more people. The agent who generates the most appointments wins in real estate – end of story,” he says.

Successful agents are not only ok with rejection; they use it to propel them to continue prospecting.

“Establish yourself in the market, not in the office. Other agents in your office do not pay your wages. Vendors pay your wages. Let go of the addiction of being liked by everyone.”

Property makeover One Agency Belinda Grundy

Property Makeover – The Challenges for an Agent and Vendor

A well presented home helps an agent to sell a home more efficiently and more profitably.

That is undeniable. But behind every property makeover lies a tried-and-tested framework that will lead towards a more successful sale.

This framework is every Property Makeover Specialist’s mix of knowledge, methods, and principles, and is responsible for establishing a successful relationship between the Real Estate Agent, the Vendor, and the Property Makeover Specialist.

So what are the challenges that face both vendors and agents in successful property presentation?

Without prior experience of a property makeover, vendors may be confronted with a dilemma: they don’t know how and where to start. As an agent, you may not always know what to say, especially as you might not have secured the listing and don’t want to put vendors offside.  If you’re lucky, the vendor may know how a property makeover can help in terms of generating a profitable sale; they just don’t know the steps to take.

If they don’t see any value in a property makeover, this is where you can offer a quick reality check by showing examples of recent sales and how they were presented to help the vendor understand that their property is not in a competitive position to yield the desired sales results. However with some professional help from a Property Makeover Specialist, you can help your vendor to achieve a faster and more profitable sale.

Tom Panos

Tom Panos Shares His Listing Presentation Strategy

Agents can use rivals’ listing brochures as a way to stand out in the lounge room and position themselves as local experts.

As a coach to some of the top million dollar agents across Australasia, here’s a listing presentation tip to differentiate yourself that has proven to work.

Firstly, you need to visit the open homes in your farm area, collect brochures, making notes about the properties – and then bring this portfolio of marketing material and analysis to the listing presentations.

Then the next time you’re at a listing presentation you can sit in front of a vendor and say: 

“I’d like to let you know that when your home comes on the market you will be in competition, not in isolation. My job is to make sure that I know everything about every home that you’re up against. Let me show you the homes that your property is competing against.”

Rob Groat Real Estate Franchise

Real Estate Franchise Principal Moves to One Agency

Prior to joining One Agency in January 2016, Rob Groat owned a Ray White franchise.

He wanted to seek a break from the traditional real estate franchise model which was becoming restrictive, increasing in cost and less personal to work under.  

Rob, who has been in real estate since January 2003, and his business partner, Tom Paton, opened One Agency Albury Wodonga on the border of Victoria and NSW. The opportunity to gain full control of their business and yet have the support of modern technology and marketing – plus the fact that they retain 100% of commission – were both major draw cards in their decision to join One Agency.

“We briefly thought about starting up as an independent agency,” says Rob, “but the work and worry of setting up the support structures and systems soon ruled that out. After a good deal of research we just couldn’t find any negative reason to not want to join One Agency and we had no concerns from that point that this was the correct move to make for our business.”

Making the decision to commit to a new career move is often terrifying. With a supportive network of fellow One Agency members, however, Rob was both well informed and well prepared when it came to making the final choice. Before opening the Albury Wodonga agency, he said he spoke to “6 to 8 established offices [of One Agency]”, all in various areas of Australia. Along with One Agency’s efficient and streamlined setup, the initial process ran – asserts Rob – ‘smoothly’.

Despite a smooth setup process and a supportive list of contacts, leaving a big agency like Ray White doesn’t come without an inevitable barrage of ‘what if’s?’ For Rob, it was a little under 5 years before he was finally able to put his desire to leave the company into action. Initially, fearing the enormity of setting up as an independent agency, he considered signing a new franchise. Fortunately, that changed when he was made aware of the One Agency brand and the freedom it would allow him as an agent and business owner.

Mark Mitchell One Agency

Mark Mitchell Invests Commission Back Into His Own Business

Mark Mitchell opened his One Agency business in January 2016 and is trading as One Agency Mark Mitchell Real Estate in the Geelong region of Victoria.

He wasn’t interested in going with a traditional franchise and didn’t want to take the risk of setting up as an independent agent, so the One Agency business model appealed to him.

“Being my own boss and also the decision maker was a big deciding factor for me,” says Mark, who has worked in real estate for the past 5 years. “I also love to have the flexibility to make challenging calls on winning a listing or losing one.”

Other factors that resonated with Mark were: receiving 100% of his commission directly back into his business. He also flags that cash-flow in any business is critical and so being paid in a timely manner was a huge factor.

“To wait a month after settlement to get paid for work I busted my butt off to get was so frustrating,” he says. “It really annoyed me, how, as the agent I was always the one who got paid last, weeks after the office and marketing were paid. I saw a lot of agents leave the industry because of this.”

“I was spending thousands on marketing myself and branding the company’s name, mostly  out of my own pocket, then having to split a great chunk of it away. I thought that if I’m paying to brand someone else’s business myself, with no marketing budget allowance from them, then I’d be better off spending my money on my own business, keeping all the commission and invest it back into marketing for myself.”

Prepare their property for market

How to Convert your Vendors to a Property Makeover


As a real estate agent, with each listing you sign, you will deploy all the usual traditional and digital marketing strategies to get the property seen by every potential buyer possible. A property makeover can mean a more profitable and efficient sale, increased purchaser competition and a shorter time on the market. We all know how much easier it can be to sell a beautifully presented property.

Here are some of the questions and answers that your vendors may have about property styling and ways to help sell the idea of some professional styling services.

What exactly is a pre-sale property makeover?

A pre-sale property makeover is the carefully developed strategy and then the practical implementation of the steps required to transform a property into its best light. It is designed to uncover the hidden gems of an individual property, and to create buyer appeal to the right market along with the guidance of a real estate agent.  These value-add strategies are accomplished through coordinated appraisal, planning, and implementation with the help of a property makeover specialist and can make tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars difference to the sale price.

Why is it important to prepare a home for sale?

A property should never go stale by sitting on the market for too long. When a property is first listed, if marketed properly, presented well and of course if vendor expectations are realistic and within current market conditions, to it should generate enough interest to sell within a fairly short period of time. Timing is a crucial factor, market sentiment is a great influencer, and profit maximisation depends on the property’s appeal and value to the prospective buyer at the best time to sell – when it first goes on the market.

first home buyers

REB Annual Top 100 Agents 2016

The countdown has begun to find Australia’s number ONE agent in REB’s Annual Top 100 Agents for 2016. Will that be you?

Entries are now open for the annual Top 100 Agents ranking, with submissions due by 12 February. 

The ranking applies to settled sales for the 2015 calendar year, and will be calculated based on dollar volumes, number of properties sold and average sale price.

This report will be based on an agent’s 2015 calendar year settled residential sales. The ranking will be based on a number of key metrics, namely dollar volumes, number of properties sold and average sale price.

Although everyone on the Top 100 Agents ranking posted outstanding results, it was possible to make the list with volumes of less than $70 million and an average sale price of less than $560,000.

REB editor Nick Bendel said it will be interesting to see how many first-timers make this year’s ranking after 36 new faces appeared in 2015.

“Some outstanding young agents have been making waves in the past few years, and a place on the Top 100 Agents ranking would send a strong message that they’ve really arrived,” he said.

Real Estate Business Cashflow

FREE Real Estate Business Cashflow & Cost Forecast 2016

It’s that time of year when many of us reassess where our lives are heading, when we might consider making a few changes for the better and set some goals.

If you’re a real estate agent who works for someone else, then you are part of your employer’s wealth creation process. And that can be fine for a while, especially at the start of your real estate career when you need someone to show you the ropes.

But when you start to feel as though you are putting copious amounts of your blood sweat and tears into someone else’s business, along with long hours, and the rewards just aren’t enough, then it may be time to consider setting up your own real estate business.

We will share a suggested real estate business cashflow spreadsheet and a cost forecast for 2016 at the end of this article, to help you get started with planning the financial side of opening a new venture.

Running your own business is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do, yes it can be hard, but most challenges are, and we develop and grow by setting ourselves new challenges to overcome. All you really need is the ability to list and sell property. If you’re confident that you have that skill, then the other requirements for business ownership can be learned, coached or outsourced.

Real Estate Business

A New Year’s Revolution in Real Estate for 2016

If you want to have a more secure future as a real estate agent, then you may be considering how you can create a new year’s revolution and build a profitable and sustainable real estate business.

Many people don’t realise that running a business is actually within their ability, dismissing the idea without properly exploring and understanding what it’s really about, before making an informed decision whether or not it may suit them.

But the fear of doing something is always greater than actually doing it. You don’t know that you can’t do something until you’ve tried. Running a business is now easier and more affordable than ever before, but how do you get started? Independent or Franchise?

In the real estate industry it’s almost impossible, as an independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in your local marketplace.

Buying into an established franchise is both constraining and costly, so we’ve created a business model with One Agency, that is seen by real estate industry observers as the Disrupter model for our industry. A disrupter business strategy radically changes a product and service in an industry, replacing the old with the new.

At One Agency we are different and we love the fact that we are different. We’re a licensing arrangement, not a franchise, and offer a more efficient and economical solution for agents where you can operate your own business at a fraction of the cost of a usual real estate business and keep 100% of your fees.

One Agency

Illawarra Real Estate Agent Chases 3rd Sydney to Hobart Win

Illawarra real estate agent, Wollongong’s Ty Oxley and owner of One Agency Oxley Property Group will be part of the Perpetual Loyal crew for the Sydney to Hobart yacht race this Boxing Day.

A former professional sailor, Ty has sailed and competed in ten Sydney to Hobart yacht races and has been on the winning crew twice, once on Perpetual Loyal in 2011.

“I left Wollongong when I was 16 years old, and followed my dream of sailing career on the race circuit in Italy and France,” he says. “Ocean racing is in my blood, there’s nothing better than flying down the coast in the middle of the night, surfing down waves and hoping not to get wiped out! The thrill is amazing.”

It’s a busy time of year for Ty, who opened his real estate business earlier this year (2015) but he’s hoping to have most of his work done by the time the starting cannon fires in Sydney Harbour on December 26th.

As an engineer for Sydney to Hobart line honours contender Perpetual Loyal, the Illawarra real estate agent will make sure that all the systems are in place, trouble-shoot any issues, as well as helping set the 100-foot maxi on the right course.

Bryan Gamarra One Agency

This Real Estate Agent Says ‘You’ll Never Look Back’

Real Estate Agent, Bryan Gamarra from One Agency Gammarra & Co. in North Canberra, ACT, joined One Agency in June 2015. 

He’s been in real estate for almost nine years.

“I heard about One Agency through a buddy of mine during a business dinner we had as we were discussing the possibility to open our own real estate business. What attracted me to One Agency was the simple, no fuss and inexpensive business model,” says Bryan.

It was important to him to keep his rental leads and grow a dynamic rental portfolio. He also liked that he could work his choice of hours and not have to work a typical 9-5.

“I really enjoy helping people. The feeling I get when I give back to the community is what drives me as a real estate agent.”

The set up process into his new business was simple and straightforward and head office helped with their responsive support. Plus the other local members in Canberra offered their time and expertise.


foreign investment

Massive Enquiry for One Agency Licenses in NZ

One Agency Founder & CEO, Paul Davies visited New Zealand earlier this month, with John Stewart, a former industry leader across the Tasman, who spearheads the roll out of the brand and the One Agency Licenses into NZ.

They toured between the four main centres; Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin over five days and met with 21 groups of real estate agents interested in the One Agency Licenses.

“It was an absolute whirlwind tour for us and great to get back to my home country. The brand is generating a huge amount of interest over there with the business model  striking a timely chord with agents and office owners reviewing their share of retained income against the value delivered by their present employer or network,” says John.

There are two licensees already up and running since the Spring launch across the Tasman, with another five undergoing the set-up process. Three additional new members with licenses in place areas are about to commence setup.

“We’re able to offer a rapid turnaround once the paperwork is in place. We’ve had offices ready and listing property within a couple of weeks, such is the simplicity of the model driven by head office and our business partners,” he says.